言归正传,以前学canvas的时候,只是简单地学习2d context的一些api写写画画,webGL显然更高级些,在MDN文档的介绍中:
WebGL enables web content to use an API based on OpenGL ES 2.0 to perform 3D rendering in an HTML
in browsers that support it without the use of plug-ins. WebGL programs consist of control code written in JavaScript and special effects code(shader code) that is executed on a computer's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements and composited with other parts of the page or page background.
教程假设我们会一些基本的3d图像的概念。Learn WebGL for 2D and 3D graphics这篇入门教程指出,需要我们会一点html和css知识,以及较深的js功底,能理解闭包、原型链、构造函数等概念。
function detectWebGLContext () { // Create canvas element. The canvas is not added to the // document itself, so it is never displayed in the // browser window. var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // Get WebGLRenderingContext from canvas element. var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); // Report the result. if (gl && gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext) { paragraph.innerHTML = "Congratulations! Your browser supports WebGL."; } else { paragraph.innerHTML = "Failed to get WebGL context. " + "Your browser or device may not support WebGL."; } }
跟一般的功能检测一样,其实就是判断 gl = canvas.getContext("webgl")|| canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl") 是不是 WebGLRenderingContext 的一个实例。一旦我们的canvas元素有这个rendering context,我们就可以使用它的api进行渲染。
1.获取(set up)rendering context ,就是上一步的gl。
2.然后drawing buffer(现在先理解为画布)填充颜色。这个过程分两步:
//确定渲染的范围 gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight); //设定WebGL的内部状态--设定颜色 // Set the clear color to darkish green. gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0); //输出其状态--填充颜色 // Clear the context with the newly set color. This is // the function call that actually does the drawing. gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
在定义了drawing buffer的 范围后,我们执行了两个动作,先是设定WebGL的内部状态(颜色为绿色),然后执行语句让drawing buffer 变成WebGL内部状态所设定的样子。所以,WebGL实际上是一个状态机。我们可以回想下,在getContext(“2d”)的时候,要画一个矩形,我们也是遵循同样的操作步骤:
//定义样式(即内部状态) cxt.fillStyle="#FF0000"; //输出图形(将样式状态输出到画布中) cxt.fillRect(0,0,150,75);
Clearing by clicking一例由上面的简单例子延伸而来,对canvas和button绑定了click事件,触发switchColor函数。
//产生随机颜色 // Get a random color value using a helper function. var color = getRandomColor(); //设置WebGL内部状态的颜色新值 // Set the clear color to the random color. gl.clearColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0); //将新值输出到画布 // Clear the context with the newly set color. This is // the function call that actually does the drawing. gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
//开启裁剪功能 // Enable scissoring operation and define the position and // size of the scissoring area. gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); //设定可更新的区域 gl.scissor(60, 60, 60, 130); // Clear the drawing buffer solid yellow. gl.clearColor(1.0, 0.6, 0.0, .1); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
----封装WebGL 方法
function getRenderingContext() { var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight; var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.querySelector("p"); paragraph.innerHTML = "Failed to get WebGL context." + "Your browser or device may not support WebGL."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight); gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); return gl; }