After completing this lesson,you should be able to :
- Simplify management tasks by using the scheduler
- Create a job,program,and scheduler
- Use a time-based or event-based scheduler for executing scheduler jobs
- describe the use of windows,window groups,job classes,and consumer groups
- Use email notification
- Use job chains to perform a series of related tasks
- Describe scheduler jobs on remote systems
- Use advanced scheduler concepts to prioritize jobs
- dbms_scheduler是dbms_job的升级版
- scheduler不仅可以调用匿名块、存储过程、函数,还可以调用shell命令.
oracle 10g以后的数据库,是一个自动的数据库.之前版本的数据库统计信息,都是需要通过DBA手工搜集的,10g以后这些工作你都是自动完成的.