The Python Challenge :
Level 0:
Hint: try to change the URL address.
Level 1:
Hint 1:K->M O->Q E->G
Hint 2:g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj.
想必是利用Hint 1的唯一算法转换字符串,得到下一关的地址信息,需要注意的是转换是在26个字母中转换的,不多说,上代码
s = "g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj." def change_str(s): if s is 'y': return 'a' if s is 'z': return 'b' if s.isalpha() and s not in 'yz': return chr(ord(s)+2) return s ns = map(change_str, s) print ''.join(ns)
解密得到:i hope you didnt translate it by hand. thats what computers are for. doing it in by hand is inefficient and that's why this text is so long. using string.maketrans() is recommended. now apply on the url.
Level 2:
import collections def mycount(s): lit = [] lit_num = [] for item in s: if item in lit: continue lit.append(item) for item in lit: num = s.count(item) lit_num.append(num) return collections.OrderedDict(zip(lit, lit_num)) dic = mycount(s) for k, v in dic.iteritems(): print k, '=', v
Level 3:
Hint :One small letter, surrounded by EXACTLY three big bodyguards on each of its sides.
regex = r"[^A-Z][A-Z]{3}[a-z][A-Z]{3}[^A-Z]" REGEX = re.compile(regex) result = REGEX.findall(s) print result
得到:['qIQNlQSLi', 'eOEKiVEYj', 'aZADnMCZq', 'bZUTkLYNg', 'uCNDeHSBj', 'kOIXdKBFh', 'dXJVlGZVm', 'gZAGiLQZx', 'vCJAsACFl', 'qKWGtIDCj']
Level 4:
点击图片跳转页面显示:and the next nothing is 44827
查看页面源码发现: urllib may help. DON'T TRY ALL NOTHINGS, since it will never
end. 400 times is more than enough.
尝试把nothing改为44827,页面跳转显示:and the next nothing is 45439
import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def challenge(noth): url = "{}".format(noth) responce = urllib.urlopen(url) html = soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') body_text = soup.find('body').text nothing = (body_text.split('.')).pop() if 'html' == nothing: print 'Congratulations!!!!-----------------------------------------------' print body_text else: print '-----------------------------------------------------------------' print body_text nothing = (body_text.split(' ')).pop() try: if isinstance(int(nothing), int): return challenge(nothing) except ValueError: nothing = int(noth) / 2 print nothing print '--------------------------------------------------------------' return challenge(nothing)
Level 5:
[[(' ', 95)], [(' ', 14), ('#', 5), (' ', 70), ('#', 5), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 9), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 5), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 10), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 5), ('#', 2), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 10), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 7), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 10), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 14), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 2), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 11), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 6), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 6), (' ', 4), ('#', 11), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 6)], [(' ', 95)]]
import pickle f = open('banner.p') l = pickle.load(f) print l print ' '.join([''.join([p[0] * p[1] for p in item]) for item in l]) for item in l: for p in item: s = p[0] * p[1] f.close()
##### ##### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### #### ### ### ##### ### ##### ### ### #### ### ## #### ####### ## ### #### ####### #### ####### ### ### #### ### ### ##### #### ### #### ##### #### ##### #### ### ### #### ### #### #### ### ### #### #### #### #### ### #### #### ### #### #### ### #### #### #### #### ### ### #### #### #### #### ## ### #### #### #### #### #### ### #### #### #### #### ########## #### #### #### #### ############## #### #### #### #### ### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### #### #### #### ### #### #### #### #### ### #### ### ## #### #### ### #### #### #### #### #### ### ## #### ### ## #### #### ########### #### #### #### #### ### ## #### ### ###### ##### ## #### ###### ########### ##### ### ######
Level 6:
welcome to my zipped list.
hint1: start from 90052
hint2: answer is inside the zip
import zipfile file_zip = zipfile.ZipFile('') files = file_zip.namelist() def item(start): if start in files: with as f: content = print content result = '{}.txt'.format(content.split(' ').pop()) return item(result) else: result = start.split('.') print 'The result is: ', result[0] if __name__ == '__main__': item('90052.txt')
程序最后得到:Collect the comments.
import zipfile file_zip = zipfile.ZipFile('') files = file_zip.namelist() lst = [] def item(start): if start in files: with as f: content = com = file_zip.getinfo(start).comment lst.append(com) print content result = '{}.txt'.format(content.split(' ').pop()) return item(result) else: result = start.split('.') print 'The result is: ', result[0] if __name__ == '__main__': item('90052.txt') result = ''.join(lst) print result
**************************************************************** **************************************************************** ** ** ** OO OO XX YYYY GG GG EEEEEE NN NN ** ** OO OO XXXXXX YYYYYY GG GG EEEEEE NN NN ** ** OO OO XXX XXX YYY YY GG GG EE NN NN ** ** OOOOOOOO XX XX YY GGG EEEEE NNNN ** ** OOOOOOOO XX XX YY GGG EEEEE NN ** ** OO OO XXX XXX YYY YY GG GG EE NN ** ** OO OO XXXXXX YYYYYY GG GG EEEEEE NN ** ** OO OO XX YYYY GG GG EEEEEE NN ** ** ** **************************************************************** **************************************************************
得到:it's in the air. look at the letters.