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  • Keystone集成LDAP

    转自 http://wsfdl.com/openstack/2016/01/13/Keystone%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90LDAP.html

    得益于 Keystone 优良的架构,它允许 Service 适配多种 Backend。Keystone 目前有 Identity, Resource, Assigment, Token, Policy, Catatlog 等 service,在 K 版本中,Identity, Resource, Assigment 都支持 LDAP 作为其 Backend,但是因为 Resource 和 Assigment 中的某些属性在 LDAP 并不能很好的支持,因此从 M 版本后,只有 Idendity 支持 LDAP 作为 Backend。本文的例子也仅将 Identity 的数据存储在 LDAP 中,其它 Services 的数据依旧存储在 SQL 里。

    • Identity: User and Group
    • Resource: Project and Domain
    • Assigment: Role and Role Assigment

    Services and Backends


    • Linux: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • OpenStack: Kilo
    • LDAP: slapd 2.4.31

    LDAP 的 DN(Distinguished Names) 默认由主机域名生成,本地的 DNS 设置如下:

    root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/hosts    keystone.com   localhost

    Install LDAP

    sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

    安装完成后可通过以下命令和步骤完成 LDAP 的基本配置:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
    * Omit OpenLDAP server configuration? No
    * DNS domain name?  keystone.com
    * Organization name?  admin
    * Administrator password? YourPassword
    * Use the password you configured during installation, or choose another one
      Database backend to use? HDB
    * Remove the database when slapd is purged? No
    * Move old database? Yes
    * Allow LDAPv2 protocol? No

    Configure LDAP

    由于 LDAP 的用户属性和 Keystone 默认的用户属性有所差异,所以 LDAP 需生成与 Keystone 中的 User 和 Group 相匹配的对象,可通过以下脚本(add_user_group.ldif)添加该对象,并生成 demo 和 admin 两个用户。

    # Users
    dn: ou=users,dc=keystone,dc=com
    ou: users
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    # Group
    dn: ou=groups,dc=keystone,dc=com
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: groups
    # demo user
    dn: cn=demo,ou=users,dc=keystone,dc=com
    cn: demo
    displayName: demo
    givenName: demo
    mail: demo@example.com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: top
    sn: demo
    uid: demo
    userPassword: 123456
    # admin user
    dn: cn=admin,ou=users,dc=keystone,dc=com
    cn: admin
    displayName: admin
    givenName: admin
    mail: admin@example.com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: top
    sn: admin
    uid: admin
    userPassword: 123456

    由以下命令把上述配置文件内容更新至 LDAP:

    ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -f add_user_group.ldif

    Keystone 的配置文件如下:

    driver = keystone.identity.backends.ldap.Identity
    driver = keystone.assignment.backends.sql.Assignment
    # LDAP 服务器地址,tree_dn 目录下管理员的账号和密码等
    url = ldap://keystone.com              
    query_scope = sub
    user = "cn=admin,dc=keystone,dc=com" 
    password = 123456
    tree_dn = "dc=keystone,dc=com"
    # 以下配置定义 Keystone 和 LDAP 二者的属性的 mapping 关系。
    user_tree_dn = "ou=users,dc=keystone,dc=com"  
    user_objectclass = inetOrgPerson
    user_id_attribute = cn
    user_name_attribute = cn
    user_mail_attribute = mail
    user_pass_attribute = userPassword
    user_enabled_attribute = enabled
    group_tree_dn = "ou=groups,dc=keystone,dc=com"
    group_objectclass = groupOfUniqueNames
    group_id_attribute = cn
    group_name_attribute = cn
    group_member_attribute = uniquemember
    group_desc_attribute = description
    user_allow_create = true
    user_allow_update = true
    user_allow_delete = true
    group_allow_create = true
    group_allow_update = true
    group_allow_delete = true


    用 admin_token 创建 project 和 role,并赋予 demo 和 admin 用户在 project 中的 role 后,即可使用该用户获得 scope token 访问 Keystone 的 API。

    root@ubuntu:~# openstack user list
    | ID                 | Name               |
    | demo               | demo               |
    | admin              | admin              |
    root@ubuntu:~# openstack user show demo
    | Field     | Value            |
    | domain_id | default          |
    | email     | demo@example.com |
    | id        | demo             |
    | name      | demo             |
    root@ubuntu:~# openstack user create hello --password 123456
    | Field     | Value                            |
    | domain_id | default                          |
    | enabled   | True                             |
    | id        | hello                            |
    | name      | hello                            |
    root@ubuntu:~# openstack project create test_project
    | Field       | Value                            |
    | description |                                  |
    | domain_id   | default                          |
    | enabled     | True                             |
    | id          | cbdf05b17cf54587b3b58a11f49252e7 |
    | name        | test_project                     |
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    数据库问题小记(SQL 2000系列)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/allcloud/p/5150221.html
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