test=# select * from tbl_insert; a | b ---+---- 3 | sd 4 | ff (2 rows) test=# select a from tbl_insert; a --- 3 4 (2 rows)
test=# select * from tbl_insert; a | b ------+---- 3 | sd 4 | ff NULL | sd (3 rows) test=# select sum(a),count(*),count(a),count(1),avg(a),max(a),min(a) from tbl_insert; sum | count | count | count | avg | max | min -----+-------+-------+-------+--------------------+-----+----- 7 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3.5000000000000000 | 4 | 3 (1 row)
WHERE后面可以跟多种逻辑判断,如某个字段>,>=,<,<=,=,!=,between A and B(即>=A and <=B),in,not in,exists,not exists,like,ilike等,逻辑与使用AND,逻辑或使用OR,不等于使用!=或<>,但是我经常记不住逻辑符的优先级,尤其是where条件比较复杂时脑袋就大了,所以我习惯在多个逻辑符使用小括号()。
test=# create table tbl_insert(a int,b varchar(32)); CREATE TABLE test=# insert into tbl_insert(a,b) values (1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(5,'e');
--查询a等于1的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a = 1; a | b ---+--- 1 | a (1 row) --查询a不等于2的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a != 2; a | b ---+--- 1 | a 3 | c 4 | d 5 | e (4 rows) test=# select * from tbl_insert where a <> 2; a | b ---+--- 1 | a 3 | c 4 | d 5 | e (4 rows) --查询a大于等于3的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a >= 3; a | b ---+--- 3 | c 4 | d 5 | e (3 rows) --查询a大于等于1且小于等于3的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a >= 1 and a <= 3; a | b ---+--- 1 | a 2 | b 3 | c (3 rows) test=# select * from tbl_insert where a between 1 and 3; a | b ---+--- 1 | a 2 | b 3 | c (3 rows) --查询a大于3且b是'd'或'e'的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a > 3 and (b='d' or b = 'e'); a | b ---+--- 4 | d 5 | e (2 rows) test=# select * from tbl_insert where a > 3 and b in ('d','e'); a | b ---+--- 4 | d 5 | e (2 rows) --查询a大于3或b是'd'或b是'e'的行 test=# select * from tbl_insert where a > 3 or (b='d' or b = 'e'); a | b ---+--- 4 | d 5 | e (2 rows) test=# select * from tbl_insert where a > 3 or b in('d','e'); a | b ---+--- 4 | d 5 | e (2 rows)
b='d' or b = 'e' or b = or b = or b = ...
b in ('d','e',...)