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  • MariaDB数据库(三)

    1. 基本查询



    1> 创建students表用作实验

    MariaDB [testdb]> drop table students;                    #删除上节创建的表
    MariaDB [testdb]> create table students (                 #创建students表
        ->     id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
        ->     name varchar(20) default '',
        ->     age tinyint unsigned default 0,
        ->     high decimal(5,2),
        ->     gender enum('', '', '中性', '保密') default '保密',
        ->     cls_id int unsigned default 0,
        ->     is_delete bit default 0
        -> );
    MariaDB [testdb]> show table students;                    #给表里面写入数据
    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'students' at line 1
    MariaDB [testdb]> insert into students values
        -> (0,'小明',18,180.00,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'小月月',19,180.00,1,2,0),
        -> (0,'彭于晏',28,185.00,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'刘德华',58,175.00,1,2,0),
        -> (0,'黄蓉',108,160.00,2,1,0),
        -> (0,'凤姐',44,150.00,4,2,1),
        -> (0,'王祖贤',52,170.00,2,1,1),
        -> (0,'周杰伦儿',34,null,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'程坤',44,181.00,1,2,0),
        -> (0,'和珅',55,166.00,1,2,0),
        -> (0,'刘亦菲',29,162.00,2,3,0),
        -> (0,'金星',45,180.00,3,4,0),
        -> (0,'静香',18,170.00,2,4,0),
        -> (0,'郭靖',22,167.00,1,5,0),
        -> (0,'周杰',33,178.00,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'钱小豪',56,178.00,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'谢霆锋',38,175.00,1,1,0),
        -> (0,'陈冠希',38,175.00,1,1,0);

    2> 查询 


      格式: select * from 表名

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students;
    +----+---------------+-- ---+-------+----------+--------+---------+
    | id | name          | age  | high  | gender  | cls_id |is_delete |
    +----+--------------+----- -+--------+--------+--------+----------+
    |  1 | 小明          |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  2 | 小月月        |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏        |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华        |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  5 | 黄蓉          |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐          |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |          |
    |  7 | 王祖贤        |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿      |   34 | NULL   | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  9 | 程坤         |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅         |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |   29 | 162.00 | 女     |      3 |           |
    | 12 | 金星         |   45 | 180.00 | 中性   |      4 |           |
    | 13 | 静香         |   18 | 170.00 | 女     |      4 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |   22 | 167.00 | 男     |      5 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰         |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    +----+---------- --+------+--------+--------+-------+------------+
    18 rows in set (0.001 sec)


    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where id>5;  #支持条件表达式、逻辑语言and、&&、or、||
    | id | name      | age  | high   | gender | cls_id  | is_delete |
    |  6 | 凤姐      |   44 | 150.00 | 保密    |    2    |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤    |   52 | 170.00 | 女      |    1    |           |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿   |   34 | NULL   | 男     |    1    |           |
    |  9 | 程坤      |   44 | 181.00 | 男      |      2  |           |
    | 10 | 和珅      |   55 | 166.00 | 男      |      2  |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲    |   29 | 162.00 | 女      |      3  |           |
    | 12 | 金星      |   45 | 180.00 | 中性    |      4  |           |
    | 13 | 静香      |   18 | 170.00 | 女      |      4  |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖      |   22 | 167.00 | 男      |      5  |           |
    | 15 | 周杰      |   33 | 178.00 | 男      |      1  |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪    |   56 | 178.00 | 男      |      1  |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋    |   38 | 175.00 | 男      |      1  |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希    |   38 | 175.00 | 男      |      1  |           |

    select * from语句虽然简单,但对于企业来说,数据量特别大,使用该命令会列出所有的数据,严重影响内存。一般不直接用该命令。

    3> 查看指定列

    MariaDB [testdb]> select id,name from students;
    | id | name         |
    |  1 | 小明         |
    |  2 | 小月月       |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |
    |  5 | 黄蓉         |
    |  6 | 凤姐         |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |
    |  9 | 程坤         |
    | 10 | 和珅         |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |
    | 12 | 金星         |
    | 13 | 静香         |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |
    | 15 | 周杰         |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |



    MariaDB [testdb]> select students.id,students.name from students;
    | id | name         |
    |  1 | 小明         |
    |  2 | 小月月       |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |
    |  5 | 黄蓉         |
    |  6 | 凤姐         |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |
    |  9 | 程坤         |
    | 10 | 和珅         |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |
    | 12 | 金星         |
    | 13 | 静香         |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |
    | 15 | 周杰         |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |

    5> 给表起别名查询


    MariaDB [testdb]> select s.id,s.name from students as s;
    | id | name         |
    |  1 | 小明         |
    |  2 | 小月月       |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |
    |  5 | 黄蓉         |
    |  6 | 凤姐         |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |
    |  9 | 程坤         |
    | 10 | 和珅         |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |
    | 12 | 金星         |
    | 13 | 静香         |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |
    | 15 | 周杰         |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |



    MariaDB [testdb]> select distinct age from students;
    | age  |
    |   18 |
    |   19 |
    |   28 |
    |   58 |
    |  108 |
    |   44 |
    |   52 |
    |   34 |
    |   55 |
    |   29 |
    |   45 |
    |   22 |
    |   33 |
    |   56 |
    |   38 |


    7> 条件查询

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age > 18;
    | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  2 | 小月月       |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  5 | 黄蓉         |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐         |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |          |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  9 | 程坤         |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅         |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |   29 | 162.00 | 女     |      3 |           |
    | 12 | 金星         |   45 | 180.00 | 中性   |      4 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |   22 | 167.00 | 男     |      5 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰         |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age between 18 and 28;
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age>=18 and age<=28; 
    | id | name      | age  | high  | gender | cls_id  | is_delete |
    |  1 | 小明      |   18  | 180.00 | 男     |     1  |           |
    |  2 | 小月月    |   19  | 180.00 | 男     |     2  |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏    |   28  | 185.00 | 男     |     1  |           |
    | 13 | 静香      |   18  | 170.00 | 女     |     4  |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖      |   22  | 167.00 | 男     |     5  |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age>18 or high>180;
    | id | name          | age  | high   |gender  |cls_id  |is_delete  |
    |  2 | 小月月        |   19 | 180.00 | 男      |      2 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏        |   28 | 185.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华        |   58 | 175.00 | 男      |      2 |           |
    |  5 | 黄蓉          |  108 | 160.00 | 女      |      1 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐          |   44 | 150.00 | 保密    |      2 |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤        |   52 | 170.00 | 女      |      1 |           |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿      |   34 | NULL   | 男      |      1 |            |
    |  9 | 程坤          |   44 | 181.00 | 男      |      2 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅          |   55 | 166.00 | 男      |      2 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲        |   29 | 162.00 | 女      |      3 |           |
    | 12 | 金星          |   45 | 180.00 | 中性    |      4 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖          |   22 | 167.00 | 男      |      5 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰          |   33 | 178.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪        |   56 | 178.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋        |   38 | 175.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希        |   38 | 175.00 | 男      |      1 |           |

    8> 模糊查询


            %    替代0个或多个,与shell里的命令*相同

            __    代表一个字符

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where name like '%锋%';
    | id  | name     | age  | high    | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋     |  38  | 175.00  | 男     |     1  |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where name like '__'+----+--------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+
    | id | name   | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  1 | 小明   |   18 | 180.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    |  5 | 黄蓉   |  108 | 160.00 | 女      |      1 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐   |   44 | 150.00 | 保密    |      2 |           |
    |  9 | 程坤   |   44 | 181.00 | 男      |      2 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅   |   55 | 166.00 | 男      |      2 |           |  
    | 12 | 金星   |   45 | 180.00 | 中性    |      4 |           |
    | 13 | 静香   |   18 | 170.00 | 女      |      4 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖   |   22 | 167.00 | 男      |      5 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰   |   33 | 178.00 | 男      |      1 |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where name like '___%';
    | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  2 | 小月月       |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |   29 | 162.00 | 女     |      3 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    #查询名字中带有锋的数据 MariaDB [testdb]
    > select * from students where name like '%锋%'; +----+-----------+------+---------+--------+--------+-----------+ | id | name | age | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete | +----+-----------+------+---------+--------+--------+-----------+ | 17 | 谢霆锋 | 38 | 175.00 | 男 | 1 | | +----+-----------+------+---------+--------+--------+-----------+ #查询名字是两个字的数据 MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where name like '__'+----+--------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | id | name | age | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete | +----+--------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 18 | 180.00 | 男 | 1 | | | 5 | 黄蓉 | 108 | 160.00 | 女 | 1 | | | 6 | 凤姐 | 44 | 150.00 | 保密 | 2 | | | 9 | 程坤 | 44 | 181.00 | 男 | 2 | | | 10 | 和珅 | 55 | 166.00 | 男 | 2 | | | 12 | 金星 | 45 | 180.00 | 中性 | 4 | | | 13 | 静香 | 18 | 170.00 | 女 | 4 | | | 14 | 郭靖 | 22 | 167.00 | 男 | 5 | | | 15 | 周杰 | 33 | 178.00 | 男 | 1 | | +----+--------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ #查找名字至少三个字以上的数据 MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where name like '___%'; +----+--------------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | id | name | age | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete | +----+--------------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | 2 | 小月月 | 19 | 180.00 | 男 | 2 | | | 3 | 彭于晏 | 28 | 185.00 | 男 | 1 | | | 4 | 刘德华 | 58 | 175.00 | 男 | 2 | | | 7 | 王祖贤 | 52 | 170.00 | 女 | 1 | | | 8 | 周杰伦儿 | 34 | NULL | 男 | 1 | | | 11 | 刘亦菲 | 29 | 162.00 | 女 | 3 | | | 16 | 钱小豪 | 56 | 178.00 | 男 | 1 | | | 17 | 谢霆锋 | 38 | 175.00 | 男 | 1 | | | 18 | 陈冠希 | 38 | 175.00 | 男 | 1 | | +----+--------------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+

    9> 范围查询

      in (1,3,8)表示在一个非连续的范围内


      not between…and   表示否定

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age in(18,34,58);
    | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  1 | 小明          |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华        |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿      |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 13 | 静香          |   18 | 170.00 | 女     |      4 |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where age not between 18 and 34;
    | id | name   | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  4 | 刘德华  |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  5 | 黄蓉    |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐    |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤  |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  9 | 程坤    |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅    |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 12 | 金星    |   45 | 180.00 | 中性   |      4 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪  |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋  |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希  |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |

    10> 空判断

      判断is null

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where high is null;
    | id | name         | age  | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿      |   34 | NULL | 男     |      1 |           |


      order by 字段;



    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc;
    | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  5 | 黄蓉         |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华       |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪       |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅         |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤       |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    | 12 | 金星         |   45 | 180.00 | 中性   |      4 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐         |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |          |
    |  9 | 程坤         |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰         |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲       |   29 | 162.00 | 女     |      3 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |   22 | 167.00 | 男     |      5 |           |
    |  2 | 小月月       |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 13 | 静香         |   18 | 170.00 | 女     |      4 |           |
    |  1 | 小明         |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    +----+-------------+------+------- -+-------+--------+-----------+
    #查询年纪在18到34 岁之间的男性,按照年纪从大到小排序
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where gender=1 and age between 18 and 34 order by age desc;      #可读性差   
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=1 order by age desc;
    | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿      |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰         |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏       |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖         |   22 | 167.00 | 男     |      5 |           |
    |  2 | 小月月       |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  1 | 小明         |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    #order by 多字段
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc,high desc;
    | id | name     | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  5 | 黄蓉     |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  4 | 刘德华   |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    | 16 | 钱小豪    |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 10 | 和珅      |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  7 | 王祖贤   |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    | 12 | 金星      |   45 | 180.00 | 中性   |      4 |           |
    |  9 | 程坤     |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  6 | 凤姐     |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |          |
    | 17 | 谢霆锋    |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 18 | 陈冠希    |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  8 | 周杰伦儿  |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 15 | 周杰      |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 11 | 刘亦菲    |   29 | 162.00 | 女     |      3 |           |
    |  3 | 彭于晏    |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 14 | 郭靖      |   22 | 167.00 | 男     |      5 |           |
    |  2 | 小月月    |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  1 | 小明      |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    | 13 | 静香      |   18 | 170.00 | 女     |      4 |           |


    12> 聚合函数

           总数(量) count

           最大值 max

           最小值 min


    MariaDB [testdb]> select count(*) from students;   #*号统计的数据最准确,count的括号里可以跟字段用来统计某个字段共有多少条有效数据数据,
    | count(*) |
    |     18   |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select count(*) from students where gender=2;
    | count(*) |
    |      4 |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)
    MariaDB [testdb]> select max(age) from students;
    | max(age) |
    |     108 |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select name,max(age) from students;  #这样统计出来是错的
    | name   | max(age) |
    | 小明    |    108  |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select max(high) from students where gender=2;
    | max(high) |
    |    70.00  |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select sum(age) as '年纪总和' from students;
    | 年纪总和      |
    |       739    |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select avg(age) as '平均年龄' from students;
    MariaDB [testdb]> select sum(age)/count(*) as '平均年纪' from students;
    | 平均年纪      |
    |   41.0556    |
    +--------------+1 row in set (0.001 sec)
    MariaDB [testdb]> select round(sum(age)/count(*),2) as '平均年纪' from students;
    | 平均年纪      |
    |      41.06   |


    13> 分组

      group by


    MariaDB [testdb]> select gender from students group by gender;     #第一个gender为组名
    | gender |
    | 男     |
    | 女     |
    | 中性   |
    | 保密   |

    #显示每组人的个数 MariaDB [testdb]> select gender,count(*) from students group by gender; +---------+----------+ | gender | count(*) | +---------+----------+ | 男 | 12 | | 女 | 4 | | 中性 | 1 | | 保密 | 1 | +--------+------------+ #查看男性组中成员姓名 MariaDB [testdb]> select gender,group_concat(name) from students where gender=1 group by gender; #group_gender 按组显示 #查看每组成员的name、age、high,用空格分割(自定义分隔符) MariaDB [testdb]> select gender,group_concat(name,' ',age,' ',high) from students group by gender; #分隔符加单引号,可以自定义分隔符,如/、|等 | 男 | 小明 18 180.00,谢霆锋 38 175.00,钱小豪 56 178.00,周杰 33 178.00,郭靖 22 167.00,和珅 55 166.00,程坤 44 181.00,陈冠希 38 175.00,小月月 19 180.00,彭于晏 28 185.00,刘德华 58 175.00 | | 女 | 黄蓉 108 160.00,静香 18 170.00,刘亦菲 29 162.00,王祖贤 52 170.00 | | 中性 | 金星 45 180.00 | | 保密 | 凤姐 44 150.00 #看到group by分组,用条件表达式首先应想到用函数having,而不是where。 #查询平均年纪大于40 的组 MariaDB [testdb]> select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender having avg(age)>40; +--------+----------+ | gender | avg(age) | +--------+----------+ | 女 | 51.7500 | | 中性 | 45.0000 | | 保密 | 44.0000 | +--------+----------+ #查看人数多于4个的组 MariaDB [testdb]> select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*)>4; 男 | 小明,谢霆锋,钱小豪,周杰,郭靖,和珅,程坤,周杰伦儿,陈冠希,小月月,彭于晏,刘德华

    14> 分页 l

      imit num1 num2 :显示第num1后的num2行,num2相当于步长


    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc limit 1;      #显示一行
    | id | name   |  age | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  5 | 黄蓉    | 108  | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc limit 2;
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc limit 0,2 #显示两条数据
    +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | id | name | age | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete | +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | 5 | 黄蓉 | 108 | 160.00 | 女 | 1 | | | 4 | 刘德华 | 58 | 175.00 | 男 | 2 | | +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ MariaDB [testdb]> select * from students order by age desc limit 1,3; #显示第1行后面的3行,从2开始的3行,即234行 +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | id | name | age | high | gender | cls_id | is_delete | +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+ | 4 | 刘德华 | 58 | 175.00 | 男 | 2 | | | 16 | 钱小豪 | 56 | 178.00 | 男 | 1 | | | 10 | 和珅 | 55 | 166.00 | 男 | 2 | | +----+-----------+------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+

    2. 连接查询




































































      单独一个表通过id和f进行关联,如海淀区f=1对应北京市id=1,中关村f=5对应海淀区id=5,通过自关联构成了一条完整的子父连接,北京市--海淀区--中关村、 天津市--滨海区--大港等。

    2.1  内关联查询


    MariaDB [testdb]> ;create table classes(                     #创建classes表
        -> id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,
        -> name varchar(20) not null
        -> );
    MariaDB [testdb]> insert into classes values (0, '云唯_01期'),(0, '云唯_02期');
    Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.003 sec)
    Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from classes;
    | id | name             |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期         |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期         |

      2) 连接查询(内关联查询)

    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from classes inner join students on classes.id=students.cls_id;         #内连接;首选条件语句为on
    | id | name         | id | name         | age  | high   | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    |  1 | 小明         |   18 | 180.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期    |  2 | 小月月       |   19 | 180.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    |  3 | 彭于晏       |   28 | 185.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期    |  4 | 刘德华       |   58 | 175.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    |  5 | 黄蓉         |  108 | 160.00 | 女     |      1 |           |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期    |  6 | 凤姐         |   44 | 150.00 | 保密   |      2 |          |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    |  7 | 王祖贤       |   52 | 170.00 | 女     |      1 |          |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    |  8 | 周杰伦儿     |   34 |   NULL | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期    |  9 | 程坤         |   44 | 181.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  2 | 云唯_02期    | 10 | 和珅         |   55 | 166.00 | 男     |      2 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    | 15 | 周杰         |   33 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    | 16 | 钱小豪       |   56 | 178.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    | 17 | 谢霆锋       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    |  1 | 云唯_01期    | 18 | 陈冠希       |   38 | 175.00 | 男     |      1 |           |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select classes.name,students.name from classes inner join students on classes.id=students.cls_id;
    MariaDB [testdb]> select c.name,s.name from classes as c inner join students as s on c.id=s.cls_id;                          # 别名
    MariaDB [testdb]> select c.name,s.name from classes as c inner join students as s on c.id=s.cls_id order by c.name;          #以班级名排序
    | name        | name         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 小明         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 彭于晏       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 黄蓉         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 王祖贤       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 谢霆锋       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰伦儿     |
    | 云唯_01期    | 钱小豪       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 陈冠希       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 程坤         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 小月月       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 刘德华       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 凤姐         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 和珅         |

      可以看到,显示的仅是cls_id 为1、2的数据,即和classes.id一一对应的数据,并没有查询到cls_id为345的数据。这便是内关联查询的效果。

    2.2  外关联查询 


    MariaDB [testdb]> select c.name,s.name from classes as c left  join students as s on c.id=s.cls_id order by c.name;         #以左边的c.name为基准查询,只能查询到cls-id位为1、2的数据
    | name         | name         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 小明         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 彭于晏       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 黄蓉         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 王祖贤       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 谢霆锋       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰伦儿     |
    | 云唯_01期    | 钱小豪       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 陈冠希       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 程坤         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 小月月       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 刘德华       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 凤姐         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 和珅         |
    MariaDB [testdb]> select c.name,s.name from classes as c right  join students as s on c.id=s.cls_id order by c.name;    #以s.name为基准,cls_id取值为12345,而c.name仅支持12,所以钱44条数据为空(null)
    | name         | name        |
    | NULL         | 金星         |
    | NULL         | 郭靖         |
    | NULL         | 刘亦菲       |
    | NULL         | 静香         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰伦儿     |
    | 云唯_01期    | 钱小豪       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 陈冠希       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 小明         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 彭于晏       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 黄蓉         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 王祖贤       |
    | 云唯_01期    | 周杰         |
    | 云唯_01期    | 谢霆锋       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 小月月       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 刘德华       |
    | 云唯_02期    | 凤姐         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 和珅         |
    | 云唯_02期    | 程坤         |
    +--- ---------+- ------------+

    2.3 自 关联查询


    MariaDB [testdb]> create table areas(
        -> aid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> name varchar(20),
        -> pid int
    -> );
    MariaDB [testdb]> show tables;
    | Tables_in_testdb   |
    | areas              |
    | classes            |
    | students           |
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(1,'北京市',null); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'天津市',null); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'河北省',null); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'山西省',null); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'海淀区',1); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'滨海区',2); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'沧州市',3); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'大同市',4);
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'朝阳区',1); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'武清区',2); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'石家庄',3); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'太原市',4);
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'西二旗',5); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'大港',6); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'任丘市',7); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'清徐',8);   
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'中关村',5); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'汉沽',6); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'河间市',7); 
    insert into areas(aid,name,pid) values(0,'阳曲',8);  
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from areas;
    | aid | name      | pid  |
    |   1 | 北京市    | NULL |
    |   2 | 天津市    | NULL |
    |   3 | 河北省    | NULL |
    |   4 | 山西省    | NULL |
    |   5 | 海淀区    |    1 |
    |   6 | 滨海区    |    2 |
    |   7 | 沧州市    |    3 |
    |   8 | 大同市    |    4 |
    |   9 | 朝阳区    |    1 |
    |  10 | 武清区    |    2 |
    |  11 | 石家庄    |    3 |
    |  12 | 太原市    |    4 |
    |  13 | 西二旗    |    5 |
    |  14 | 大港      |    6 |
    |  15 | 任丘市    |    7 |
    |  16 | 清徐      |    8 |
    |  17 | 中关村    |    5 |
    |  18 | 汉沽      |    6 |
    |  19 | 河间市    |    7 |
    |  20 | 阳曲      |    8 |


    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from  areas as p inner join areas as q on p.aid=q.pid where p.name='北京市';          #起别名,自关联
    | aid | name      | pid  | aid | name      | pid  |
    |   1 | 北京市     | NULL | 5   | 海淀区     |  1   |
    |   1 | 北京市     | NULL | 9   | 朝阳区     |    1 |
    2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from areas as p inner join areas as q on p.aid=q.pid where p.name='山西省';
    | aid | name      | pid  | aid | name      | pid  |
    |   4 | 山西省     | NULL |   8 |大同市      |    4 |
    |   4 | 山西省     | NULL |  12 |太原市      |    4 |


    MariaDB [testdb]> select * from areas where pid=(select aid from areas where name='北京市');
    | aid | name      | pid   |
    |   5 | 海淀区     |    1  |
    |   9 | 朝阳区     |    1  |
    2 rows in set (0.001 sec)
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