Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.
Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
This problem is trivial, if you really understand the principle to construct a Roman number. It is really really very very simple! Note: Keep in mind!!! The character used in roman number include digit weight, but for numerial system it based on position. Thus you should find a way to convert the digit weight(in positional representation) into digital weight(through character combination) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int digit_weight = (int)Math.pow(10, 3-i); int digit = num / digit_weight; switch (digit) { ... } }
public class Solution { public String intToRoman(int num) { if (num <= 0 || num > 3999) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed in argument is illegal"); StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); HashMap<Integer, Character> map = new HashMap<Integer, Character> (); map.put(1, 'I'); map.put(5, 'V'); map.put(10, 'X'); map.put(50, 'L'); map.put(100, 'C'); map.put(500, 'D'); map.put(1000, 'M'); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int digit_weight = (int)Math.pow(10, 3-i); int digit = num / digit_weight; switch (digit) { case 1 : ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 2 : ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 3: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 4: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 5)); break; case 5: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 5)); break; case 6: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 5)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 7: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 5)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 8: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 5)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); break; case 9: ret.append(map.get(digit_weight)); ret.append(map.get(digit_weight * 10)); break; } num = num % digit_weight; } return ret.toString(); } }