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  • commons.dbutils 的使用列子




    package cn.itcast.jdbc;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource;
    public class JdbcUtils {
        // 配置文件的默认配置!要求你必须给出c3p0-config.xml!!!
        private static ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource();
         * 使用连接池返回一个连接对象
         * @return
         * @throws SQLException
        public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
            return dataSource.getConnection();
         * 返回连接池对象!
         * @return
        public static DataSource getDataSource() {
            return dataSource;


    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapHandler;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler;
    import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import cn.itcast.jdbc.JdbcUtils;
    public class Demo3 {
        public void fun1() throws SQLException {
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            String sql = "insert into t_stu values(?,?,?,?)";
            Object[] params = {1002, "liSi", 88, "female"};
            qr.update(sql, params);
        public void fun2() throws SQLException {
            // 创建QueryRunner,需要提供数据库连接池对象
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            // 给出sql模板
            String sql = "select * from t_stu where sid=?";
            // 给出参数
            Object[] params = {1001};
    //        ResultSetHandler<Stu> rsh = new ResultSetHandler<Stu>() {
    //            @Override
    //            public Stu handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    //                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //                return null;
    //            }
    //        };
            // 执行query()方法,需要给出结果集处理器,即ResultSetHandler的实现类对象
            // 我们给的是BeanHandler,它实现了ResultSetHandler
            // 它需要一个类型,然后它会把rs中的数据封装到指定类型的javabean对象中,然后返回javabean
            Stu stu = qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<Stu>(Stu.class), params);
         * BeanListHandler的应用,它是多行处理器
         * 每行对象一个Stu对象!
         * @throws Exception
        public void fun3() throws Exception {
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            String sql = "select * from t_stu";
            List<Stu> stuList = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Stu>(Stu.class));
         * MapHandler的应用,它是单行处理器,把一行转换成一个Map对象
         * @throws SQLException 
        public void fun4() throws SQLException  {
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            String sql = "select * from t_stu where sid=?";
            Object[] params = {1001};
            Map map = qr.query(sql, new MapHandler(), params);
         * MapListHandler,它是多行处理器,把每行都转换成一个Map,即List<Map>
         * @throws SQLException
        public void fun5() throws SQLException  {
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            String sql = "select * from t_stu";
            List<Map<String,Object>> mapList = qr.query(sql, new MapListHandler());
         * ScalarHandler,它是单行单列时使用,最为合适!
         * @throws SQLException
        public void fun6() throws SQLException {
            QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JdbcUtils.getDataSource());
            String sql = "select count(*) from t_stu";
             * Integer、Long、BigInteger
            Number cnt = (Number)qr.query(sql, new ScalarHandler());
            long c = cnt.longValue();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/appium/p/10188553.html
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