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  • [原创]Matlab 获取当前时间信息


    基本变量 date、now、clock

    1. date 按照日期字符串返回当前系统时间
    2. now 按照连续的日期数值返回当前系统时间
    3. clock 按照日期向量格式返回当前系统时间
    >> date, now, clock
    ans =
    ans =
    ans =
       1.0e+03 *
        2.0160    0.0050    0.0150    0.0170    0.0100    0.0195

    使用 year、month、day 等函数获取

    可以使用的获取函数有 year, month, day, hour, minute, second,其作用是从第一部分讲到的字符串和连续型日期时间个时钟提取信息。

    >> [year(date), year(now)]
    ans =
            2016        2016


    >> year(clock)
    ans =
         5     0     0     0     0     0

    其他函数 datestr 等


    >> datestr(date), datestr(now), datestr(clock)
    ans =
    ans =
    15-May-2016 17:20:03
    ans =
    15-May-2016 17:20:03

    有关于 datestr 函数和其他相关类似的函数,可以通过 help datestr 或者 doc datestr 进行访问查看。以下为摘取部分(有删减)

    >> help datestr
     datestr String representation of date.
        S = datestr(D, F) converts one or more date vectors, serial date
        numbers, or date strings D into the same number of date strings S.
        Input argument F is a format number or string that determines the
        format of the date string output. Valid values for F are given in Table
        1, below. Input F may also contain a free-form date format string
        consisting of format tokens as shown in Table 2, below. 
     	Table 1: Standard MATLAB Date format definitions
        Number           String                   Example
           0             'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS'   01-Mar-2000 15:45:17 
           1             'dd-mmm-yyyy'            01-Mar-2000  
           2             'mm/dd/yy'               03/01/00     
           3             'mmm'                    Mar          
           4             'm'                      M            
           5             'mm'                     03            
           6             'mm/dd'                  03/01        
           7             'dd'                     01            
           8             'ddd'                    Wed          
           9             'd'                      W            
          10             'yyyy'                   2000         
          11             'yy'                     00           
          12             'mmmyy'                  Mar00        
          13             'HH:MM:SS'               15:45:17     
          14             'HH:MM:SS PM'             3:45:17 PM  
          15             'HH:MM'                  15:45        
          16             'HH:MM PM'                3:45 PM     
          17             'QQ-YY'                  Q1-96        
          18             'QQ'                     Q1           
          19             'dd/mm'                  01/03        
          20             'dd/mm/yy'               01/03/00     
          21             'mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS'   Mar.01,2000 15:45:17 
          22             'mmm.dd,yyyy'            Mar.01,2000  
          23             'mm/dd/yyyy'             03/01/2000 
          24             'dd/mm/yyyy'             01/03/2000 
          25             'yy/mm/dd'               00/03/01 
          26             'yyyy/mm/dd'             2000/03/01 
          27             'QQ-YYYY'                Q1-1996        
          28             'mmmyyyy'                Mar2000        
          29 (ISO 8601)  'yyyy-mm-dd'             2000-03-01
          30 (ISO 8601)  'yyyymmddTHHMMSS'        20000301T154517 
          31             'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'    2000-03-01 15:45:17 
     	datestr(now) returns '24-Jan-2003 11:58:15' for that particular date,
     	on an US English locale datestr(now,2) returns 01/24/03, the same as
     	for datestr(now,'mm/dd/yy') datestr(now,'dd.mm.yyyy') returns
     	24.01.2003 To convert a non-standard date form into a standard MATLAB
     	dateform, first convert the non-standard date form to a date number,
     	using DATENUM, for example, 
     	datestr(DATENUM('24.01.2003','dd.mm.yyyy'),2) returns 01/24/03.
     	See also date, datenum, datevec, datetick.
  • 相关阅读:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/airbird/p/11455191.html
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