enum _state
state_data, //we expect a data byte
state_code, //we expect a code
state_option //we expect an option
enum _option
TOPT_BIN = 0, // Binary Transmission
TOPT_ECHO = 1, // Echo
TOPT_RECN = 2, // Reconnection
TOPT_SUPP = 3, // Suppress Go Ahead
TOPT_APRX = 4, // Approx Message Size Negotiation
TOPT_STAT = 5, // Status
TOPT_TIM = 6, // Timing Mark
TOPT_REM = 7, // Remote Controlled Trans and Echo
TOPT_OLW = 8, // Output Line Width
TOPT_OPS = 9, // Output Page Size
TOPT_OCRD = 10, // Output Carriage-Return Disposition
TOPT_OHT = 11, // Output Horizontal Tabstops
TOPT_OHTD = 12, // Output Horizontal Tab Disposition
TOPT_OFD = 13, // Output Formfeed Disposition
TOPT_OVT = 14, // Output Vertical Tabstops
TOPT_OVTD = 15, // Output Vertical Tab Disposition
TOPT_OLD = 16, // Output Linefeed Disposition
TOPT_EXT = 17, // Extended ASCII
TOPT_LOGO = 18, // Logout
TOPT_BYTE = 19, // Byte Macro
TOPT_DATA = 20, // Data Entry Terminal
TOPT_SUPO = 22, // SUPDUP Output
TOPT_SNDL = 23, // Send Location
TOPT_TERM = 24, // Terminal Type
TOPT_EOR = 25, // End of Record
TOPT_TACACS = 26, // TACACS User Identification
TOPT_OM = 27, // Output Marking
TOPT_TLN = 28, // Terminal Location Number
TOPT_3270 = 29, // Telnet 3270 Regime
TOPT_X3 = 30, // X.3 PAD
TOPT_NAWS = 31, // Negotiate About Window Size
TOPT_TS = 32, // Terminal Speed
TOPT_RFC = 33, // Remote Flow Control
TOPT_LINE = 34, // Linemode
TOPT_XDL = 35, // X Display Location
TOPT_ENVIR = 36,// Telnet Environment Option
TOPT_AUTH = 37, // Telnet Authentication Option
TOPT_NENVIR = 39,// Telnet Environment Option
TOPT_EXTOP = 255, // Extended-Options-List
TOPT_ERROR = 256 // Magic number