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  • SQL必知必会1-13 读书笔记



    SQL——结构化查询语言,Structured Query Language;


    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> ORDER BY prod_id;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | prod_desc                                                             |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   | Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included                              |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy | Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots                      |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                          |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         | 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll                                              |
    | RYL01   | King doll           | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown                       |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll          | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown                      |
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> ORDER BY prod_price,prod_name;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | prod_desc                                                             |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   | Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included                              |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy | Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots                      |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         | 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll                                              |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                          |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | RYL01   | King doll           | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown                       |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll          | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown                      |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> ORDER BY prod_price,prod_name DESC;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | prod_desc                                                             |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy | Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots                      |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   | Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included                              |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         | 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll                                              |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                          |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll          | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown                      |
    | RYL01   | King doll           | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown                       |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |


    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE prod_price IS NULL;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE (vend_id <> 'DLL01' OR  prod_id LIKE 'BR%') AND prod_price BETWEEN 3 AND 10;
    | prod_id | prod_name          | prod_desc                                        |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear  | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket     |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket    |
    | RYL01   | King doll          | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown  |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll         | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE vend_id IN ('DLL01','BRS01')
        -> ORDER BY prod_name;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | prod_desc                                                             |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   | 8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                          |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   | Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included                              |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy | Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots                      |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         | 18 inch Raggedy Ann doll                                              |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE vend_id NOT IN ('DLL01','BRS01')
        -> ORDER BY prod_name;
    | prod_id | prod_name  | prod_desc                                        |
    | RYL01   | King doll  | 12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown  |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll | 12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)




    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,prod_desc
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE prod_name LIKE '__ inch teddy bear' OR prod_name LIKE 'Fish%';
    | prod_id | prod_name          | prod_desc                                                             |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear | 12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear | 18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket                         |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy  | Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT *
        -> FROM customers;
    | cust_id    | cust_name     | cust_address         | cust_city | cust_state | cust_zip | cust_country | cust_contact       | cust_email            |
    | 1000000001 | Village Toys  | 200 Maple Lane       | Detroit   | MI         | 44444    | USA          | John Smith         | sales@villagetoys.com |
    | 1000000002 | Kids Place    | 333 South Lake Drive | Columbus  | OH         | 43333    | USA          | Michelle Green     | NULL                  |
    | 1000000003 | Fun4All       | 1 Sunny Place        | Muncie    | IN         | 42222    | USA          | Jim Jones          | jjones@fun4all.com    |
    | 1000000004 | Fun4All       | 829 Riverside Drive  | Phoenix   | AZ         | 88888    | USA          | Denise L. Stephens | dstephens@fun4all.com |
    | 1000000005 | The Toy Store | 4545 53rd Street     | Chicago   | IL         | 54545    | USA          | Kim Howard         | NULL                  |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_contact
        -> FROM customers
        -> WHERE cust_contact LIKE '[JM]%'
        -> ORDER BY cust_id;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_contact
        -> FROM customers
        -> WHERE cust_contact LIKE '[JM]%'
        -> ORDER BY cust_contact;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_contact
        -> FROM customers
        -> WHERE cust_contact LIKE '[^JM]%'
        -> ORDER BY cust_contact;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)



    mysql> SELECT vend_name + '('+vend_country+')'
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_name;
    | vend_name + '('+vend_country+')' |
    |                                0 |
    |                                0 |
    |                                0 |
    |                                0 |
    |                                0 |
    |                                0 |
    6 rows in set, 24 warnings (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT vend_name + '|' + vend_country + '|'
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_name;
    | vend_name + '|' + vend_country + '|' |
    |                                    0 |
    |                                    0 |
    |                                    0 |
    |                                    0 |
    |                                    0 |
    |                                    0 |
    6 rows in set, 24 warnings (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT * FROM vendors;
    | vend_id | vend_name       | vend_address    | vend_city  | vend_state | vend_zip | vend_country |
    | BRS01   | Bears R Us      | 123 Main Street | Bear Town  | MI         | 44444    | USA          |
    | BRE02   | Bear Emporium   | 500 Park Street | Anytown    | OH         | 44333    | USA          |
    | DLL01   | Doll House Inc. | 555 High Street | Dollsville | CA         | 99999    | USA          |
    | FRB01   | Furball Inc.    | 1000 5th Avenue | New York   | NY         | 11111    | USA          |
    | FNG01   | Fun and Games   | 42 Galaxy Road  | London     | NULL       | N16 6PS  | England      |
    | JTS01   | Jouets et ours  | 1 Rue Amusement | Paris      | NULL       | 45678    | France       |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT vend_name || ' ( '||vend_country || ' )  '
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_name;
    | vend_name || ' ( '||vend_country || ' )  ' |
    |                                          0 |
    |                                          0 |
    |                                          0 |
    |                                          0 |
    |                                          0 |
    |                                          0 |
    6 rows in set, 24 warnings (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT CONCAT(vend_name,vend_country)
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_name;
    | CONCAT(vend_name,vend_country) |
    | Bear EmporiumUSA               |
    | Bears R UsUSA                  |
    | Doll House Inc.USA             |
    | Fun and GamesEngland           |
    | Furball Inc.USA                |
    | Jouets et oursFrance           |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT CONCAT(vend_name,'(',vend_country,')')
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_name;
    | CONCAT(vend_name,'(',vend_country,')') |
    | Bear Emporium(USA)                     |
    | Bears R Us(USA)                        |
    | Doll House Inc.(USA)                   |
    | Fun and Games(England)                 |
    | Furball Inc.(USA)                      |
    | Jouets et ours(France)                 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT vend_name,
        ->        CONCAT(vend_address,',',vend_city,',',vend_state,',',vend_country) AS VendorsInfo,
        ->        vend_zip
        -> FROM vendors
        -> ORDER BY vend_zip,vend_name DESC;
    | vend_name       | VendorsInfo                       | vend_zip |
    | Furball Inc.    | 1000 5th Avenue,New York,NY,USA   | 11111    |
    | Bear Emporium   | 500 Park Street,Anytown,OH,USA    | 44333    |
    | Bears R Us      | 123 Main Street,Bear Town,MI,USA  | 44444    |
    | Jouets et ours  | NULL                              | 45678    |
    | Doll House Inc. | 555 High Street,Dollsville,CA,USA | 99999    |
    | Fun and Games   | NULL                              | N16 6PS  |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,quantity,item_price,
        ->       quantity*item_price AS sum_price
        -> FROM orderitems
        -> WHERE order_num=20008;
    | prod_id | quantity | item_price | sum_price |
    | RGAN01  |        5 |       4.99 |     24.95 |
    | BR03    |        5 |      11.99 |     59.95 |
    | BNBG01  |       10 |       3.49 |     34.90 |
    | BNBG02  |       10 |       3.49 |     34.90 |
    | BNBG03  |       10 |       3.49 |     34.90 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



    mysql> SELECT CONCAT(prod_name,'+',CURDATE())
        -> FROM products;
    | CONCAT(prod_name,'+',CURDATE()) |
    | 8 inch teddy bear+2016-08-04    |
    | 12 inch teddy bear+2016-08-04   |
    | 18 inch teddy bear+2016-08-04   |
    | Fish bean bag toy+2016-08-04    |
    | Bird bean bag toy+2016-08-04    |
    | Rabbit bean bag toy+2016-08-04  |
    | Raggedy Ann+2016-08-04          |
    | King doll+2016-08-04            |
    | Queen doll+2016-08-04           |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT order_num
        -> FROM orders
        -> WHERE YEAR(order_date)=2004;
    | order_num |
    |     20005 |
    |     20006 |
    |     20007 |
    |     20008 |
    |     20009 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT UPPER(price_name) AS Name,prod_price
        -> FROM products
        -> ORDER BY prod_name;
    ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'price_name' in 'field list'
    mysql> SELECT UPPER(prod_name) AS Name,prod_price
        -> FROM products
        -> ORDER BY prod_name;
    | Name                | prod_price |
    | 12 INCH TEDDY BEAR  |       8.99 |
    | 18 INCH TEDDY BEAR  |      11.99 |
    | 8 INCH TEDDY BEAR   |       5.99 |
    | BIRD BEAN BAG TOY   |       3.49 |
    | FISH BEAN BAG TOY   |       3.49 |
    | KING DOLL           |       9.49 |
    | QUEEN DOLL          |       9.49 |
    | RABBIT BEAN BAG TOY |       3.49 |
    | RAGGEDY ANN         |       4.99 |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT UPPER(prod_name) AS P_Name,AVG(prod_price) AS P_Price
        -> FROM products
        -> WHERE prod_price BETWEEN 2 AND 10;
    | P_Name            | P_Price  |
    | 8 INCH TEDDY BEAR | 6.177500 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT UPPER(prod_name) AS P_Name,AVG(prod_price) AS P_Price
        -> FROM products;
    | P_Name            | P_Price  |
    | 8 INCH TEDDY BEAR | 6.823333 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS P_Price
        -> FROM products;
    | P_Price  |
    | 6.823333 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_cust
        -> FROM customers;
    | num_cust |
    |        5 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) AS Items,
        ->        AVG(DISTINCT prod_price) AS price_avg,
        ->        MAX(prod_price) AS price_max,
        ->        MIN(prod_price) AS price_min
        -> FROM products;
    | Items | price_avg | price_max | price_min |
    |     9 |  7.490000 |     11.99 |      3.49 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


     mysql> SELECT prod_name,COUNT(*) AS num_prod 
    -> FROM products -> GROUP BY vend_id; +-------------------+----------+ | prod_name | num_prod | +-------------------+----------+ | 8 inch teddy bear | 3 | | Fish bean bag toy | 4 | | King doll | 2 | +-------------------+----------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_price,COUNT(*) AS num_price -> FROM products -> GROUP BY prod_price; +------------+-----------+ | prod_price | num_price | +------------+-----------+ | 3.49 | 3 | | 4.99 | 1 | | 5.99 | 1 | | 8.99 | 1 | | 9.49 | 2 | | 11.99 | 1 | +------------+-----------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_price,COUNT(*) AS num_price -> FROM products -> GROUP BY prod_price -> HAVING COUNT(*)>=2 -> ORDER BY prod_price DESC; +------------+-----------+ | prod_price | num_price | +------------+-----------+ | 9.49 | 2 | | 3.49 | 3 | +------------+-----------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_name,COUNT(*) AS num_prod -> FROM products -> WHERE prod_price>=3 -> GROUP BY prod_name -> HAVING COUNT(*)>=2 -> ORDER BY prod_price DESC; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_name,prod_price,COUNT(*) AS num_prod -> FROM products -> GROUP BY prod_name; +---------------------+------------+----------+ | prod_name | prod_price | num_prod | +---------------------+------------+----------+ | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 | 1 | | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 | 1 | | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 | 1 | | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 | 1 | | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 | 1 | | King doll | 9.49 | 1 | | Queen doll | 9.49 | 1 | | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 | 1 | | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 | 1 | +---------------------+------------+----------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_name,prod_price,COUNT(*) AS num_prod -> FROM products -> GROUP BY prod_price; +--------------------+------------+----------+ | prod_name | prod_price | num_prod | +--------------------+------------+----------+ | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 | 3 | | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 | 1 | | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 | 1 | | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 | 1 | | King doll | 9.49 | 2 | | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 | 1 | +--------------------+------------+----------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT order_num
        -> FROM orderitems
        -> WHERE prod_id='RGAN01';
    | order_num |
    |     20007 |
    |     20008 |
    2 rows in set (0.04 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_id
        -> FROM orders
        -> WHERE order_num IN (20007,20008);
    | cust_id    |
    | 1000000004 |
    | 1000000005 |
    2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_id
        -> FROM orders
        -> WHERE order_num IN(SELECT order_num)
        ->                  ;
    | cust_id    |
    | 1000000001 |
    | 1000000001 |
    | 1000000003 |
    | 1000000004 |
    | 1000000005 |
    5 rows in set (0.03 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_id
        -> FROM orders
        -> WHERE order_num IN(SELECT order_num
        ->                    FROM orderitems
        ->                    WHERE prod_id='RGAN01');
    | cust_id    |
    | 1000000004 |
    | 1000000005 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT COUNT(*)
        -> FROM orders
        -> WHERE cust_id='1000000001';
    | COUNT(*) |
    |        2 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_name,cust_state,
        ->       (SELECT COUNT(*)
        ->        FROM orders
        ->        WHERE orders.cust_id=customers.cust_id) AS orders
        -> FROM customers
        -> ORDER BY cust_name;
    | cust_name     | cust_state | orders |
    | Fun4All       | IN         |      1 |
    | Fun4All       | AZ         |      1 |
    | Kids Place    | OH         |      0 |
    | The Toy Store | IL         |      1 |
    | Village Toys  | MI         |      2 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_name,cust_state,
        ->       (SELECT COUNT(*)
        ->        FROM orders
        ->        WHERE cust_id=cust_id) AS orders
        -> FROM customers
        -> ORDER BY cust_name;
    | cust_name     | cust_state | orders |
    | Fun4All       | IN         |      5 |
    | Fun4All       | AZ         |      5 |
    | Kids Place    | OH         |      5 |
    | The Toy Store | IL         |      5 |
    | Village Toys  | MI         |      5 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    12-联结表:注意和子查询的关系,INNER JOIN

    mysql> SELECT vend_name,prod_name,prod_price
        -> FROM vendors,products
        -> WHERE vendors.vend_id=products.vend_id;
    | vend_name       | prod_name           | prod_price |
    | Bears R Us      | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT vend_name,prod_name,prod_price
        -> FROM vendors,products;
    | vend_name       | prod_name           | prod_price |
    | Bear Emporium   | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Bears R Us      | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Furball Inc.    | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Jouets et ours  | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Bear Emporium   | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Bears R Us      | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Furball Inc.    | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Jouets et ours  | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Bear Emporium   | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Bears R Us      | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Furball Inc.    | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Jouets et ours  | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Bear Emporium   | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Furball Inc.    | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Jouets et ours  | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Bear Emporium   | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Furball Inc.    | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Jouets et ours  | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Bear Emporium   | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Furball Inc.    | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Jouets et ours  | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Bear Emporium   | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Furball Inc.    | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Jouets et ours  | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Bear Emporium   | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Bears R Us      | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Furball Inc.    | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Jouets et ours  | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Bear Emporium   | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    | Bears R Us      | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    | Furball Inc.    | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    | Jouets et ours  | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    54 rows in set (0.03 sec)
    mysql> SELECT vend_name,prod_name,prod_price
        -> FROM vendors INNER JOIN products
        ->   ON vendors.vend_id=products.vend_id;
    | vend_name       | prod_name           | prod_price |
    | Bears R Us      | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |
    | Bears R Us      | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |
    | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |
    | Fun and Games   | King doll           |       9.49 |
    | Fun and Games   | Queen doll          |       9.49 |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_name,cust_contact
        -> FROM customers,orders,orderitems
        -> WHERE orders.cust_id=customers.cust_id
        ->   AND orderitems.order_num=customers.order_num
        ->   AND prod_id='RGAN01';
    ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'customers.order_num' in 'where clause'
    mysql> SELECT cust_name,cust_contact
        -> FROM customers,orders,orderitems
        -> WHERE orders.cust_id=customers.cust_id
        ->   AND orderitems.order_num=orders.order_num
        ->   AND prod_id='RGAN01';
    | cust_name     | cust_contact       |
    | Fun4All       | Denise L. Stephens |
    | The Toy Store | Kim Howard         |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT cust_name,cust_contact
        -> FROM customers
        -> WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id
        ->   FROM orders
        ->   WHERE order_num IN (SELECT order_num
        ->     FROM orderitems
        ->     WHERE prod_id='RGAN01'));
    | cust_name     | cust_contact       |
    | Fun4All       | Denise L. Stephens |
    | The Toy Store | Kim Howard         |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    13-高级联结:表别名(防止歧义),自联结,INNER JOIN,LEFT/RIGHT JOIN(需要那些没有关联行的行)(PS.MySQL中好像没有FULL OUTER JOIN和*=表示)

    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,C.cust_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM customers AS C,orders AS O
        -> WHERE C.cust_id=O.cust_id;
    | cust_id    | cust_name    | COUNT(*) |
    | 1000000001 | Village Toys |        5 |
    1 row in set (0.02 sec)
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,C.cust_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM customers AS C,orders AS O
        -> WHERE C.cust_id=O.cust_id
        -> GROUP BY O.cust_name;
    ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'O.cust_name' in 'group statement'
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,C.cust_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM customers AS C,orders AS O
        -> WHERE C.cust_id=O.cust_id
        -> GROUP BY O.cust_id;
    | cust_id    | cust_name     | COUNT(*) |
    | 1000000001 | Village Toys  |        2 |
    | 1000000003 | Fun4All       |        1 |
    | 1000000004 | Fun4All       |        1 |
    | 1000000005 | The Toy Store |        1 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM products;
    | prod_id | prod_name         | COUNT(*) |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy |        9 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT prod_id,prod_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM products
        -> GROUP BY prod_name;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | COUNT(*) |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  |        1 |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  |        1 |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   |        1 |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   |        1 |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   |        1 |
    | RYL01   | King doll           |        1 |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll          |        1 |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy |        1 |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         |        1 |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM products,orderitems
        -> WHERE orderitems.prod_id=products.prod_id
        -> GROUP BY prod_name
        -> ORDER BY prod_id;
    ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'P.prod_id' in 'field list'
    mysql> SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM products AS P,orderitems AS O
        -> WHERE orderitems.prod_id=products.prod_id
        -> GROUP BY prod_name
        -> ORDER BY prod_id;
    ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'orderitems.prod_id' in 'where clause'
    mysql> SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,COUNT(*)
        -> FROM products AS P,orderitems AS O
        -> WHERE O.prod_id=P.prod_id
        -> GROUP BY P.prod_name
        -> ORDER BY P.prod_id;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | COUNT(*) |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   |        3 |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   |        3 |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy |        3 |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   |        2 |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  |        1 |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  |        4 |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         |        2 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,SUM(O.quantity)
        -> FROM products AS P,orderitems AS O
        -> WHERE O.prod_id=P.prod_id
        -> GROUP BY P.prod_name
        -> ORDER BY P.prod_id;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | SUM(O.quantity) |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   |             360 |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   |             360 |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy |             360 |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   |             120 |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  |              10 |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  |             165 |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         |              55 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.order_num
        -> FROM customers AS C,orders AS O
        -> ;
    | cust_id    | order_num |
    | 1000000001 |     20005 |
    | 1000000002 |     20005 |
    | 1000000003 |     20005 |
    | 1000000004 |     20005 |
    | 1000000005 |     20005 |
    | 1000000001 |     20009 |
    | 1000000002 |     20009 |
    | 1000000003 |     20009 |
    | 1000000004 |     20009 |
    | 1000000005 |     20009 |
    | 1000000001 |     20006 |
    | 1000000002 |     20006 |
    | 1000000003 |     20006 |
    | 1000000004 |     20006 |
    | 1000000005 |     20006 |
    | 1000000001 |     20007 |
    | 1000000002 |     20007 |
    | 1000000003 |     20007 |
    | 1000000004 |     20007 |
    | 1000000005 |     20007 |
    | 1000000001 |     20008 |
    | 1000000002 |     20008 |
    | 1000000003 |     20008 |
    | 1000000004 |     20008 |
    | 1000000005 |     20008 |
    25 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.order_num
        -> FROM customers AS C LEFT OUTER JOIN orders AS O
        ->   ON C.cust_id=O.cust_id;
    | cust_id    | order_num |
    | 1000000001 |     20005 |
    | 1000000001 |     20009 |
    | 1000000002 |      NULL |
    | 1000000003 |     20006 |
    | 1000000004 |     20007 |
    | 1000000005 |     20008 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.order_num
        -> FROM customers AS C RIGHT OUTER JOIN orders AS O
        ->   ON C.cust_id=O.cust_id;
    | cust_id    | order_num |
    | 1000000001 |     20005 |
    | 1000000001 |     20009 |
    | 1000000003 |     20006 |
    | 1000000004 |     20007 |
    | 1000000005 |     20008 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.cust_id
        -> FROM customers AS C,orders AS O
        -> WHERE C.cust_id *= O.cust_id;
    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= O.cust_id' at line 3
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.order_num
        -> FROM customers AS C FULL OUTER JOIN orders AS O
        ->   ON C.cust_id=O.cust_id;
    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FULL OUTER JOIN orders AS O
      ON C.cust_id=O.cust_id' at line 2
    mysql> SELECT C.cust_id,O.order_num
        -> FROM customers AS C LEFT OUTER JOIN orders AS O
        ->   ON C.cust_id=O.cust_id;
    | cust_id    | order_num |
    | 1000000001 |     20005 |
    | 1000000001 |     20009 |
    | 1000000002 |      NULL |
    | 1000000003 |     20006 |
    | 1000000004 |     20007 |
    | 1000000005 |     20008 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql>  SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,SUM(O.quantity)
        ->     -> FROM products AS P,orderitems AS O
        ->     -> WHERE O.prod_id=P.prod_id
        ->     -> GROUP BY P.prod_name
        ->     -> ORDER BY P.prod_id;
    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '> FROM products AS P,orderitems AS O
        -> WHERE O.prod_id=P.prod_id
        -> GRO' at line 2
    mysql> SELECT P.prod_id,P.prod_name,SUM(O.quantity)
        -> FROM products AS P LEFT OUTER JOIN orderitems AS O
        ->   ON O.prod_id=P.prod_id
        -> GROUP BY P.prod_name
        -> ORDER BY P.prod_id;
    | prod_id | prod_name           | SUM(O.quantity) |
    | BNBG01  | Fish bean bag toy   |             360 |
    | BNBG02  | Bird bean bag toy   |             360 |
    | BNBG03  | Rabbit bean bag toy |             360 |
    | BR01    | 8 inch teddy bear   |             120 |
    | BR02    | 12 inch teddy bear  |              10 |
    | BR03    | 18 inch teddy bear  |             165 |
    | RGAN01  | Raggedy Ann         |              55 |
    | RYL01   | King doll           |            NULL |
    | RYL02   | Queen doll          |            NULL |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/andy1202go/p/5737144.html
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