1、linux 内核模式
Linux is a monolithic kernel; that is, the Linux kernel executes in a single address space
entirely in kernel mode. Linux, however, borrows much of the good from microkernels: Linux
boasts a modular design, the capability to preempt itself (called kernel preemption), support
for kernel threads, and the capability to dynamically load separate binaries (kernel modules)
into the kernel image. Conversely, Linux has none of the performance-sapping features that
curse microkernel design: Everything runs in kernel mode, with direct function invocation—
not message passing—the modus of communication. Nonetheless, Linux is modular,
threaded, and the kernel itself is schedulable. Pragmatism wins again.
linux 内核是一体化内核,就是说,在内核模式下,linux内核执行在一个单独的地址空间。然而,linux