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  • Organizational Management

    In order to carry out numerous business and human resources processes, you need an organizational plan, that is, a functional structure representing your enterprise based on tasks.

    You need to, for example:

    ·        evaluate headcount, current division of tasks, reporting structures in your enterprise according to department (for example)

    Evaluations of unoccupied positions

    ·        allocate agents responsible for carrying out SAP Business Workflow tasks

    Forward leave requests to agents in the personnel department

    ·        plan possible new functional structures in Business Process (Re-) Engineering as well as your personnel requirements or personnel costs

    Planning a Department Structure

    ·        gather information for creating the task related, functional structure, in particular for other Human Resources components

    Default values for personnel actions in Personnel Administration

    ·        assign structural, that is task-oriented authorizations in the SAP system

    Combination of the relevant transactions for an administrator in Purchasing.

    Tools from the Organizational Management component also enable you to create:

    ·        your current valid Organizational Plan , changes to which are archived

    ·        additional organizational plans in other Plan Versions  as planning scenarios


    Organizational Plan


    Representation of the task-related, functional structure of your enterprise, created using tools from the Organizational Management component.

    The organizational plan differs from the administrative enterprise or personnel structure, whose structural elements are relevant to Payroll or Accounting (company code, personnel subarea, or employee group, for example). These structures are found in their corresponding components.


    You can create several organizational plans in different plan versions. This provides you with the following options in Organizational Management:
    In one plan version, you depict your current valid organizational plan, which you use for your current business processes (evaluations, Workflow, personnel planning, for example).
    In additional plan versions, you can depict organizational plans as planning scenarios (for Business Process Re-Engineering, for example).

    You can compare the current organizational plan with the planning scenarios and transfer data from the simulated structures into the current organizational plan.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/arrow/p/1594551.html
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