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  • 英文词频统计预备,组合数据类型练习

    1. 实例: 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,将所有,.?!等替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写,统计某几个单词出现的次数,分隔出一个一个的单词。
    2. 列表实例:由字符串创建一个作业评分列表,做增删改查询统计遍历操作。例如,查询第一个3分的下标,统计1分的同学有多少个,3分的同学有多少个等。
    3. 简要描述列表与元组的异同。
    #1 实例: 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,将所有,.?!替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写,统计某几个单词出现的次数,分隔出一个一个的单词。
    str = '''
    When you wake up in the morning
    When you haven't started to think
    There is a whole brand new day
    Open wide and waiting for you
    I know in life's sorrow
    you're on the verge of drowning
    May your tears flee with yesterday
    blow away with the wind
    When you wake up in the morning
    When you haven't started to think
    The world is out there calling
    open eyes to new beginning
    A newborn sun is shinning
    Chasing shadows from your mind
    Everything will be alive,
    under the sunshine's smile
    Come out from your corner
    No doubt in join us
    You can decide the future
    Devote your youthful power to this world
    Come together, hand in hand together
    I know you'll do
    We pray and believe
    that tomorrow will be better.
    No, I don't know what your name is
    But you're so familiar to me
    Cause we belong to one family
    You can hear my heart calling
    Life can be music,
    rainbows can be reached
    If you face yourself truly
    keep striving for your dream
    Come out from your corner
    No doubt in join us
    You can decide the future
    Devote your youthful power to this world
    Come together, hand in hand together
    I know you'll do
    We pray and believe
    that tomorrow will be better.
    When you wake up in the morning
    When you haven't started to think
    There is a whole brand new day
    Open wide and waiting for you
    I know in life's sorrow
    you're on the verge of drowning
    May your tears flee with yesterday
    Blow away with the wind
    Come out from your corner
    No doubt in join us
    You can decide the future
    Devote your youthful power to this world
    Come together, hand in hand together
    I know you'll do
    We pray and believe
    that tomorrow will be better.
    # 将,?.!变成空格
    str = str.replace(',',' ')
    str = str.replace(' ','')
    # 将所有大写转换为小写
    str = str.lower()
    # 把歌词切片
    words = str.split(' ')
    # 统计tomorrow、will、be、better
    print ('tomorrow:{0}'.format(str.count('tomorrow')))
    print ('will:{0}'.format(str.count('will')))
    print ('be:{0}'.format(str.count('be')))
    print ('better:{0}'.format(str.count('better')))

    #2. 由字符串创建一个作业评分列表增删改查统计遍历操作,全部改为数值 型,查询第一个3分的下标,1分的同学有多少个,3分有多少个
    pi = '32132112332131'
    list_pi = list(pi)
    # 增加一个3分的
    # 删除最后一个
    # 修改第二个
    list_pi[1] = '2'
    # 查询第三个
    # 全部修改为数值型
    for i in range(len(list_pi)):
    list_pi[i] = int(list_pi[i])
    for i in range(len(list_pi)):
    if list_pi[i] == 3:
    print (i)
    print ('1分的同学有{0}个'.format(list_pi.count(1)))
    print ('3分的同学有{0}个'.format(list_pi.count(3)))

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alliancehacker/p/7562052.html
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