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  • 【241】◀▶IEW-Unit06

    Unit 6 Advertising



    The bar chart contains information about the amount of money spent on different types of

    advertising by two companies.


    1) Model1分析

    Model 1

    The bar chart shows the respective amounts of money in thousands of dollars spent on different types of advertising by two companies--Acme and Famous. Overall, Acme spent more on advertising than Famous. Both companies spent the most money on television promotion, with Acme spending $250,000 while Famous spent $200,000. Acme spent the second highest amount on newspaper advertising, at approximately $125,OOO, whereas Famous spent only about $75,000 on this type. In contrast, Famous spent twice as much on the Internet as Acme, at $100,000 and $50,000 respectively. Both companies spent the least money on billboard promotions, at about $25,000 each.

    2) Model2图片分析

    The bar chart contains information on how two different companies spent their sponsorship budget.


    仿造model 1

    The bar chart shows the respective amounts of money in thousands of Euros spent on different types of sponsorship by two companies--Awesome and Best. Overall, Best spent more on sponsorship than Awesome. Both companies spent the most money on sports sponsorship, with Awesome spending 400,000 Euros while Best spent 500,000 Euros. Best spent the second highest amount on charities sponsorship, at200,000 Euros, whereas Awesome spent only 100,000 Euros on this type. In contrast, Awesome spent more on scholarships sponsorship than Best, at 200,000 Euros and 150,000 Euros respectively. Both companies spent the least money on arts & culture, at about 60,000 Euros.

    2. Model2范文分析

    Model 2

    The bar chart shows the amounts of money in thousands of Euros spent on different types of sponsorship by two companies--Awesome and Best. Overall, Best spent more money on sponsorship than Awesome. Both companies spent the most money on sports sponsorship, with Best spending 500,000 Euros whereas Awesome spent 400,000. Best spent twice as much money as Awesome on charities, at 200,000 and 100,000 respectively. In contrast, Awesome spent 200,000 on scholarships, while Best spent only 150,000 in this area. Both companies spent the least money on arts and culture sponsorship, at approximately 50,000 Euros on this type.

    3. Writing practice讲解

    The chart shows where people first saw advertisements for a popular sportswear company.



    Model 3

    The bar chart shows the places where advertisements for popular sportswear company were first seen. Overall, most people in the older age group saw the advertisement on television while most people in the younger age group saw it on the internet for the first time. In the under-45 group, 20,000 people saw the advertisement for the first time on the internet, followed by 12,500 who saw it in the newspapers. The same number of people aged under 45 saw it on television as on billboards, at 10,000. Twice as many people over the age of 45 saw the advertisement on television as on billboards, at 25,000 and 12,500 respectively. Fewer people in that age group saw the sportswear advertisement in newspapers and on the internet 7,500 and 5,000 respectively.

    4. 课后练习讲解

    1) 练习1

    Complete the table below. You may need to use your dictionary to help you.

    Singular noun

    Plural form

    e.g. charity

















    Complete the sentences below.

    Decide whether you will need to use the singular or plural form of the nouns. You may need to use some words more than once.

    a. This chart shows advertising in four _____________, or types.

    b. There are many different ___________ of media, such as TV and newspapers.

    c. One form of ____________ is newspaper advertising.

    d. ___________ advertising is seen by motorists on the main routes into and out of the cit3.

    e. Most companies have a _____________ for advertising each year.

    f. The British pound sterling and the euro are two of the world's _______________.

    g. This chart shows money spent _________________ the type of advertising, for two companies.

    h. Acme and Famous spent $250,000 and $200,000 _______on TV__________.


    Complete these sentences using 'respectively' and the sentence structure from Model 1.

    a. Micmsafe/Applex/$2 million/S3 million/TV advertising.

    b. Acme/Famous/33%/25%/budget/internet promotion.

    c. Nyke/Cougar/$800,000/$700,000/billboard advertising.

    d. Awesome/Best/a quarter/a half/of the budget/magazine advertising.

    e. Kayfes/McDonells/$2 million/$1 million/newspaper advertisements.

    Essential Grammar

    -Comparison and contrast: more…than/less…than with nouns and adjectives


    Acme has a bigger advertising budget than Famous.

    Best spent the largest amount of money on sports sponsorship


    Billboard advertising is the least expensive.

    Acme spent less money on newspaper advertising than it did on magazine advertising. Awesome has fewer expenses than Acme.


    Fill in the gaps using comparatives and superlatives and the words in brackets.

    a. Acme spent $250,000 on TV advertising. Famous spent $200,000 on TV advertising. Therefore, Acme spent ______ ________ _______ Famous on TV advertising. (money)

    b. Awesome spent 150 hours doing market research. Best spent 500 hours doing market research. Therefore, Awesome spent ________ _______ __________ Best doing market research. (time)

    c. Acme's budget is _______ than Famous's. (big)

    d. Awesome spends _______ _______ _______ _________ ___________ on sports scholarships, because it wants to encourage young people to play sport. (money on charities)

    e. In general, small companies advertise ________ in the newspaper ___________ on the net, because they have _______ money. (more, less)

    f. The _________ __________ form of promotion worldwide is T~. (effective)

    g. The _________ ______________ type of advertising is the free local newspaper. (expensive) Another way of saying this is to say it is the _________ (cheap) type.

    h. Acme has ten billboards. Ace has eleven. Bazic has five billboards. In other words, Bazic has ___________ billboards. (few/the fewest)


    A is bigger than B

    A is three times bigger than B.

    =A is three times as big as B

    = A is three times the size of B


    Acme--$10,000 Best--S2,000

    → Acme spent five times as much as Best on advertising.

    Best-- 10 charities Acme-- 5 charities

    → Best sponsored twice as man charities as Best.

    Use much with uncountable nouns and many with plural countable nouns.


    Complete the sentences below. Use the number given in brackets plus the phrase 'as much (as) or "as many (as)'.

    a. Best spent __________________ money on charities as Awesome. (2)

    b. Older people spend _________________ time watching television as younger ones. (3)

    c. There were ______________ younger viewers of Internet advertisements as there were older ones. (2)

    d. ________________________ people see newspaper advertisements as billboards. (3)

    e. There is ______________________ TV advertising as magazine promotion. (5)


    Language Focus- Linking ideas: contrasting ideas

    Here are some linking words for talking about differences.

    while, whereas (used inside a sentence)

    Conversely, In contrast (used to link two sentences together)


    Acme spent most of its budget on in-store promotions, while Famous spent most of its money on television commercials and competitions.

    Acme changed its style of advertising, whereas Famous kept with the old style.

    Acme increased the amount of money it spent on advertising. Converselg, Famous reduced its advertising budget.

    Sport sponsorship was a popular type of promotion for the larger companies. In contrast, charities did not get so much money.


    Rewrite these sentences using linking words that show contrast. Try to use all of the linking works or phrases given above at least once.

    a. TV advertising reaches large numbers of viewers. Advertisements on the web do not seem to reach as many customers.

    b. Acme has a large advertising budget. The budget for Famous is a lot more modest.

    c. Newspaper advertisements tend to target adults. Many TV advertisements target children and teenagers.

    d. Cinema advertisements have a captive audience. It is easy to turn down the sound on television advertisements.

    e. Motorists are likely to notice billboard advertisements during peak hour traffic jams. They are less likely to notice these when traffic is moving smoothly

    f. Awesome spends large amount of money on television and newspaper advertising. It does not spend very much on sponsorship.

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