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  • GDB调式



    GDB 调试

    What is GDB?


    GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on `inside' another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed.


    调试编译时,关掉编译器的优化选项(-O), 并打开调试选项(-g)。另外,-Wall选项打开所有警告信息。

    arvin@VM-0-2-ubuntu:~/gdb$ g++ helloGDB.cpp print.cpp -g -Wall -o helloGDB
    arvin@VM-0-2-ubuntu:~/gdb$ ls
    helloGDB  helloGDB.cpp  print.cpp  print.h



    启动 gdb helloGDB
    关闭 quit


    • 当前文件
    list 等于 l  
    (gdb) list
    1       #include"print.h"
    2       #include<string>
    3       using namespace std;
    6       int main()
    7       {
    8               cout << "Hello GDB
    9               cout << "What is GDB?
    10              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    从指定行显示 l 行号
    l 14
    (gdb) l 14
    9               cout << "What is GDB?
    10              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    11              cout << "Hello GDB
    12              cout << "What is GDB?
    13              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    14              cout << "Hello GDB
    15              cout << "What is GDB?
    16              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    17              printNumber(10);
    18              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    从指定函数显示 l 函数名  
    l printNumber
    (gdb) l printNumber
    1       #include "print.h"
    3       void printNumber(int  size)
    4       {
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    7               }
    8       }
    • 非当前文件
    l 文件名:行号
    l print.cpp:2
    (gdb) l print.cpp:2
    1       #include "print.h"
    3       void printNumber(int  size)
    4       {
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    7               }
    8       }
    l 文件名:函数名
    l print.cpp:printNumber
    (gdb) l print.cpp:printNumber
    1       #include "print.h"
    3       void printNumber(int  size)
    4       {
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    7               }
    8       }
    • 设置显示的行数
    查看默认显示的行数 list 等于 listsize 
    show list / show listsize
    (gdb) show list
    Number of source lines gdb will list by default is 10.
    (gdb) show listsize
    Number of source lines gdb will list by default is 10.
    set list 13 / set listsize 14
    (gdb) set list 13
    (gdb) show list
    Number of source lines gdb will list by default is 13.
    (gdb) set listsize 14
    (gdb) show listsize
    Number of source lines gdb will list by default is 14.
    • 断点操作
    设置断点 b等于break
    b 行号    
    (gdb) b 8
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x92e: file helloGDB.cpp, line 8.
    (gdb) break 10
    Breakpoint 2 at 0x954: file helloGDB.cpp, line 10.
    b 函数名
    (gdb) break main
    Note: breakpoint 1 also set at pc 0x92e.
    Breakpoint 3 at 0x92e: file helloGDB.cpp, line 8.
    b 文件名:行号
    (gdb) b print.cpp:4
    Breakpoint 4 at 0xaeb: file print.cpp, line 4.
    b 文件名:函数名
    (gdb) b print.cpp:printNumber
    Note: breakpoint 4 also set at pc 0xaeb.
    Breakpoint 5 at 0xaeb: file print.cpp, line 5.
    • 查看断点
    i 等于 info 
    i b
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000000092e in main() at helloGDB.cpp:8
    2       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000954 in main() at helloGDB.cpp:10
    3       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000000092e in main() at helloGDB.cpp:8
    4       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:4
    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
    • 删除断点
    d 等于 del 、delete
    d 断点编号 
    (gdb) d 1
    (gdb) d 2
    (gdb) d 3
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    4       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:4
    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
    • 设置断点无效
    dis 等于 disable
    dis 断点编号 
    (gdb) dis 4
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    4       breakpoint     keep n   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:4
    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
    • 设置无效断点生效
    ena 等于enable
    (gdb) ena 4
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    4       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:4
    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
    • 设置条件断点
    b 行号 if 变量==某个值
    (gdb) b print.cpp:5 if i == 6
    Note: breakpoints 4 and 5 also set at pc 0xaeb.
    Breakpoint 6 at 0xaeb: file print.cpp, line 5.
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    4       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:4
    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
    6       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000aeb in printNumber(int) at print.cpp:5
            stop only if i == 6
    • 调试命令
    start  只运一行
    (gdb) start
    Temporary breakpoint 7 at 0x92e: file helloGDB.cpp, line 8.
    Starting program: /home/arvin/gdb/helloGDB
    Temporary breakpoint 7, main () at helloGDB.cpp:8
    8               cout << "Hello GDB
    run 一直运行到断点处停下
    (gdb) b 10
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x954: file helloGDB.cpp, line 10.
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    1       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000000954 in main() at helloGDB.cpp:10
    (gdb) run
    Starting program: /home/arvin/gdb/helloGDB
    Hello GDB
    What is GDB?
    Breakpoint 1, main () at helloGDB.cpp:10
    10              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    c 等于continue 
    (gdb) b 14
    Breakpoint 2 at 0x5555555549a0: file helloGDB.cpp, line 14.
    (gdb) i b
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    1       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000555555554954 in main() at helloGDB.cpp:10
            breakpoint already hit 1 time
    2       breakpoint     keep y   0x00005555555549a0 in main() at helloGDB.cpp:14
    (gdb) c
    The GNU Project Debugger
    Hello GDB
    What is GDB?
    The GNU Project Debugger
    Breakpoint 2, main () at helloGDB.cpp:14
    14              cout << "Hello GDB
    • 打印变量
    p 等于print 
    print 变量名
    Breakpoint 1, printNumber (size=10) at print.cpp:5
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    (gdb) print i
    $1 = 0
    • 打印变量类型
    ptype 变量名
    Breakpoint 1, printNumber (size=10) at print.cpp:5
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    (gdb) ptype i
    type = int
    • 单步调试
    s 等于 step 向下执行一行, 遇到函数, 进入函数
    (gdb) step
    The GNU Project Debugger
    17              printNumber(10);
    (gdb) step
    printNumber (size=10) at print.cpp:5
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    n 等于 next  向下执行一行, 遇到函数, 不进入函数
    Breakpoint 1, main () at helloGDB.cpp:16
    16              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    (gdb) n
    The GNU Project Debugger
    17              printNumber(10);
    (gdb) n
    The number is 0
    The number is 1
    The number is 2
    The number is 3
    The number is 4
    The number is 5
    The number is 6
    The number is 7
    The number is 8
    The number is 9
    18              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    要跳出的函数中不能有断点, 如果有要删除或者设置为无效的断点
    Breakpoint 1, main () at helloGDB.cpp:16
    16              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    (gdb) step
    The GNU Project Debugger
    17              printNumber(10);
    (gdb) step
    printNumber (size=10) at print.cpp:5
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    (gdb) step
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    (gdb) finish
    Run till exit from #0  printNumber (size=10) at print.cpp:6
    The number is 0
    The number is 1
    The number is 2
    The number is 3
    The number is 4
    The number is 5
    The number is 6
    The number is 7
    The number is 8
    The number is 9
    main () at helloGDB.cpp:18
    18              cout << "The GNU Project Debugger
    (gdb) n
    The GNU Project Debugger
    19              cout << "Hello GDB
    • 变量自动显示
    (gdb) display i
    1: i = 0
    i 等于 info
    (gdb) i display
    Auto-display expressions now in effect:
    Num Enb Expression
    1:   y  i
    (gdb) n
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    1: i = 0
    (gdb) n
    The number is 0
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    1: i = 0
    undisplay 编号
    (gdb) undisplay 1
    (gdb) n
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    • 设置变量等于某一个值
    set var 变量名=变量值
    (gdb) step
    The number is 1
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    (gdb) set var i = 8
    (gdb) n
    6                       cout << "The number is " << i << endl;
    (gdb) n
    The number is 9
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    • 跳出循环
    要跳出的循环代码块中不能有断点, 如果有要删除或者设置为无效的断点 
    The number is 2
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    (gdb) until
    The number is 3
    The number is 4
    The number is 5
    The number is 6
    The number is 7
    The number is 8
    The number is 9
    8       }
    (gdb) until
    The number is 1
    5               for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

    VSCode 真香

  • 相关阅读:
    Cache 和 Buffer 的区别在哪里
    oc之mac中- NSBox
    swift之预防 Timer 的循环引用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/arvinhuang/p/12710853.html
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