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  • Duwamish7分析——登录

    用户在管理帐户或进行购买前,他或她必须使用熟悉的登录过程登录到 Duwamish 7.0。“Logon”(登录)页使用 ASP.NET 基于窗体的身份验证来验证用户是否提供了唯一的电子邮件别名和密码。尚未建立帐户的用户可以通过单击“New Customer”(新建客户)按钮创建一个帐户。有关创建新帐户的详细信息,请参见帐户管理。
    “Logon”(登录)页使用下面的 ASP.NET 文件和 C# 或 Visual Basic .NET 代码隐藏文件:
    注意   有关 ASP.NET 代码隐藏的更多信息,请参见创建 ASP.NET Web 应用程序。
    在 Web 层中启动登录过程。用户输入电子邮件地址和密码(凭据),然后单击“Logon”(登录)按钮,这将调用 Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法。下一步,Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法创建密码的散列表示形式,并将凭据传递给业务外观层的 Duwamish7.BusinessFacade.CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法。接着 Duwamish7.DataAccess.Customers.LoadCustomerByEmail 方法调用数据访问层,后者又调用 GetCustomerByEmail 存储过程 (SPROC)。然后通过 ComparePasswords 方法,相对于从数据库中检索的经过 salt 和散列运算的密码来验证散列密码。如果凭据有效,则客户帐户信息成功地存储到 Cart 对象,并且 ASP.NET Forms 身份验证通过 pageBase 类 ShoppingCart.Customer() 属性验证凭据。如果凭据无效,则 MismatchLabel 设置为可见,它在 ASP.NET 页上显示下面的内容:“Invalid email address or password- please try again”(电子邮件地址或密码无效,请再试一次)。
    注意   有关对密码进行 salt 和散列运算的进一步信息,请参见密码凭据保护。
    业务外观源代码 | 数据访问源代码 | SPROC
    Web 源代码
    Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法源代码的默认位置是 [安装 Visual Studio .NET 的驱动器号]:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Enterprise Samples\Duwamish 7.0 CS\Web\Secure\Logon.aspx.cs 文件。
    注意   如果安装了 Visual Basic .NET 版本,则 Duwamish 7.0 VB 将替换路径中的 Duwamish 7.0 CS,其文件名相同,但扩展名是 vb 而不是 cs。
    Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法:
    /// <summary>
    ///     Validates a logon attempt  saves off the customer account information.
    ///     <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    ///     <param name="e">An EventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
    /// </summary>
    public void LogonButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        CustomerData custData;

        // Check the Email and Password
        MismatchLabel.Visible = false;

        //Validator controls make sure Email and Password exist
        if (!Page.IsValid)
        // Check for already logged on
        if (logonCustomerData != null)
            ShowPanel(LogonPanel, false);
            ShowPanel(DetailsPanel, false);
            ShowPanel(CreatedPanel, false);
            ShowPanel(LoggedOnPanel, true);
            ViewState["target"] = "logon";

        // Ensure the right panel == visible
        ShowPanel(LogonPanel, true);
        ShowPanel(LoggedOnPanel, false);
        ShowPanel(DetailsPanel, false);
        ShowPanel(CreatedPanel, false);

        // Check the Email and Password combination
        SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();
        byte [] password = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(LogonPasswordTextBox.Text));

        custData = (new CustomerSystem()).GetCustomerByEmail(LogonEmailTextBox.Text, password);           
        if (custData != null)   //were they valid?
            // 1. Update customer in session.
            // 2. Update customer in cart.
            base.Customer = custData;
            base.ShoppingCart().Customer = custData;
            FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("*", false);
            MismatchLabel.Visible = true;
    [Visual Basic .NET]
    ' Sub LogonButton_Click:
    '   Validates a logon attempt then saves off the customer account information.
    ' Parameters:
    '   [in] sender: Standard onlcick parameter for the sending object
    '   [in] e: Standard click parameter for the event arguments
    Private Sub LogonButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim custData As CustomerData

        ' Check the Email and Password
        MismatchLabel.Visible = False

        'Validator controls make sure Email and Password exist
        If Not Page.IsValid Then
        End If
        ' Check for already logged on
        If Not logonCustomerData Is Nothing Then
            ShowPanel(LogonPanel, False)
            ShowPanel(DetailsPanel, False)
            ShowPanel(CreatedPanel, False)
            ShowPanel(LoggedOnPanel, True)
            Me.ViewState("target") = "logon"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Ensure the right panel is visible
        ShowPanel(LogonPanel, True)
        ShowPanel(LoggedOnPanel, False)
        ShowPanel(DetailsPanel, False)
        ShowPanel(CreatedPanel, False)
        ' Check the Email and Password combination
        With New CustomerSystem()
             ' <A href=viewsource.aspx?Title=CustomerSystem.vb&FilePath=../Business/Facade/CustomerSystem.vb>CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail()</A>
             Dim sha1 As SHA1 = SHA1.Create()
             Dim password As byte() = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(LogonPasswordTextBox.Text))

             custData = .GetCustomerByEmail(LogonEmailTextBox.Text, password)
        End With
        If Not custData Is Nothing Then  'were they valid?
            ' 1. Update customer in session.
            ' 2. Update customer in cart.
            MyBase.Customer = custData
            MyBase.ShoppingCart.Customer = custData
            MismatchLabel.Visible = True
        End If       
    End Sub
    Duwamish7.BusinessFacade.CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法源代码的默认位置是 [安装 Visual Studio .NET 的驱动器号]:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Enterprise Samples\Duwamish 7.0 CS\Business\Facade\CustomerSystem.cs 文件。
    注意   如果安装了 Visual Basic .NET 版本,则 Duwamish 7.0 VB 将替换路径中的 Duwamish 7.0 CS,其文件名相同,但扩展名是 vb 而不是 cs。
    Duwamish7.BusinessFacade.CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法:
    /// <summary>
    ///     Retrieve a customer given the customer's email and password.
    ///     <param name="emailAddress">Customer's email address.</param>
    ///     <param name="password">Customer's account password.</param>
    ///     <retvalue>The customer or null.</retvalue>
    ///     <exception> class='System.ApplicationException'>
    ///         The emailAddress or password is blank.
    ///     </exception>
    /// </summary>
    public CustomerData GetCustomerByEmail(String emailAddress, byte [] password)
       // Check preconditions
       ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(emailAddress != String.Empty, "Email address is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber);
       ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(password.Length != 0, "Password is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber);
       // Get the customer dataSet
       CustomerData dataSet;
       using (DataAccess.Customers customersDataAccess = new DataAccess.Customers())
          dataSet = customersDataAccess.LoadCustomerByEmail(emailAddress);
       // Verify the customer's password
       DataRowCollection rows = dataSet.Tables[CustomerData.CUSTOMERS_TABLE].Rows;

       if ( ( rows.Count == 1 ))
          byte [] dbPassword = (byte[])rows[0][CustomerData.PASSWORD_FIELD];

          if (ComparePasswords (dbPassword, password))
             return dataSet;
             return null;
          return null;
    [Visual Basic .NET]
    ' Function GetCustomerByEmail:
    '   Retrieve a customer given the customer's email and password.
    ' Returns:
    '   The customer or Nothing
    ' Parameters:
    '   [in]  emailAddress: Customer's email address
    '   [in]  password: Customer's account password
    ' Throws:
    '   PreConditionException
    ' PreConditions:
    '   emailAddress or password is blank
    Public Function GetCustomerByEmail(ByVal emailAddress As String, ByVal password As byte()) As CustomerData
        ' Check preconditions
        ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition( Len(emailAddress) > 0, "Email address is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber)
        ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition( password.Length > 0, "Password is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber)
        Dim dataSet As CustomerData ' used manipulate CustomerData
        ' Get the customer dataSet
        With New DataAccess.Customers
             dataSet = .LoadCustomerByEmail(emailAddress)
        End With

        ' Verify the customer's password
        With dataSet.Tables(CustomerData.CUSTOMERS_TABLE).Rows
            If (.Count = 1)  Then
                Dim dbPassword As byte()
                dbPassword = CType(.Item(0).Item(CustomerData.PASSWORD_FIELD), byte())
                If (ComparePasswords(dbPassword, password)) Then
                    GetCustomerByEmail = dataSet
                End If
            End If
        End With
    End Function
    Duwamish7.DataAccess.Customers.LoadCustomerByEmail 方法源代码的默认位置是 [安装 Visual Studio .NET 的驱动器号]:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Enterprise Samples\Duwamish 7.0 CS\DataAccess\Customers.cs 文件。
    注意   如果安装了 Visual Basic .NET 版本,则 Duwamish 7.0 VB 将替换路径中的 Duwamish 7.0 CS,其文件名相同,但扩展名是 vb 而不是 cs。
    Duwamish7.DataAccess.Customers.LoadCustomerByEmail 方法:
    /// <summary>
    ///     Retrieves the customer with the provided email address.
    ///     <param name="emailAddress">Email address for customer.</param>
    ///     <retvalue>CustomerData, a dataset containing detailed customer information.</retvalue>
    /// </summary>
    public CustomerData LoadCustomerByEmail(String emailAddress)
        if ( dsCommand == null )
            throw new System.ObjectDisposedException( GetType().FullName );
        CustomerData data = new CustomerData();
        // Get the load command
        dsCommand.SelectCommand = GetLoadCommand();
        dsCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters[EMAIL_PARM].Value = emailAddress;

        // Check post conditions
        ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(data.Tables[CustomerData.CUSTOMERS_TABLE].Rows.Count <= 1, "Integrity Failure: non-unique e-mail address", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber);
        return data;
    [Visual Basic .NET]
    ' Function LoadCustomerByEmail:
    '   Retrieves the customer with the provided email address.
    ' Returns:
    '   CustomerData, a dataset containing detailed customer information.
    ' Parameters:
    '   [in]  emailAddress: Email address for customer
    Public Function LoadCustomerByEmail(ByVal emailAddress As String) As CustomerData
        Dim data As New CustomerData

        With dsCommand
                .SelectCommand = GetLoadCommand
                .SelectCommand.Parameters(EMAIL_PARM).Value = emailAddress
                If Not .SelectCommand Is Nothing Then
                    If Not .SelectCommand.Connection Is Nothing Then
                    End If
                End If
            End Try
        End With
        ' Check post conditions
        ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(data.Tables(CustomerData.CUSTOMERS_TABLE).Rows.Count <= 1, "Integrity Failure: non-unique e-mail address", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber)

        LoadCustomerByEmail = data
    End Function
    SQL 存储过程的默认位置是 [安装 Visual Studio .NET 的驱动器号]:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Enterprise Samples\Duwamish 7.0 CS\Database\SQLScripts\D7_Sprocs.sql 文件。
    注意   如果安装了 Visual Basic .NET 版本,则 Duwamish 7.0 VB 将替换路径中的 Duwamish 7.0 CS。
    -- GetCustomerByEmail
    CREATE PROCEDURE GetCustomerByEmail
        @Email NVARCHAR(50) = NULL

        SELECT c.PKId,
          FROM Customers c,
               Addresses a
         WHERE c.Email = @Email
           AND a.CustomerId = c.PKId

        RETURN 0

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/antony1029/p/295831.html
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