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  • Generate Parentheses

    Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.

    For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:

    "((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"

    New version: 0ms.

     1 class Solution {
     2 private:
     3     void helper(vector<string>& result, string temp, int left, int right, int n){
     4         if(left == n && right == n){
     5             result.push_back(temp);
     6             return;
     7         }
     9         if(left < n) helper(result, temp + "(", left + 1, right, n);
    10         if(left > right) helper(result, temp + ")", left, right + 1, n);
    11     }
    12 public:
    13     vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {
    14         vector<string> result;
    15         helper(result, "", 0, 0, n);
    16         return result;
    17     }
    18 };

    Runtime: 4ms

     1 class Solution {
     2 public:
     3     vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {
     4         vector<string> result;
     5         if(n <= 0) return result;
     7         helper(result, "", n, n);
     8         return result;
     9     }
    10     void helper(vector<string>& result, string temp, int left, int right){
    11         if(left > right) return;
    13         if(left == 0 && right == 0){
    14             result.push_back(temp);
    15             return;
    16         }
    18         if(left > 0)
    19             helper(result, temp + "(", left - 1, right);
    21         if(right > 0)
    22             helper(result, temp + ")", left, right - 1);
    24     }
    25 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/amazingzoe/p/4873282.html
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