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  • Chapter 09 Creating Procedures 01

    What Are Procedures?

    • Are a type of subprogram that perform an action
    • Can be stored in the database as a schema object.
    • Promote reusability and maintainability

    Creating Procedures:Overview

    Creating Procedures with the SQL CREATE OR REPLACE Statement

    • Use the CREATE clause to create a stand-alone procedure that is stored in the Oracle database.
    • Use the OR REPLACE option to overwrite an existing procedure.
    CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name
    [(parameter 1 [mode] datatype1,
      parameter 2 [mode] datatype2,...)]
    IS | AS
    END [procedure_name];

    Creating a Procedure And Invoking a Procedure

    View Code
            v_dept_id       dept.department_id%TYPE;
            v_dept_name     dept.department_name%TYPE;
            v_dept_id := 280;
            v_dept_name := 'ST-Curriculum';
            INSERT INTO dept(department_id,department_name) VALUES(v_dept_id,v_dept_name);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' Inserted ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'row');
    SQL> EXEC add_dept;
    Inserted 1row
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    The END Label

    • You can append the name of the procedure directly after the END keyword when you complete your procedure.
    View Code
    PROCEDURE display_stroes(region IN VARCHAR2) IS 
    END display_stores;
    • This name serves as a label that explicitly links the end of the program with its begining.
    • You should,as a matter of habit,use an END label.It is especially important to do so when you have a procedure that spans more than a single page,or is one in a series of procedures and functions in a packages body.

    Naming Conventions of PL/SQL Structures Examples

    PL/SQL Structure Convention Example
    Variable v_variable_name v_rate
    Constant c_constant_name c_rate
    Subprogram parameter p_parameter_name p_id
    Bind(host) Variable b_bind_name b_sarlary
    Cursor cur_currsor_name cur_emp
    Record rec_record_name rec_emp
    Type type_name_type ename_table_type
    Exception e_exception_name e_products_invalid
    File handle f_file_handle_name f_file

    What are parameters and parameter modes?

    • Are declared after the subprogram name in the PL/SQL header
    • Pass or communicate data between the calling environment and the subprogram.
    • Are used like local variables but are dependent on their parameter-passing mode:
      • -An IN parameter mode(default)  provides values for a subprogram to process
      • -An OUT parameter mode returns a value to the caller
      • -AN IN OUT parameter mode supplies an input value,which may be returned(output) as a modifyed value.

    Formal and Actual Prameters

    • Formal parameters:Local variables declared in the parameter list of a subprogram specifictiona
    • Actual parameters(or arguments):Literal values,variables and expression used in the parameter list of the calling subprogram.

    Procedure Parameter Modes

    • Parameter modes are specified in the formal parameter declaration,after the parameter name and before its data type.
    • The IN mode is the default if no mode is specified.
    CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name(param_name [mode] datatype)

     Comparing the Parameter Modes

    Default mode Must be specified Must be specified
    Value is paased into subprogram Value is returned to the calling enviroment Value passed into subprogram;value retuend to calling enviroment
    Forma parameter acts as a constan Uninitalized  variable Initialized variable
    Actual parameter can be a literal,exception,constan,or initialized variable Must be a variable Must be a variable
    Can be assgined a default value Can not be assigned a default value Cannot be assigned a default value.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/arcer/p/3029954.html
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