break_flag = False #标记1 break_flag2 = False #标记2 break_flag3 = False #标记3 while not break_flag: #因为标记是False,所以是 not break_flag成立循环 print("the first layer is running...") option=input(">>>[b:back, q:quit,c:continue]:").strip() #让买家选择,strip()去除输入时空格 if option == "b": break_flag2 = True #第一层,没得退,所以break_flag2=true,不断打印'the first...' elif option == "q": break_flag = True #选择退出,把循环条件改为true,就能退出循环 else: break_flag3,break_flag2 = False,False #既不是b,也不是q,则第二三层循环条件继续成立,往下走 while not (break_flag or break_flag2): #进入第二层,那么第一层循环条件必须是false,q时随时可以退出 print("in layer two...") option=input(">>>[b:back, q:quit,c:continue]:").strip() if option == "b": break_flag2 = True #退到第一层,因为else:break_flag3,break_flag2 = False,False elif option == "q": break_flag = True #退出整个循环 else: break_flag2,break_flag3 = False,False #这里可以实现第二层第三层的切换 while not(break_flag or break_flag2 or break_flag3): #与上面同理 print("in layer three...") option=input(">>>[b:back, q:quit,c:continue]:").strip() if option == "b": break_flag3 = True elif option == "q": break_flag = True
import os #os操作系统模块 f = open("test.txt","r") #旧文件读模式 f_new = open("text_new.txt","w") #新文件写模式 for line in f: #遍历旧文件 if line.startswith("alex"): #找到要替换的行 new_line = line.replace("alex","ALEX LI....") #替换好赋值给新行 f_new.write(new_line) #把新行写到新文件 else: f_new.write(line) #如果找不到,则把原文写到新文件 f.close() f_new.close() os.rename("test.txt","test.txt.bak") #把旧文件改名为back up os.rename("text_new.txt","test.txt") #新文件覆盖旧文件 ''' f = open("test.txt","r+") for line in f: if line.startswith("alex"): new_line = line.replace("alex","ALEX LI") print("current pos:",f.tell()) #显示指针的位置 f.seek(37) #把指针指到该位置 f.write(new_line) break f.close() '''
product_list = [ ('Iphone6sPlus', 6888), ('MacBook', 11300), ('CookBook', 50), ('Coffee', 30), ('KindleFire', 1200), ('NB', 800), ] user_asset = 10000 break_flag = False shopping_cart = [] paid_list = [] while not break_flag: for index,i in enumerate(product_list): print(index,i[0],i[1]) user_choice = raw_input("[quit,check,pay]What do you want to buy?:").strip() if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice > -1: shopping_cart.append(product_list[user_choice]) print(" 33[32;1mJust added [%s,%s] in to your shopping cart 33[0m" %(product_list[user_choice])) else: print(" 33[31;1mProduct [%s] is not exist! 33[0m") elif user_choice == "check": total_price = 0 print(" 33[34;1mYou have bought below products...: 33[0m") for index,p in enumerate(shopping_cart): print(index,p) total_price += p[1] print("Total Price: 33[31;1m[%s] 33[0m" % total_price) elif user_choice == "pay": total_price = 0 print(" 33[34;1mYou have bought below products...: 33[0m") for index,p in enumerate(shopping_cart): print(index,p) total_price += p[1] print("Total Price: 33[31;1m[%s] 33[0m" % total_price) pay_confirm = raw_input(" 33[31;1mGoing to pay? 33[0m").strip() if pay_confirm == "y": money_left = user_asset - total_price if money_left > 0: paid_list += shopping_cart shopping_cart = [] user_asset = money_left print(" 33[31;1mYou have just paid[%s], your current balance is [%s] 33[0m" %(total_price,money_left)) go_confirm = raw_input("press any key to continue shopping!").strip() else: print(" 33[31;1mYour current balance is [%s], still need [%s] to pay the whole deal! 33[0m" %(user_asset,total_price-user_asset)) elif user_choice == "quit": if shopping_cart: print("You still have some product haven't paid yet!") else: print("Thanks for comming!") break_flag = True