- print 'Hello python'
打开Eclipse,找到Help菜单栏,进入Install New Software…选项。
点击work with:输入框的旁边点击Add…,Name可以随便是什么,我输入的是PyDev,Location是。点击OK。
选择PyDev,然后一路Next,进入安装路径选择界面,使用默认设置,然后 Finish。Eclipse将下载 PyDev,可以从 Eclipse任务栏中看到下载的进度。PyDev安装好后,需要重启Eclipse。
PyDev安装好之后,需要配置解释器。在 Eclipse 菜单栏中,选择Window > Preferences > Pydev > Interpreter – Python,在此配置 Python。首先需要添加已安装的解释器。如果没有下载安装Python,请到官网下载2.x或者3.x版本:。
我使用的是Python3.x版本,Python安装在D:Python32 路径下。单击 New,进入对话框。Interpreter Name可以随便命名,Interpreter Executable选择Python解释器python.exe。
点击OK后跳出一个有很多复选框的窗口,选择需要加入SYSTEM pythonpath的选项,点击Ok。
然后在Python Interpreters的窗口,再次点击OK,即完成了Python解释器的配置。
Hola World:
在 Eclipse 菜单栏中,选择File > New > Pydev > Project…,在窗口中选择PyDev Project,有三种项目可以创建,选择PyDev Project。
创建成功后,进入透视图,右击src图标,选择New->Pydev Package,创建一个新的包。系统将自动生成 文件,该文件不包含任何内容。再右键单击创建的包,选择 New->Pydev Module,创建你一个新的Python模块,单击Finish。
the_world_is_flat = True if the_world_is_flat : print("hello,baby") print("-----------Numbers") print( (50 - 5*6) / 4) print("-----------variable") width =20 height=5*1 print(width*height); print('apple'); print( 'Py' 'thon'); prefix = 'Py' print( prefix + 'thon'); text = ('Put several strings within parentheses ' 'to have them joined together.') print(text); word = 'Python' print(word[0]+word[-1]); # characters from position 0 (included) to 2 (excluded) print(word[0:2]);# py # character from the beginning to position 2 (excluded print(word[:2]);# py # characters from position 4 (included) to the end print(word[4:]);#on # characters from the second-last (included) to the end print(word[-2:]);#on # the word only has 6 characters #print(word[42]);#string index out of range #array list = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] print(list[0]+list[-1]) # slicing returns a new list print (list[-3:]); # the following slice returns a new (shallow) copy of the list: print(list[:]); #Lists also support operations like concatenation: print(list + [36, 49, 64, 81, 100]);