^^^^MCU basic^^^^^^
STM memory is quite eccentic, compared to renesas.(take STM8S105K6 for example.)
RAM: 0X0000 - 0X07FF(2k byte)
EEPROM: 0x4000 - 0x43FF (1k btye// 1024)
register: 0x5000 - 0x5800
32 interrupt vectors: 0X8000 - 0X807F(128/4)
flash program memory: 0x8080 - 0XFFFF
//RAM ,start from 0x0000,and register address is placed at 0x5000
//interrupt vector start at the beginning of ROM 0x8000, which is also the start address of ROM in renesas, but different interrupt vectors position.
//STM8S105K6 is a simple/small mcu, so only 1k bytes is involved as EEPROM.
stm8s involve 4 types of clock, HSI(high speed internal 16M), lSI(38K ), HSE(0-16MHz) , LSI(32768 ).HSI is the default one at power on. two ways to convert the clock way from HSI to HSE,automatic way and manual way. __ no PPL倍频器,__employ reducing consuming through stop external clock.__clock can be output through configure register CCO.
______I/O port
__&!!!output must be configure as Push-pull mode.
__&!!!! certain 16bits Register specified to be handled in the way that,
high byte is written first, after that, deal with the low byte;
but for reading, 16bits can be read together in 2 bytes way.
^^^^STVD application^^^^^
1.Stm build workspace , it can not include the mcu file itself,though the mcu is selected during the building process.Add it manually.
1.can not watch variables real-time.//trace function can not be used(the tool version too simple to include that?)
2,add variables into watch through 2 ways: ~drag directly ;~edit->quick watch