在machine learning领域,更多的数据往往强于更优秀的算法,然而现实中的情况是一般人无法获取大量的已标注数据,这时候可以通过无监督方法获取大量的未标注数据,自学习( self-taught learning)与无监督特征学习(unsupervised feature learning)就是这种算法。虽然同等条件下有标注数据蕴含的信息多于无标注数据,但是若能获取大量的无标注数据并且计算机能够加以利用,计算机往往可以取得比较良好的结果。
在拥有大量未标注数据和少量已标注数据的场景下,通过对所有x(i)进行特征学习得到a(i),在标注数据中用a(i)替原始的输入x(i)得到新的训练样本{a(i) ,y(i) }(i=1...m),即可取得很好的效果,即使在只有标注数据的情况下,本算法依然能取得很好的效果。
代表“不带类标”),首先进行预处理,比如pca或者白化,然后训练一个sparse autoencoder:
通过训练得到的模型参数 ,给定任意的输入数据
对应之前所提到的,假定有 个 已标注训练集
(“替代表示”,Replacement Representation)。也可以合二为一,使用新的向量
(“级联表示”,Concatenation Representation)。
经过变换后,训练集就变成 或者是
最终,可以训练出一个有监督学习算法(例如 svm, logistic regression 等),得到一个判别函数对 值进行预测。预测过程如下:给定一个测试样本
从未标注训练集 中学习这一过程中可能计算了各种数据预处理参数。例如计算数据均值并且对数据做均值标准化(mean normalization);或者对原始数据做主成分分析(PCA),然后将原始数据表示为
(又或者使用 PCA 白化或 ZCA 白化)。这样的话,有必要将这些参数保存起来,并且在后面的训练和测试阶段使用同样的参数,以保证新来(测试)数据进入稀疏自编码神经网络之前经过了同样的变换。例如,如果对未标注数据集进行PCA预处理,就必须将得到的矩阵
有两种常见的无监督特征学习方式,区别在于有什么样的未标注数据。自学习(self-taught learning) 是其中更为一般的、更强大的学习方式,它不要求未标注数据 和已标注数据
下面通过自学习的方法,整合sparse autoencoder 与 softmax regression 来构建一个手写数字的分类。
1)把MNIST数据库的数据分为labeled(0-4) 与 unlabeled(5-9),并且把labeled data 分为 test data 与 train data,一半用来测试,一般用来训练
2)用unlabeled data (5-9)训练一个 sparse autoencoder,得到所有参数W(1) W(2) b(1) b(2) ,记做 θ ,展示第一层参数W(1),展示效果如下:
3)使用上面的sparse autoencoder 训练出来的W(1)对labeled data(0-4)训练得到其隐层输出a(2),这样不适用原来的像素值,而使用学到的特征来对0-4进行分类。
4)用上述学到的特征a(2)(i)代替原始输入x(i),现在的样本为{(a(1) ,y(1))(a(2) ,y(2))...(a(m) ,y(m))},用该样本来训练我们的softmax分类器。
5)用训练好的softmax进行预测,在labeled data 中的 test data 进行测试即可。准确率讲道理的话应该有98%以上。

%% CS294A/CS294W Self-taught Learning Exercise % Instructions % ------------ % % This file contains code that helps you get started on the % self-taught learning. You will need to complete code in feedForwardAutoencoder.m % You will also need to have implemented sparseAutoencoderCost.m and % softmaxCost.m from previous exercises. % %% ====================================================================== % STEP 0: Here we provide the relevant parameters values that will % allow your sparse autoencoder to get good filters; you do not need to % change the parameters below. inputSize = 28 * 28; numLabels = 5; hiddenSize = 200; sparsityParam = 0.1; % desired average activation of the hidden units. % (This was denoted by the Greek alphabet rho, which looks like a lower-case "p", % in the lecture notes). lambda = 3e-3; % weight decay parameter beta = 3; % weight of sparsity penalty term maxIter = 400; %% ====================================================================== % STEP 1: Load data from the MNIST database % % This loads our training and test data from the MNIST database files. % We have sorted the data for you in this so that you will not have to % change it. % Load MNIST database files mnistData = loadMNISTImages('mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte'); mnistLabels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte'); % Set Unlabeled Set (All Images) % Simulate a Labeled and Unlabeled set labeledSet = find(mnistLabels >= 0 & mnistLabels <= 4); unlabeledSet = find(mnistLabels >= 5); %把labeled set分为训练数据 和 测试数据 numTrain = round(numel(labeledSet)/2); trainSet = labeledSet(1:numTrain); testSet = labeledSet(numTrain+1:end); unlabeledData = mnistData(:, unlabeledSet); trainData = mnistData(:, trainSet); trainLabels = mnistLabels(trainSet)' + 1; % Shift Labels 0-4 to the Range 1-5 testData = mnistData(:, testSet); testLabels = mnistLabels(testSet)' + 1; % Shift Labels 0-4 to the Range 1-5 % Output Some Statistics fprintf('# examples in unlabeled set: %d ', size(unlabeledData, 2)); fprintf('# examples in supervised training set: %d ', size(trainData, 2)); fprintf('# examples in supervised testing set: %d ', size(testData, 2)); %% ====================================================================== % STEP 2: Train the sparse autoencoder % This trains the sparse autoencoder on the unlabeled training % images. % Randomly initialize the parameters theta = initializeParameters(hiddenSize, inputSize); %% ----------------- YOUR CODE HERE ---------------------- % Find opttheta by running the sparse autoencoder on % unlabeledTrainingImages %theta 现再是以个展开的向量,对应[W1,W2,b1,b2]的长向量 opttheta = theta; opttheta = theta; addpath minFunc/ options.Method = 'lbfgs'; options.maxIter = 400; options.display = 'on'; [opttheta, loss] = minFunc( @(p) sparseAutoencoderLoss(p, ... inputSize, hiddenSize, ... lambda, sparsityParam, ... beta, unlabeledData), ... theta, options); %% ----------------------------------------------------- % Visualize weights,展示W1'(28*28 * 200的矩阵) % 把该矩阵的每一列展示为一个28*28的图片,来看效果 W1 = reshape(opttheta(1:hiddenSize * inputSize), hiddenSize, inputSize); display_network(W1'); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 3: Extract Features from the Supervised Dataset % % You need to complete the code in feedForwardAutoencoder.m so that the % following command will extract features from the data. trainFeatures = feedForwardAutoencoder(opttheta, hiddenSize, inputSize, ... trainData); testFeatures = feedForwardAutoencoder(opttheta, hiddenSize, inputSize, ... testData); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 4: Train the softmax classifier softmaxModel = struct; % Use softmaxTrain.m from the previous exercise to train a multi-class % classifier. % Use lambda = 1e-4 for the weight regularization for softmax % You need to compute softmaxModel using softmaxTrain on trainFeatures and % trainLabels lambda = 1e-4; inputSize = hiddenSize; numClasses = numel(unique(trainLabels));%unique为找出向量中的非重复元素并进行排序 options.maxIter = 100; %注意这里的数据不是x^(i),而是a^(2). softmaxModel = softmaxTrain(inputSize, numClasses, lambda, ... trainFeatures, trainLabels, options); %% ----------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% STEP 5: Testing % Compute Predictions on the test set (testFeatures) using softmaxPredict % and softmaxModel [pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, testFeatures); %% ----------------------------------------------------- % Classification Score fprintf('Test Accuracy: %f%% ', 100*mean(pred(:) == testLabels(:))); % (note that we shift the labels by 1, so that digit 0 now corresponds to % label 1) % % Accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified images % The results for our implementation was: % % Accuracy: 98.3% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%% 以下对应STEP 3,%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [activation] = feedForwardAutoencoder(theta, hiddenSize, visibleSize, data) % theta: trained weights from the autoencoder % visibleSize: the number of input units (probably 64) % hiddenSize: the number of hidden units (probably 25) % data: Our matrix containing the training data as columns. So, data(:,i) is the i-th training example. % We first convert theta to the (W1, W2, b1, b2) matrix/vector format, so that this % follows the notation convention of the lecture notes. W1 = reshape(theta(1:hiddenSize*visibleSize), hiddenSize, visibleSize); b1 = theta(2*hiddenSize*visibleSize+1:2*hiddenSize*visibleSize+hiddenSize); %% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------------------------- % Instructions: Compute the activation of the hidden layer for the Sparse Autoencoder. %计算隐层输出a^(2) activation = sigmoid(W1*data+repmat(b1,[1,size(data,2)])); %------------------------------------------------------------------- end %------------------------------------------------------------------- % Here's an implementation of the sigmoid function, which you may find useful % in your computation of the costs and the gradients. This inputs a (row or % column) vector (say (z1, z2, z3)) and returns (f(z1), f(z2), f(z3)). function sigm = sigmoid(x) sigm = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-x)); end