在 Kilo版本, API WSGI application 可以有以下2种部署方式:
- As a Python command that runs a Werkzeug-based web server that is monkeypatched to use eventlet.
- As a WSGI application hosted by any WSGI server, often Apache + mod wsgi.
WSGI host好处是性能好,可扩展性高。
Werkzeug + Eventlet 命令行好处是简单方便但性能差而且难以调试。
Eventlet 会monkeypatches the socket module 来提供 non-blocking network I/O.
Eventlet 还有一个问题就是当socker出现异常比如client频繁在没有读取完server发来的数据时的关闭导致问题难以debug。
Aodh采用的是第三方werkzeug WSGI服务器,而该服务器支持多线程/进程,所以可以很方便的直接替换。
- werkzeug WSGI server without eventlet
- Apache + mod wsgi
其中在Api/app中使用werkzeug 的代码为:
from werkzeug import serving serving.run_simple(host, port, app, processes=conf.api.workers)
--- a/aodh/messaging.py +++ b/aodh/messaging.py - [endpoint], executor='eventlet', + [endpoint], executor='threading',
其他服务如aodh-listener,aodh-notifier ,aodh-evaluato,aodh-expire还是使用oslo_service.
- https://github.com/openstack/telemetry-specs/blob/master/specs/liberty/remove-web-eventlet.rst
- http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/aodh/mitaka.html