参考:Tweet Object
参考:Geo Objects
参考:User Object
Tweet Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
created_at | String | UTC time |
id | Int64 | unique identifier |
id_str | String | unique identifier |
text | String | actual UTF-8 text |
source | String | Tweet's source value,e.g. web or phone |
truncated | Boolean | whether the text was truncated or not |
in_reply_to_status_id | Int64 | None: not a reply or the original Tweet's ID |
in_reply_to_status_id_str | String | string representation |
in_reply_to_user_id | Int64 | None: not a reply or the original Tweet's author ID |
in_reply_to_user_id_str | String | string representation |
in_reply_to_screen_name | String | None: not a reply or the screen name of the original Tweet's author |
user | User object | The user who posted this Tweet. |
coordinates |
Array of |
A series of longitude and latitude points, defining a box which will contain the Place entity this bounding box is related to. [longitude, latitude] four pairs of points |
type | String | The type of data encoded in the coordinates property. This will be "Polygon" for bounding boxes and "Points" for Tweets with extra coordinates. |
lang | String | "lang": "en" |
geo | Object | Deprecated attribute, Tweet geo is formatted as [lat, lon]. |
place | Places | |
User Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Int64 | The integer representation of the unique identifier for this User. |
id_str | String | string representation |
name | String | The name of the user. |
screen_name | String | screen_names are unique but subject to change. |
location | String | The user-defined location for this account's profile. Not necessarily a location, nor machine-parseable. |
geo_enabled | Boolean | whether this user enable geo or not |
Place data dictionary
Attribute | Type | Description |
place_type | String | The type of location represented by this place. "place_type": "city" |
name | String | Short human-readable representation of the place's name. "name": "Manhattan" |
full_name | String | Short human-readable representation of the place's name. "full_name": "Manhattan, NY" |
country_code | String | Shortened country code representing the country containing this place. "country_code": "US" |
country | String | Name of the country containing this place. "country": "United States" |
bounding_box | Object | A bounding box of coordinates which encloses this place.{ "bounding_box": { "coordinates": [ [ [ -74.026675, 40.683935 ], [ -74.026675, 40.877483 ], [ -73.910408, 40.877483 ], [ -73.910408, 40.3935 ] ] ], "type": "Polygon" } } |
Spatio-Temporal realated attributes:
- created_at
- coordinates
- geo
- user
- location
- created_at
- geo_enabled (deprecated)
- place
- name
- full_name
- place_type
- country_code
- country
- bounding_box