A->B->C->D->E | V M | V N 有right和down的linkedlist,要求更新linkedlist变成A->M->N->B->C->D->E,注意M可以还有right,B也可以有down,
其实就是递归输出。然后我做了一会才做出,之前有个大神的面经里发过,但我没仔细看很后悔。我昨晚发现这tmd不是inorder traversal么
// Class to represent a node class Node{ char data; Node next, down; public Node(char data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; this.down = null; } } // Method to flatten the list String flattenList(Node head){ if (head == null) return ""; // Below lines are written in this manner to increase the code readability. // One may choose to use StringBuilder instead of String to optimize it. String result = ""; result += head.data + " "; result += flattenList(head.down); result += flattenList(head.next); return result; }