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  • Key Small Business Server 2008 Log Files

    In SBS 2008 we have centralized the location of log files, all log files will now be placed in C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs.  From a support perspective this is a big plus in simplifying troubleshooting as you will always know where the log file will be located.  We have compiled a list of important logs and their associated wizards below.

    C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs
    Console.log SBS Console Log
    CTIW.log Logs events of the "Connect to the Internet" wizard
    DCPromo_yymmdd.xxxxxx.log DCPromo that ran during SBS install
    DPCW.log Logs events of the "Set up your Internet address" wizard
    ERRORLOG.TXT Logs any errors that occurred during SBS setup
    ExtSchemaTask.log Logs result of SBS AD schema additions
    FinishSetup.log Logs the completion of the SBS 2008 install
    GPOTask.log Logs the creation of the SBS Group Policy objects
    olsignupwiz.log Logs events of the "Set up your Microsoft Office Live Small Business Web site" wizard
    pop3connectorinstall.log Install log for the POP3 Connector
    SBSHook.log Logs hooking of SBS install shell to Windows install and runonce modification
    SBSSetup.log Logs all events that occurred during SBS setup
    adduser.log Logs events of the "Add a new user account" wizard
    addgroup.log Logs events of the "Add a new group" wizard
    CreateUserRole.log Logs events of the "Add a new user role" wizard
    CopyConnectComputer.log Logs events of the "Connect computers to your network" wizard
    SBCW.log Logs events of the "Configure server backup" wizard
    fncw.log Logs events of the "Fix My Network" wizard
    AddMultipleUsers.log Logs events of the "Add multiple user accounts" wizard
    FaxRoleInstallation.log Install log for Fax
    FaxCW.log Logs events of the "Configure the fax service" wizard
    MoveData.log Logs events of the "Move Exchange Server Data", "Move Windows SharePointServices Data", "Move User's Shared Data", "Move User's Redirected Documents Data", and "Move Windows Update Repository Data" wizards 
    CIMW.log  Logs events of the "Configure a Smart Host for Internet e-mail" wizard
    TrustedCert.log Logs events of the "Add a trusted certificate" wizard
    VPNCW.log Logs events of the "Configure a virtual private network" wizard
    C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\MonitoringServiceLogs
    Contains logs for SBS Monitoring and it's associated data collection tasks
    C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\pop3connector
    Pop3service.log POP3 Connector log
    C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\WebWorkplace
    W3WP.log IIS worker process log for RWW

    Please note that you will also find many event log (*.evt) files in the SBS log directory.  These files are a snapshot of the event logs at the completion of the SBS install.  These are kept for historical purposes and for trouble-shooting installs.

    PingBack from http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2008/10/01/key-small-business-server-2008-log-files.aspx

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