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  • nasm astrncat_s函数 x86


    %define p1 ebp+8
    %define p2 ebp+12
    %define p3 ebp+16
    %define p4 ebp+20
    section .text
      global dllmain
      export astrncat_s
      mov eax,1
      ret 12
    ;	将字符追加到字符串
      push ebp
      mov ebp,esp
      sub esp,8
      mov [ebp-4],ebx
      mov ecx,[p1]	; char *strDest
      mov eax,[p2]	; size_t numberOfElements
      mov edx,[p3]	; const char *strSource
      mov ebx,[p4]	; size_t count
      ; get strDest end
      test eax,eax
      jz .return
      cmp byte [ecx],0
      je .eachCopy
      inc ecx
      dec eax
      jmp .for1
      test ebx,ebx
      jz .return
      test eax,eax
      jz .return
      mov [ebp-8],ebx
      ; copy
      mov bl,byte [edx]
      test bl,bl
      je .return
      mov byte [ecx],bl
      ; next
      mov ebx,[ebp-8]
      inc ecx
      inc edx
      dec eax
      dec ebx
      jmp .eachCopy
      xor eax,eax
      mov ebx,[ebp+4]
      add esp,8
      mov esp,ebp
      pop ebp
      ret 16


    #include <iostream>
    #include <Windows.h>
    typedef int (CALLBACK* astrncat_s_t)(char* strDest, size_t numberOfElements, const char* strSource, size_t count); 
    astrncat_s_t astrncat_s;
    int main()
      HMODULE myDLL = LoadLibraryA("xxx.dll");
      astrncat_s = (astrncat_s_t)GetProcAddress(myDLL, "astrncat_s");
      char s1[10] = "ab";
      const char* s2 = "cde";
      strncat_s(s1, sizeof(s1), s2, 2);
    ", s1); // abcd
      char s3[10] = "ab";
      const char* s4 = "cde";
      astrncat_s(s3, sizeof(s3), s4, 2);
    ", s3); // abcd
      return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ajanuw/p/13742387.html
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