jQuery.proxy( function, context )
jQuery.proxy( context, name )
content 函数的上下文会被设置成这个object对象,name要执行的函数,次函数必须是content对象的属性、
jQuery.proxy( function, context [, additionalArguments ] )
var objPerson = { name: "obj", age: 32, test: function() { $("p").after("Name: " + this.name + "<br> Age: " + this.age); } } $("#btn").on("click", $.proxy(objPerson.test, objPerson))
点击按钮,输出:Name:obj Age:32
var me = { type: "zombie", test: function(event) { /* Without proxy, `this` would refer to the event target */ /* use event.target to reference that element. */ var element = event.target; $(element).css("background-color", "red"); /* With proxy, `this` refers to the me object encapsulating */ /* this function. */ $("#log").append("Hello " + this.type + "<br>"); $("#test").unbind("click", this.test); } }; var you = { type: "person", test: function(event) { $("#log").append(this.type + " "); } }; /* execute you.test() in the context of the `you` object */ /* no matter where it is called */ /* i.e. the `this` keyword will refer to `you` */ var youClick = $.proxy(you.test, you); /* attach click handlers to #test */ $("#test") /* this === "zombie"; handler unbound after first click */ .on("click", $.proxy(me.test, me)) /* this === "person" */ .on("click", youClick) /* this === "zombie" */ .on("click", $.proxy(you.test, me)) /* this === "<button> element" */ .on("click", you.test);
结合以上说明,再写一个综合的例子,例如 js封装一个ajax请求,代码如下:
var t = { param: {}, url: "", type: "get", dataType: "json", ajaxOnly: true, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', /** * 取model数据 * @param {Function} onComplete 取完的回调函 * 传入的第一个参数为model的数第二个数据为元数据,元数据为ajax下发时的ServerCode,Message等数 * @param {Function} onError 发生错误时的回调 * @param {Boolean} ajaxOnly 可选,默认为false当为true时只使用ajax调取数据 * @param {Boolean} scope 可选,设定回调函数this指向的对象 * @param {Function} onAbort 可选,但取消时会调用的函数 */ execute: function(onComplete, onError, ajaxOnly, scope) { var __onComplete = $.proxy(function(data) { var _data = data; if (typeof data == 'string') _data = JSON.parse(data); // @description 对获取的数据做字段映射 var datamodel = typeof this.dataformat === 'function' ? this.dataformat(_data) : _data; if (this.onDataSuccess) this.onDataSuccess.call(this, datamodel, data); if (typeof onComplete === 'function') { onComplete.call(scope || this, datamodel, data); } }, this); var __onError = $.proxy(function(e) { if (typeof onError === 'function') { onError.call(scope || this, e); } }, this); this.sendRequest(__onComplete, __onError); }, sendRequest: function(success, error) { var params = _.clone(this.getParam() || {}); var crossDomain = { 'json': true, 'jsonp': true }; if (this.type == 'POST') { this.dataType = 'json'; } //jsonp与post互斥 $.ajax({ url: this.url, type: this.type, data: params, dataType: this.dataType, contentType: this.contentType, crossDomain: crossDomain[this.dataType], timeout: 50000, // xhrFields: { // withCredentials: true // }, success: function(res) { success && success(res); }, error: function(err) { error && error(err); } }); }, setParam: function(key, val) { if (typeof key === 'object') { _.extend(this.param, key); } else { this.param[key] = val; } }, removeParam: function(key) { delete this.param[key]; }, getParam: function() { return this.param; }, dataformat: function(data) { if (_.isString(data)) data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.data) return data.data; return data; }, onDataSuccess: function() {} }
function getData(url) { //设置参数 t.setParam({ "CurrentDestId": 7, "Platform":2, "ViewDestId":7 }); t.url=url; t.type="post"; //调用 t.execute(function(data){ var list=data.Tags; var temp=_.template($("#foodListTemp").html()); $("#list").html(temp({"dataTag":list})); },function(data){ alert("fail"); }); }