#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface UIPlaceHolderTextView : UITextView { NSString *placeholder; UIColor *placeholderColor; @private UILabel *placeHolderLabel; } @property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *placeHolderLabel; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *placeholder; @property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *placeholderColor; -(void)textChanged:(NSNotification*)notification; @end
#import "UIPlaceHolderTextView.h" @implementation UIPlaceHolderTextView @synthesize placeHolderLabel; @synthesize placeholder; @synthesize placeholderColor; - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [placeHolderLabel release]; self.placeHolderLabel = nil; [placeholderColor release]; self.placeholderColor = nil; self.placeholder = nil; [super dealloc]; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [super awakeFromNib]; [self setPlaceholder:@""]; [self setPlaceholderColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(textChanged:) name:UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification object:nil]; } - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if( (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) ) { [self setPlaceholder:@""]; [self setPlaceholderColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(textChanged:) name:UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification object:nil]; } return self; } - (void)textChanged:(NSNotification *)notification { if([[self placeholder] length] == 0) { return; } if([[self text] length] == 0) { [[self viewWithTag:999] setAlpha:1]; } else { [[self viewWithTag:999] setAlpha:0]; } } - (void)setText:(NSString *)text { [super setText:text]; [self textChanged:nil]; } - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { if( [[self placeholder] length] > 0 ) { if ( placeHolderLabel == nil ) { placeHolderLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(8,8,self.bounds.size.width - 16,0)]; placeHolderLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; placeHolderLabel.numberOfLines = 0; placeHolderLabel.font = self.font; placeHolderLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; placeHolderLabel.textColor = self.placeholderColor; placeHolderLabel.alpha = 0; placeHolderLabel.tag = 999; [self addSubview:placeHolderLabel]; } placeHolderLabel.text = self.placeholder; [placeHolderLabel sizeToFit]; [self sendSubviewToBack:placeHolderLabel]; } if( [[self text] length] == 0 && [[self placeholder] length] > 0 ) { [[self viewWithTag:999] setAlpha:1]; } [super drawRect:rect]; } @end
// // SSTextView.h // SSToolkit // // Created by Sam Soffes on 8/18/10. // Copyright 2010-2011 Sam Soffes. All rights reserved. // /** UITextView subclass that adds placeholder support like UITextField has. */ @interface SSTextView : UITextView /** The string that is displayed when there is no other text in the text view. The default value is `nil`. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *placeholder; /** The color of the placeholder. The default is `[UIColor lightGrayColor]`. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *placeholderTextColor; @end
// // SSTextView.m // SSToolkit // // Created by Sam Soffes on 8/18/10. // Copyright 2010-2011 Sam Soffes. All rights reserved. // #import "SSTextView.h" @interface SSTextView () - (void)_initialize; - (void)_updateShouldDrawPlaceholder; - (void)_textChanged:(NSNotification *)notification; @end @implementation SSTextView { BOOL _shouldDrawPlaceholder; } #pragma mark - Accessors @synthesize placeholder = _placeholder; @synthesize placeholderTextColor = _placeholderTextColor; - (void)setText:(NSString *)string { [super setText:string]; [self _updateShouldDrawPlaceholder]; } - (void)setPlaceholder:(NSString *)string { if ([string isEqual:_placeholder]) { return; } _placeholder = string; [self _updateShouldDrawPlaceholder]; } #pragma mark - NSObject - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification object:self]; } #pragma mark - UIView - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { if ((self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder])) { [self _initialize]; } return self; } - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) { [self _initialize]; } return self; } - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { [super drawRect:rect]; if (_shouldDrawPlaceholder) { [_placeholderTextColor set]; [_placeholder drawInRect:CGRectMake(8.0f, 8.0f, self.frame.size.width - 16.0f, self.frame.size.height - 16.0f) withFont:self.font]; } } #pragma mark - Private - (void)_initialize { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_textChanged:) name:UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification object:self]; self.placeholderTextColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.702f alpha:1.0f]; _shouldDrawPlaceholder = NO; } - (void)_updateShouldDrawPlaceholder { BOOL prev = _shouldDrawPlaceholder; _shouldDrawPlaceholder = self.placeholder && self.placeholderTextColor && self.text.length == 0; if (prev != _shouldDrawPlaceholder) { [self setNeedsDisplay]; } } - (void)_textChanged:(NSNotification *)notificaiton { [self _updateShouldDrawPlaceholder]; } @end