- 批量生成:某一个目录下得所有csd文件都需要生成对应的类
- 单一生成:针对某一个csd文件生成对应的类
- 局部代码:在开发过程中,每一个csd文件都有可能修改,修改就代表需要变更我们的代码
- csd文件实际上时一个Xml文件。解析一下就好。非常简单。。。没有啥实现过程
- Mac 自己带着
- Window 我也不用,咱就不管了
- 我设置这个只是告诉你要装,具体咋弄自己百度去
- 我的版本号是2.7
- 解析目标(默认为当前目录)
- 输出目录(默认为当前目录下的out_put目录,如果目录不存在将新建目录)
- -t 确认输出模式为输出到文件
- -t 后的第一个参数 如果不是“-”开头,则会将此参数设置为输出目录
- 不是跟在以“-”开头参数后的第一个参数则会被认为是解析目标
ython CsdAnalysis.py cocosstudio -d 项目中需要保存的位置
ython CsdAnalysis.py cocosstudio -d
ython CsdAnalysis.py cocosstudio/begin.csd
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from xml.dom import minidom import sys import os import time def get_attr_value(node, attrname): return node.getAttribute(attrname) if node else '' def get_csd_name(root_node): property_groups = root_node.getElementsByTagName("PropertyGroup") if root_node else '' csd_names = [] for item in property_groups: csd_names.append(get_attr_value(item, "Name")) if csd_names.__len__() == 1: return csd_names[0] else: return "" def get_csd_animtion_list(node): animtion_name_list = [] anim_list = node.getElementsByTagName("AnimationInfo") for item in anim_list: item_name = get_attr_value(item, "Name") animtion_name_list.append(item_name) return animtion_name_list def get_csd_root_objects(node): root_objects = [] nodes = node.getElementsByTagName("AbstractNodeData") for item in nodes: item_name = get_attr_value(item, "Name") item_type = get_attr_value(item, "ctype") anim = {} anim["name"] = item_name anim["type"] = item_type root_objects.append(anim) return root_objects def get_csd_all_objects(node): all_objects = [] object_items = node.getElementsByTagName("AbstractNodeData") for item in object_items: print get_csd_type_2_cpp(get_attr_value(item, "ctype")) + " " + get_attr_value(item, "Name") return all_objects def get_csd_type_2_cpp(type): type2cpp = {"GameNodeObjectData":"cocos2d::Node *", "TextObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::Text *", "ButtonObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::Button *", "CheckBoxObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::CheckBox *", "PanelObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::Layout *", "TextFieldObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::TextField *", "ListViewObjectData":"cocos2d::ui::ListView *", "SpriteObjectData":"cocos2d::Sprite *"} if type2cpp.has_key(type): return type2cpp[type] else: return type def analysis_file_h(file_name): datas = [] if file_name.endswith(".csd") and os.path.exists(file_name): doc = minidom.parse(file_name) root = doc.documentElement csd_name = get_csd_name(root) csd_anims = get_csd_animtion_list(root) all_items = get_csd_root_objects(root) datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis Start ****************/") datas.append("cocos2d::ui::Layout * _root_layout;") datas.append("cocostudio::timeline::ActionTimeline * _root_action;") datas.append("") for item in all_items: datas.append(get_csd_type_2_cpp(item["type"]) + " " + item["name"] + ";") datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis End ****************/") else: print file_name + " not find or not end with .csd" return datas def analysis_file_cpp(file_name): datas = [] if file_name.endswith(".csd") and os.path.exists(file_name): doc = minidom.parse(file_name) root = doc.documentElement csd_name = get_csd_name(root) csd_anims = get_csd_animtion_list(root) all_items = get_csd_root_objects(root) o_f = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file_name)[1])[0] datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis Start ****************/") datas.append("cocos2d::Data data = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile("csb/" + o_f + ".csb");") datas.append("auto node = cocos2d::CSLoader::createNode(data);") datas.append("addChild(node);") datas.append("") datas.append("_root_action = cocos2d::CSLoader::createTimeline("csb/" + o_f + ".csb");") datas.append("runAction(_root_action);") datas.append("_root_layout = static_cast<cocos2d::ui::Layout *>(node->getChildByName("panel_main"));") datas.append("") for item in all_items: datas.append(item["name"] + " = static_cast<" + get_csd_type_2_cpp(item["type"]) + ">(seekNodeByName(_root_layout, "" + item["name"] + ""));") datas.append("") for item in all_items: if item["type"] == "ButtonObjectData": datas.append(item["name"] + "->addClickEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_1(" + o_f + "::onButtonClick, this));") datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis End ****************/") datas.append("") datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis Action Start ****************/") for item in csd_anims: datas.append("//_root_action->play("" + item + "", false);") datas.append("/**************** CsdAnalysis Action End ****************/") else: print file_name + " not find or not end with .csd" return datas def analysis_file_to_file(file_name, out_put_path): print "analysis " + file_name + " to " + out_put_path if os.path.exists(out_put_path) == False: dep_path = "" for path in os.path.split(out_put_path): if(dep_path == ""): dep_path = path else: dep_path += "/" + path if dep_path != "" and os.path.exists(dep_path) == False: os.mkdir(dep_path) o_f = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file_name)[1])[0] h_f = os.path.join(out_put_path, o_f + ".hpp") c_f = os.path.join(out_put_path, o_f + ".cpp") if file_name.endswith(".csd") == False or os.path.exists(file_name) == False: return ISOTIMEFORMAT='%Y/%m/%d' doc = minidom.parse(file_name) root = doc.documentElement csd_name = get_csd_name(root) csd_anims = get_csd_animtion_list(root) all_items = get_csd_root_objects(root) file_obj = open(c_f, "w") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// " + o_f + ".cpp ") file_obj.write("// CsdAnalysls ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// Created by CsdAnalysls on " + time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime() ) + ". ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("#include "" + o_f + ".hpp" ") file_obj.write("#include "SceneRegister.hpp" ") file_obj.write("#include "InlineFunc.h" ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("namespace ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write(" SceneRegister<" + o_f + "> reg(#SceneIds id#); ") file_obj.write("} ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("" + o_f + "::" + o_f + "() ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("} ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("" + o_f + "::~" + o_f + "() ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("} ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("bool " + o_f + "::init() ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write(" bool success = false; ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" do { ") file_obj.write(" if(!Scene::init()) ") file_obj.write(" { ") file_obj.write(" break; ") file_obj.write(" } ") file_obj.write(" ") datas = analysis_file_cpp(file_name) for data in datas: file_obj.write(" " + data + " ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" success = true; ") file_obj.write(" } while (0); ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" return success; ") file_obj.write("} ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("void " + o_f + "::onButtonClick(cocos2d::Ref * sender) ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write("} ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.close() file_obj = open(h_f, "w") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// " + o_f + ".hpp ") file_obj.write("// CsdAnalysls ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// Created by CsdAnalysls on " + time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime() ) + ". ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write("// ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("#ifndef " + o_f + "_hpp ") file_obj.write("#define " + o_f + "_hpp ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("#include <stdio.h> ") file_obj.write("#include "BaseScene.hpp" ") file_obj.write("#include "ui/CocosGUI.h" ") file_obj.write("#include "editor-support/cocostudio/CocoStudio.h" ") file_obj.write("#include "cocostudio/WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol.h" ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("class " + o_f + " : public BaseScene ") file_obj.write("{ ") file_obj.write("public: ") file_obj.write(" " + o_f + "(); ") file_obj.write(" virtual ~" + o_f + "(); ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" CREATE_FUNC(" + o_f + "); ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write(" virtual bool init(); ") file_obj.write(" virtual void onButtonClick(cocos2d::Ref * sender); ") file_obj.write("protected: ") datas = analysis_file_h(file_name) for data in datas: file_obj.write(" " + data + " ") file_obj.write("}; ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.write("#endif /* " + o_f + "_hpp */ ") file_obj.write(" ") file_obj.close() def analysis_file_to_control(file_name): if file_name.endswith(".csd") and os.path.exists(file_name): doc = minidom.parse(file_name) root = doc.documentElement csd_name = get_csd_name(root) csd_anims = get_csd_animtion_list(root) all_items = get_csd_root_objects(root) print " code in " + csd_name + ".h " datas = analysis_file_h(file_name) for data in datas: print data print " code in " + csd_name + ".cpp " datas = analysis_file_cpp(file_name) for data in datas: print data else: print file_name + " not find or not end with .csd" def analysis_path_to_control(path_name): files = os.listdir(path_name) for item in files: file = os.path.join(path_name, item) if (os.path.isfile(file) and file.endswith(".csd")): analysis_file_to_control(file) def output_to_file(file_name, out_put_path): if file_name == "": print "not find file_name" elif os.path.isfile(file_name): analysis_file_to_file(file_name, out_put_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_name): for item in os.listdir(file_name): file = os.path.join(file_name, item) if (os.path.isfile(file) and file.endswith(".csd")): analysis_file_to_file(file, out_put_path) else: print "not find " + file_name def output_to_control(file_name): if file_name == "": print "not find file_name" elif os.path.isfile(file_name): analysis_file_to_control(file_name) elif os.path.isdir(file_name): analysis_path_to_control(file_name) else: print "not find " + file_name if __name__ == "__main__": file_name = "" is_to_file = False to_file_path = "out_put" i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): if(sys.argv[i] == "-d"): is_to_file = True if i + 1 < len(sys.argv): file_p = sys.argv[i + 1] if file_p.startswith("-") == False: to_file_path = file_p i += 1 elif file_name == "" and sys.argv[i].startswith("-") == False: file_name = sys.argv[i] i += 1 if file_name == "": file_name = sys.path[0] # print "is_to_file = " + str(is_to_file) # print "file_name = " + file_name # print "to_file_path = " + to_file_path if(is_to_file): output_to_file(os.path.abspath(file_name),os.path.abspath(to_file_path)) else: output_to_control(file_name)