Data Pump Export using Database Control
Data Pump Export Example:Basic Options
Data Pump Export Example:Advanced Options
Data Pump Export Example:Files
Data Pump Export Example:Schedule
Data Pump Export Example:Review
Data Pump Import Example:impdp
Data Pump Import:Transformations
对于数据映射REMAP_DATA功能,需要单独编写PL/SQL程序来实现;比如说:从HR用户下导出employees表中的数据,再次导入到另外一个系统的时候,需要将提成为空的用户,多给1000元抚恤金,要实现此功能就可以通过你REMAP DATA配合PL/SQL程序实现
Data Pump Legacy Mode
在oracle 9i中,如果使用exp导出的文件,在10g中使用impdp导入到数据库中,oracle是无法识别的;
SQL> col DIRECTORY_PATH format a60 SQL> select * from dba_directories; OWNER DIRECTORY_NAME DIRECTORY_PATH ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ SYS SUBDIR /RealData/oracle/demo/schema/order_entry//2002/Sep SYS SS_OE_XMLDIR /RealData/oracle/demo/schema/order_entry/ SYS LOG_FILE_DIR /RealData/oracle/demo/schema/log/ SYS DATA_FILE_DIR /RealData/oracle/demo/schema/sales_history/ SYS XMLDIR /ade/b/2125410156/oracle/rdbms/xml SYS MEDIA_DIR /RealData/oracle/demo/schema/product_media/ SYS DATA_PUMP_DIR /RealData/admin/DATACENTER/dpdump/ SYS ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR /RealData/oracle/ccr/state 8 rows selected.
Migration with Data Pump Legacy Mode
- Assistance in transitioning from imp and exp utilities to impdp and expdp utilities
- Data Pump in legacy mode:
- Encounters unique imp or exp parameter and enters legacy mode
- Attempts to map the old syntax to the new syntax
- Displays new syntax
- Exits legacy mode
Best practice tip:Oracle strongly recommends that you view the new syntax and make script changes as time permits.
Data Pump Legacy Mode
The Data pump export and import utilities:
- Read and write files only in Data Pump format
- Accept exp and imp utility commands in legacy mode
- Include legacy mode parameters that:
- Can be identical to the new syntax:
- FILESIZE=integer [B|K|M|G]
- Can be similar
- QUERY=query_clause
- Are ignored,when the command is superceded by Data Pump defaults
- BUFFER=integer
- COMPRESS={y|n}
- DIRECT={y|n}
- Cause an error when old and new syntax is mixed
- Can be identical to the new syntax:
- Legacy mode parameters
- Are mapped to Data Pump parameters,if possible:
- consistent={y|n}->FLASHBACK_TIME
- LOG=filename->LOGFILE=filename
- FILE=filename->dumpfile=directory-object:filename
- Can be similar,but not identical
- Cause an error when incompatible with new Data Pump:
- VOLSIZE=integer
Managing File Locations
- Original exp and imp utilities:Fully qualified file names
- Data Pump directory object for file locations
- Default(in prior versions) :DATA_PUMP_DIR parameter
- New optional DATA_PUMP_DIR_schema-name directory object
- Managed with the CREATE DIRECTORY and GRANT SQL commands
- Default location(independent of legacy mode),when
- Command line without DIRECTORY parameter
- User without EXP_FULL_DATABASE privilege