package com.ebizwindow.crm.utils; import java.util.List; import com.ebizwindow.crm.constants.SqlConst; import com.ebizwindow.crm.constants.TableConst; import com.ebizwindow.crm.model.TableDefinition; import com.ebizwindow.crm.portlet.base.SystemStatus; import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.OpportunityLocalServiceUtil; import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.TableDefinitionLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool; public class SQLUtil { private static final String PK_COLUMN_CREATEUSERID = "createUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_EDITUSERID = "editUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_AUDITUSERID = "auditUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CLOSEUSERID = "closeUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONFIRMUSERID = "confirmUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_REQUESTUSERID = "requestUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_EXECUTORID = "executorId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_SUBMITUSERID = "submitUserId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_OWNERID = "ownerId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_UPID = "upId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CUSTOMERID = "customerId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONTACTID = "contactId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONTRACTID = "contractId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_OPPORTUNITYID = "opportunityId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_QUOTATIONID = "quotationId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_CLUEID = "clueId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_ACTIVITYID = "activityId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_MARKETID = "marketId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_SALESTEMPLATEID = "salesTemplateId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_DEPARTMENTID = "departmentId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_PRODUCTID = "productId"; private static final String PK_COLUMN_PROJECTID = "projectId"; public static String getQueryValue(String queryValue, String columnName, long companyId) throws SystemException { String results = StringPool.BLANK; String query = StringPool.BLANK; if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CREATEUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_EDITUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_AUDITUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_OWNERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CLOSEUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONFIRMUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_REQUESTUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_SUBMITUSERID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_EXECUTORID) ) { query = "select userId from User_ where firstName like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_UPID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CUSTOMERID)) { query = "select customerId from CRM_Customer where chineseName like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONTACTID)) { query = "select contactId from CRM_Contact where chineseName like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_MARKETID)) { query = "select marketId from CRM_Market where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CLUEID)) { query = "select clueId from CRM_Clue where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_OPPORTUNITYID)) { query = "select opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity where topic like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_QUOTATIONID)) { query = "select quotationId from CRM_Quotation where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONTRACTID)) { query = "select contractId from CRM_Contract where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_ACTIVITYID)) { query = "select activityId from CRM_Activity where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_SALESTEMPLATEID)) { query = "select salesTemplateId from CRM_SalesTemplate where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_PRODUCTID)) { query = "select productId from CRM_Product where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_DEPARTMENTID)) { query = "select departmentId from OPERATOR_Department where departmentName like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_PROJECTID)) { query = "select projectId from CRM_Project where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'"; } query += " and companyId = '" + companyId + "'"; List<Long> entityIDs = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(query, -1, -1); String entityIDsStr = entityIDs.toString(); results = StringPool.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + entityIDsStr.subSequence(1, entityIDsStr.length() - 1) + StringPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS; return results; } public static String symbolToString(String symbol, String value) { String str = StringPool.BLANK; if (!symbol.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) { if (symbol.equals("eq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.EQUAL)) { str = " = '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("gt") || symbol.equals(StringPool.GREATER_THAN)) { str = " > '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("lt") || symbol.equals(StringPool.LESS_THAN)) { str = " < '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("gteq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) { str = " >= '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("lteq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) { str = " <= '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("ne") || symbol.equals(StringPool.NOT_EQUAL)) { str = " <> '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("c")) { str = " like '%" + value + "%'"; } else if (symbol.equals("sl")) { str = " like '" + value + "%'"; } else if (symbol.equals("sr")) { str = " like '%" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("nn")) { str = " <> '' "; } else if (symbol.equals("n")) { str = " = '' "; } else if (symbol.equals("isn")) { str = " is null "; } else if (symbol.equals("!eq")) { str = " != '" + value + "'"; } else if (symbol.equals("tc")) { str = " in " + value; } } else { str = " = '' "; } return str; } public static String getActivitySQL(long userId) throws SystemException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select activity.activityId from CRM_Activity activity where (activity.executorId in ") .append(OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.ACTIVITY)) .append(" or activity.createUserId in ") .append(OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.ACTIVITY)) .append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public static String getCustomerSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select customer.customerId from CRM_Customer customer where (customer.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId, TableConst.CUSTOMER) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getContactSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select contact.contactId from CRM_Contact contact where (contact.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTACT) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getContactTop10SQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select contact.contactId from CRM_Contact contact where (contact.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTACT) + ") order by contact.createDate limit 10 "; return sql; } public static String getContractSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select contract.contractId from CRM_Contract contract where (contract.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTRACT) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getMarketSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select market.marketId from CRM_Market market where (market.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.MARKET) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getClueSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select clue.clueId from CRM_Clue clue where (clue.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CLUE) + ") and clue.auditStatus='"+SystemStatus.Audit.getStatus()+"'"; return sql; } public static String getOpportunitySQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select opportunity.opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where (opportunity.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.OPPORTUNITY) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getOpportunityTop10SQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select opportunity.opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where (opportunity.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.OPPORTUNITY) + ") order by opportunity.createDate limit 10"; return sql; } public static String getQuotationSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select quotation.quotationId from CRM_Quotation quotation where (quotation.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.QUOTATION) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getOrderSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select order_.orderId from CRM_Order order_ where (order_.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.ORDER) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getProductSQL(long companyId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select product.productId from CRM_Product product where product.companyId = '" + companyId + "'"; return sql; } public static String getRPlanSQL(long userId) throws SystemException { String sql = "select receivablesPlan.receivablesPlanId from CRM_ReceivablesPlan receivablesPlan where (receivablesPlan.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.RPLAN) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getRRecordSQL(long userId) throws SystemException{ String sql = "select receivablesRecord.receivablesRecordId from CRM_ReceivablesRecord receivablesRecord where (receivablesRecord.ownerId in " + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.RRECORD) + ")"; return sql; } public static String getSQLBeginningByTableDefinitionId(long tableDefinitionId) throws PortalException, SystemException { String result = ""; TableDefinition tableDefinition = TableDefinitionLocalServiceUtil.getTableDefinition(tableDefinitionId); String tableName = tableDefinition.getTableName(); if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Customer)) { result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Customer)) { result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Contact)) { result = SqlConst.CONTACT_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Market)) { result = SqlConst.MARKET_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Clue)) { result = SqlConst.CLUE_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Activity)) { result = SqlConst.ACTIVITY_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Opportunity)) { result = SqlConst.OPPORTUNITY_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Quotation)) { result = SqlConst.QUOTATION_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Contract)) { result = SqlConst.CONTRACT_SQL_BEGINNING; } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Product)) { result = SqlConst.PRODUCT_SQL_BEGINNING; } else { result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING; } return result; } public static String filterQuery(String columnName){ if (columnName.equals("type") || columnName.equals("code")) { return columnName + StringPool.UNDERLINE; } else { return columnName; } } //private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(SQLUtil.class); }