REF: Microsoft Word Tips: Comparing Two Documents
While the background of this blog begins with the review by Prof. Lim through Overleaf. He finished the review and can track changes, then I accepted all changes. But the issue is that I also have a changed version, so I have to edit my version with his edits. That's the reason why I write this blog.
- Prepare two files of .docx, maybe with names, 1.docx and 2.docx.
- Go to Review > Compare on the main ribbon
- Select Compare from the dropdown menu
- Choose the original version of the document (maybe 1.docx) in the Original document section of the menu (click the file symbol (recommended) or pick Browse from the dropdown)
- Select the edited version (maybe 2.docx) from the Revised document menu
- Select which changes you want to highlight and how you want them to be shown (we recommend displaying changes in a new document)
- Click OK to comapre the documents and see the differences
- Then a new file is created with changes in it