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  • CS229 6.13 Neurons Networks Implements of stack autoencoder

    对于加深网络层数带来的问题,(gradient diffuse  局部最优等)可以使用逐层预训练(pre-training)的方法来避免

    Stack-Autoencoder是一种逐层贪婪(Greedy layer-wise training)的训练方法,逐层贪婪的主要思路是每次只训练网络中的一层,即首先训练一个只含一个隐藏层的网络,仅当这层网络训练结束之后才开始训练一个有两个隐藏层的网络,以此类推。在每一步中,把已经训练好的前 	extstyle k-1  层固定,然后增加第 	extstyle k  层(也就是将已经训练好的前 	extstyle k-1  的输出作为输入)。每一层的训练可以是有监督的(例如,将每一步的分类误差作为目标函数),但更通常使用无监督方法(例如自编码器)。这些各层单独训练所得到的权重被用来初始化最终(或者说全部)的深度网络的权重,然后对整个网络进行“微调”(即把所有层放在一起来优化有标签训练集上的训练误差).


    1)数据获取:虽然获取有标签数据的代价是昂贵的,但获取大量的无标签数据是容易的。自学习方法(self-taught learning)的潜力在于它能通过使用大量的无标签数据来学习到更好的模型。该方法使用无标签数据来学习得到所有层(不包括用于预测标签的最终分类层)	extstyle {{W}^{left( l 
ight)}} 的最佳初始权重。相比纯监督学习方法,这种自学习方法能够利用多得多的数据,并且能够学习和发现数据中存在的模式。因此该方法通常能够提高分类器的性能。


     stack autoencoder 就是一种逐层贪婪的训练算法。该网络由一个多层稀疏自编码网络组成,前一层自编码器的输出作为后一层自编码器的输入。对于一个N层自编码栈式神经网络,用	extstyle W^{(k, 1)}, W^{(k, 2)}, b^{(k, 1)}, b^{(k, 2)} 表示第 	extstyle k 个自编码器对应的 	extstyle W^{(1)}, W^{(2)}, b^{(1)}, b^{(2)} 参数,该网络的编码过程如下:

a^{(l)} = f(z^{(l)}) \
z^{(l + 1)} = W^{(l, 1)}a^{(l)} + b^{(l, 1)}

    SAE每个hidden layer有两组参数,分别用来编码和解码,解码也即将多层自编码器还原为之前的结果,借鉴hinton老爷子06年 science 上的RBM的图:


a^{(n + l)} = f(z^{(n + l)}) \
z^{(n + l + 1)} = W^{(n - l, 2)}a^{(n + l)} + b^{(n - l, 2)}


    	extstyle a^{(n)} 是最深层隐藏单元的激活值,其包含了我们感兴趣的信息,也是对输入数据的更高阶的表示。通过将 	extstyle a^{(n)} 作为softmax分类器的输入特征,可以将栈式自编码神经网络中学到的特征用于分类问题。

    为了更好的获取栈式自编码神经网络参数,采用逐层贪婪训练法进行训练。先利用原始输入来训练网络的第一层,得到其参数 	extstyle W^{(1,1)}, W^{(1,2)}, b^{(1,1)}, b^{(1,2)};然后网络第一层将原始输入转化成为由隐藏单元激活值组成的向量(假设该向量为A),接着把A作为第二层的输入,继续训练得到第二层的参数 	extstyle W^{(2,1)}, W^{(2,2)}, b^{(2,1)}, b^{(2,2)};最后,对后面的各层同样采用的策略,即将前层的输出作为下一层输入的方式依次训练,在训练每一层参数的时候,会固定其它各层参数保持不变。为了得到更好的结果,在预训练过程完成之后,可以通过反向传播算法同时调整所有层的参数以改善结果,这个过程一般被称作“微调(fine-tuning)”。使用逐层贪婪训练方法将参数训练到快要收敛时,应该使用微调。反之,如果直接在随机化的初始权重上使用微调,那么会得到不好的结果,因为参数会收敛到局部最优。预训练会使模型参数位于参数空间之中的比较好的位置,以此来求得比较优的解。在只进行分类的情况下,惯用的做法是丢掉栈式自编码网络的“解码”层,直接把最后一个隐藏层的 	extstyle a^{(n)} 作为特征输入到softmax分类器进行分类,这样,分类器(softmax)的分类错误的梯度值就可以直接反向传播给编码层( W(k,1) )了。






    最后,用matlab构建一个4层的stack autoencoder来进行MNIST手写数据库的识别,通过“fine-tuning”,会显著提升模型的性能。

    1)首先读取MNIST数据,初始化网络参数,输入层,两个隐藏层,隐层的平均激活度 	extstyle 
ho,正则参数 	extstyle lambda ,稀疏权重 	extstyle eta 。

    2)用L-BFGS训练第二层(即第一个hidden layer),求得W(1),然后用该参数求得第二层的输出a(2)

    3)以a(2)作为输入层,第三层(即第二个hidden layer)作为隐层,来train一个sparse autoencoder,  求得W(2),然后用该参数求得softmax层的输如a(3)

    3)用a(3)来训练 softmax模型,得到W(3)




    %% STEP 0: 初始化参数与常量
    %  Here we define and initialise some constants which allow your code
    %  to be used more generally on any arbitrary input.
    %  We also initialise some parameters used for tuning the model.
    inputSize = 28 * 28; % Size of input vector (MNIST images are 28x28)
    numClasses = 10;     % Number of classes (MNIST images fall into 10 classes)
    lambda = 1e-4; % Weight decay parameter
    %% STEP 1: Load data
    %  In this section, we load the input and output data.
    %  For softmax regression on MNIST pixels,
    %  the input data is the images, and
    %  the output data is the labels.
    % Change the filenames if you've saved the files under different names
    % On some platforms, the files might be saved as
    % train-images.idx3-ubyte / train-labels.idx1-ubyte
    images = loadMNISTImages('mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte');
    labels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte');
    labels(labels==0) = 10; % 注意下标是1-10,所以需要 把0映射到10
    inputData = images;
    % For debugging purposes, you may wish to reduce the size of the input data
    % in order to speed up gradient checking.
    % Here, we create synthetic dataset using random data for testing
    DEBUG = true; % Set DEBUG to true when debugging.
    if DEBUG
        inputSize = 8;
        inputData = randn(8, 100);%randn产生每个元素均为标准正态分布的8*100的矩阵
        labels = randi(10, 100, 1);%产生1-10的随机数,产生100行,即100个标签
    % Randomly initialise theta
    theta = 0.005 * randn(numClasses * inputSize, 1);
    %% STEP 2: Implement softmaxCost
    %  Implement softmaxCost in softmaxCost.m.
    [cost, grad] = softmaxCost(theta, numClasses, inputSize, lambda, inputData, labels);
    %% STEP 3: Gradient checking
    %  As with any learning algorithm, you should always check that your
    %  gradients are correct before learning the parameters.
    % h = @(x) scale * kernel(scale * x);
    % 构建一个自变量为x,因变量为h,表达式为scale * kernel(scale * x)的函数。即
    % h=scale* kernel(scale * x),自变量为x
    if DEBUG
        numGrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(x) softmaxCost(x, numClasses, ...
                                        inputSize, lambda, inputData, labels), theta);
        % Use this to visually compare the gradients side by side
        disp([numGrad grad]);
        % Compare numerically computed gradients with those computed analytically
        diff = norm(numGrad-grad)/norm(numGrad+grad);
        % The difference should be small.
        % In our implementation, these values are usually less than 1e-7.
        % When your gradients are correct, congratulations!
    %% STEP 4: Learning parameters
    %  Once you have verified that your gradients are correct,
    %  you can start training your softmax regression code using softmaxTrain
    %  (which uses minFunc).
    options.maxIter = 100;
    softmaxModel = softmaxTrain(inputSize, numClasses, lambda, ...
                                inputData, labels, options);
    % Although we only use 100 iterations here to train a classifier for the
    % MNIST data set, in practice, training for more iterations is usually
    % beneficial.
    %% STEP 5: Testing
    %  You should now test your model against the test images.
    %  To do this, you will first need to write softmaxPredict
    %  (in softmaxPredict.m), which should return predictions
    %  given a softmax model and the input data.
    images = loadMNISTImages('mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte');
    labels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte');
    labels(labels==0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10
    inputData = images;
    % You will have to implement softmaxPredict in softmaxPredict.m
    [pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, inputData);
    acc = mean(labels(:) == pred(:));
    fprintf('Accuracy: %0.3f%%
    ', acc * 100);
    % Accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified images
    % After 100 iterations, the results for our implementation were:
    % Accuracy: 92.200%
    % If your values are too low (accuracy less than 0.91), you should check
    % your code for errors, and make sure you are training on the
    % entire data set of 60000 28x28 training images
    % (unless you modified the loading code, this should be the case)
    %%%%对应STEP 2: Implement softmaxCost
    function [cost, grad] = softmaxCost(theta, numClasses, inputSize, lambda, data, labels)
    % numClasses - the number of classes
    % inputSize - the size N of the input vector
    % lambda - weight decay parameter
    % data - the N x M input matrix, where each column data(:, i) corresponds to
    %        a single test set
    % labels - an M x 1 matrix containing the labels corresponding for the input data
    theta = reshape(theta, numClasses, inputSize);% 转化为k*n的参数矩阵
    numCases = size(data, 2);%或者data矩阵的列数,即样本数
    % M = sparse(r, c, v) creates a sparse matrix such that M(r(i), c(i)) = v(i) for all i.
    % That is, the vectors r and c give the position of the elements whose values we wish
    % to set, and v the corresponding values of the elements
    % labels = (1,3,4,10 ...)^T
    % 1:numCases=(1,2,3,4...M)^T
    % sparse(labels, 1:numCases, 1) 会产生
    % 一个行列为下标的稀疏矩阵
    % (1,1)  1
    % (3,2)  1
    % (4,3)  1
    % (10,4) 1
    %这样改矩阵填满后会变成每一列只有一个元素为1,该元素的行即为其lable k
    %1 0 0 ...
    %0 0 0 ...
    %0 1 0 ...
    %0 0 1 ...
    %0 0 0 ...
    %. . .
    %上矩阵为10*M的 ,即 groundTruth 矩阵
    groundTruth = full(sparse(labels, 1:numCases, 1));
    cost = 0;
    % 每个参数的偏导数矩阵
    thetagrad = zeros(numClasses, inputSize);
    % theta(k*n) data(n*m)
    %theta * data = k*m , 第j行第i列为theta_j^T * x^(i)
    M = bsxfun(@minus,theta*data,max(theta*data, [], 1)); % 每列元素均减去该列的最大值,见图-
    M = exp(M); %求指数
    p = bsxfun(@rdivide, M, sum(M)); %sum(M),对M中的元素按列求和
    cost = -1/numCases * groundTruth(:)' * log(p(:)) + lambda/2 * sum(theta(:) .^ 2);%损失函数值
    %groundTruth 为k*m ,data'为m*n,即theta为k*n的矩阵,n代表输入的维度,k代表类别,即没有隐层的
    thetagrad = -1/numCases * (groundTruth - p) * data' + lambda * theta; %梯度,为 k *
    % ------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Unroll the gradient matrices into a vector for minFunc
    grad = [thetagrad(:)];
    %%%%对应STEP 3: Implement softmaxCost
    % 函数的实际参数是这样的J = @(x) softmaxCost(x, numClasses, inputSize, lambda, inputData, labels)
    % 即函数的形式参数J以x为自变量,别的都是以默认的值为相应的变量
    function numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J, theta)
    % theta: 参数,向量或者实数均可
    % J: 输出值为实数的函数. 调用y = J(theta)将会返回函数在theta处的值
    % numgrad初始化为0,与theta维度相同
    numgrad = zeros(size(theta));
    EPSILON = 1e-4;
    % theta是一个行向量,size(theta,1)是求行数
    n = size(theta,1);
    E = eye(n);
    for i = 1:n
        % (n,:)代表第n行,所有的列
        % (:,n)代表所有行,第n列
        % 由于E是单位矩阵,所以只有第i行第i列的元素变为EPSILON
        delta = E(:,i)*EPSILON;
        numgrad(i) = (J(theta+delta)-J(theta-delta))/(EPSILON*2.0);
    %%%%对应STEP 4: Implement softmaxCost
    function [softmaxModel] = softmaxTrain(inputSize, numClasses, lambda, inputData, labels, options)
    %softmaxTrain Train a softmax model with the given parameters on the given
    % data. Returns softmaxOptTheta, a vector containing the trained parameters
    % for the model.
    % inputSize: the size of an input vector x^(i)
    % numClasses: the number of classes
    % lambda: weight decay parameter
    % inputData: an N by M matrix containing the input data, such that
    %            inputData(:, i) is the ith input
    % labels: M by 1 matrix containing the class labels for the
    %            corresponding inputs. labels(c) is the class label for
    %            the cth input
    % options (optional): options
    %   options.maxIter: number of iterations to train for
    if ~exist('options', 'var')
        options = struct;
    if ~isfield(options, 'maxIter')
        options.maxIter = 400;
    % initialize parameters,randn(M,1)产生均值为0,方差为1长度为M的数组
    theta = 0.005 * randn(numClasses * inputSize, 1);
    % Use minFunc to minimize the function
    addpath minFunc/
    options.Method = 'lbfgs'; % Here, we use L-BFGS to optimize our cost
                              % function. Generally, for minFunc to work, you
                              % need a function pointer with two outputs: the
                              % function value and the gradient. In our problem,
                              % softmaxCost.m satisfies this.
    minFuncOptions.display = 'on';
    [softmaxOptTheta, cost] = minFunc( @(p) softmaxCost(p, ...
                                       numClasses, inputSize, lambda, ...
                                       inputData, labels), ...                                  
                                  theta, options);
    % Fold softmaxOptTheta into a nicer format
    softmaxModel.optTheta = reshape(softmaxOptTheta, numClasses, inputSize);
    softmaxModel.inputSize = inputSize;
    softmaxModel.numClasses = numClasses;
    %%%%对应 STEP 5: Implement predict
    function [pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, data)
    % softmaxModel - model trained using softmaxTrain
    % data - the N x M input matrix, where each column data(:, i) corresponds to
    %        a single test set
    % Your code should produce the prediction matrix
    % pred, where pred(i) is argmax_c P(y(c) | x(i)).
    % Unroll the parameters from theta
    theta = softmaxModel.optTheta;  % this provides a numClasses x inputSize matrix
    pred = zeros(1, size(data, 2));
    %C = max(A)
    [nop, pred] = max(theta * data);
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