在多线程编程中,要尽力避免竞争条件(racing condition),即运行结果依赖于不同线程执行的先后。线程是并发执行的,无法确定线程的先后,所以我们的程序中不应该出现竞争条件。
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Reservoir r = new Reservoir(100); Booth b1 = new Booth(r); Booth b2 = new Booth(r); Booth b3 = new Booth(r); } } /** * contain shared resource */ class Reservoir { private int total; public Reservoir(int t) { this.total = t; } /** * Thread safe method * serialized access to Booth.total */ public synchronized boolean sellTicket() { if(this.total > 0) { this.total = this.total - 1; return true; // successfully sell one } else { return false; // no more tickets } } } /** * create new thread by inheriting Thread */ class Booth extends Thread { private static int threadID = 0; // owned by Class object private Reservoir release; // sell this reservoir private int count = 0; // owned by this thread object /** * constructor */ public Booth(Reservoir r) { super("ID:" + (++threadID)); this.release = r; // all threads share the same reservoir this.start(); } /** * convert object to string */ public String toString() { return super.getName(); } /** * what does the thread do? */ public void run() { while(true) { if(this.release.sellTicket()) { this.count = this.count + 1; System.out.println(this.getName() + ": sell 1"); try { sleep((int) Math.random()*100); // random intervals } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { break; } } System.out.println(this.getName() + " I sold:" + count); } }