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  • [抄书]The Layers pattern

    Pattern Oriented Software Architecture V1

    From Mud to Structure

    The Layers pattern (31)

    helps to structure applications that can be
    decomposed into groups of subtasks in which each group of
    subtasks is at a particular level of abstraction.

    Networking protocols are probably the best-known example of layered
     A large system that requires decomposition.
    Imagine that you are designing a system whose dominant
    characteristic is a mix of low- and high-level issues, where high-level
    operations rely on the lower-level ones.
    Such systems often also require some horizontal structuring that is
    orthogonal to their vertical subdivision. This is the case where several
    operations are on the same level of abstraction but are largely independent
    of each other.
    Structure your system into an appropriate number of layers and
    place them on top of each other.
    The main structural characteristic of the Layers pattern is that the
    services of Layer J are only used by Layer J + 1-there are no further
    direct dependencies between layers. This structure can be compared
    with a stack. or even an onion. Each individual layer shields all lower
    layers from direct access by higher layers.

    Scenario I is probably the best-known one. A client Issues a request
    to Layer N. Since Layer N cannot cany out the request on its own. it
    calls the next Layer N - 1 for supporting subtasks. Layer N - I provides
    these. In the process sending further requests to Layer N-2. and so
    on until Layer I 1s reached. Here, the lowest-level servlces are finally
    performed. If necessary, replies to the different requests are passed
    back up from Layer 1 to Layer 2, kom Layer 2 to Layer 3, and so on
    until the final reply arrives at Layer N.
    A characteristic of such top-down communication Is that Layer J
    often translates a slngle request from Layer J+1 Into several requests
    to Layer J- 1. This is due to the fact that Layer J is on a hlgher level of
    abstraction than Layer J- 1 and has to map a hlgh-level service onto
    more prlmlUve ones.

    Scenario II illustrates bottom-up communicaUon-a chaln of actions
    starts at Layer 1, for example when a device driver detects input. The
    driver translates the lnput into an Internal format and reports it to
    Layer 2. which starts lnterpreting it, and so on. In thls way data
    moves up through the layers until It arrives at the highest layer. While
    top-down lnformauon and control flow are often described as
    'requests'. bottom-up calls can be termed 'notifications'.
    As mentioned in Scenario I, one top-down request often fans out to
    several requests in lower layers. In contrast. several bottom-up noUfications
    may either be condensed into a slngle notificauon higher In
    the structure. or remain in a I : I relationship.

    Scenario III descrlbes the situation where requests only travel
    through a subset of the layers. A top-level request may only go to the
    next lower level N- 1 lf this level can satisfy the request. An example
    of this is where level N- 1 acts as a cache. and a request from level N
    can be satisfied without being sent all the way down to Layer 1 and
    from here to a remote server. Note that such caching layers mafntain
    state information, while layers that only forward requests are often
    stateless. Stateless layers usually have the advantage of being
    simpler to program, particularly with respect to re-entrancy.

    Scenario IV describes a situation similar to Scenario 111. An event is
    detected in Layer 1, but stops at Layer 3 instead of traveling all the
    way up to Layer N. In a communication protocol, for example, a resend
    request may arrive from an impatient client who requested data
    some time ago. In the meantime the server has already sent the
    answer, and the answer and the re-send request cross. In this case,
    Layer 3 of the server side may notice this and intercept the re-send
    request without further action.

    Scenario V involves two stacks of N layers communicating with each
    other. This scenario is well-known from communication protocols
    where the stacks are known as 'protocol stacks'. In the following
    diagram, Layer N of the left stack issues a request. 'The request moves
    down through the layers until it reaches Layer 1, is sent to Layer 1 of
    the right stack, and there moves up through the layers of the right
    stack. The response to the request follows the reverse path until it
    arrives at Layer N of the left stack.
    Implementation p38
    Not all the following steps are mandatory-it depends on your
    1 Define the abstraction criterion for grouping tasks into layers.
    2 Determine the number of abstraction levels according to your
     abstraction criterion.
    3 Name the layers and assign tasks to each of them
    4 Specih the services.
    5 Refine the layering.
    6 Specify an interface for each layer.
    7 Structure indivzdual layers.
    8 Specth the communication between adjacent layers.
    9 Decouple adjacent layers.
    10 Design an error-handling strategy.
    Example Resolved
    Relaxed Layered System
    This is a variant of the Layers pattern that
    is less restrictive about the relationship between layers.In a Relaxed
    Layered System each layer may use the services of all layers below it,
    not only of the next lower layer. A layer may also be partially opaquethis
    means that some of its services are only visible to the next higher
    layer, while others are visible to all higher layers. The gain of flexibility
    and performance in a Relaxed Layered System is paid for by a loss of

    Layering Through Inheritance
    This variant can be found in some object-oriented systems. In this variant
    lower layers are implemented as base classes. A higher layer requesting
    services from a lower layer inherits from the lower layer's
    implementation and hence can issue requests to the base class
    services. An advantage of this scheme is that higher layers can modify
    lower-layer services according to their needs. A drawback is that such
    an inheritance relationship closely ties the higher layer to the lower
    layer. If for example the data layout of a C++ base class changes, all
    subclasses must be recompiled. Such unintentional dependencies
    introduced by inheritance are also known as the fragile base class

    Known Uses
    Virtual Machines.
    Information Systems (IS)
     Presentation 、Application logic、Domain layer、Database
    Windows NT
    Reuse of layers.
    Support for standardization.
    Dependencies are kept local.
    See Also
    Composite Message.
    A Microkernel architecture
    The PAC architectural pattern

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    Hadoop 平台搭建
    Linux 常用命令
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aiwz/p/6333179.html
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