Index-Organized Tables
IOT and Heap Tables
- Compared to heap tables,IOTs have:
- Faster key-based access to table data
- Reduced storage requirements
- Secondary indexes and logical rowids
- IOTs have the following restrictions:
- -Must have a primary key
- -Cannot be clustered
Creating IOT
CREATE TABLE country ( country_id CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT contry_id_nn NOT NULL, country_name VARCHAR2(40), currency_nbame VARCHAR2(25), currency_symbol VARCAHR2(3), map BLOB, flag BLOB, CONSTRAINT country_c_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(country_id)) ORGANIZATION INDEX TABLESPACE indx PCTTHRESHOLD 20 OVERFLOW TABLESPACE users;
PCTTRHESHOLD 20,OVERFLOW TABLESPACE users,两个参数结合使用:当索引内容占到一个索引块大小的20%的时候,就会overflow到user tablespace里面.节省空间,使一个索引块里面存放的索引entry更多;一个索引块里面存放的索引entry更多,那么hight就会越低.height越低,I/O的次数就会越少,性能就会提高.
IOT Row Overflow
pctthreshold和including这两个关键字,是用来控制那些列放在叶子block,那些列存放在overflow指定的segment.当二者发生冲突的时候, 以关键字pctthreshold优先.
create table iot1 ( x int, y date, z varchar2(2000), constraint iot_pk1 primary key(x) ) organization index pctthreshold 10 overflow /
上图图解:通过指定关键字pctthreshold 10,说明每行所有字段累加超过叶子节点块大小的10%时,就会将多余出的数据,存放于overflow指定的表空间中.
CREATE TABLE iot2 ( x int, y date, z varchar2(2000), constraint iot_pk2 primary key(x) ) organization index including y overflow /
图解:因为在脚本中指定了including y,也就是说列y(包含y)左边的所有列都将包含在叶子节点所在的块中.列y右边的字段将直接放在overflow默认的表空间里面.上图清晰可见.