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  • HNOI2004 宠物收养所 (平衡二叉树)




      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 typedef long long ll;
      3 using namespace std;
      4 struct Treap {
      5     static const int N=1e5+10;
      6     int rnd() {static int seed=time(0)%0x7fffffff; return seed=seed*48271ll%0x7fffffff;}
      7     int ch[N][2],siz[N],val[N],fa[N],tot,rd[N];
      8     int rel(int u) {return ch[fa[u]][1]==u;}
      9     void init() {tot=fa[0]=ch[0][0]=ch[0][1]=siz[0]=val[0]=rd[0]=0;}
     10     int newnode(int x) {
     11         int u=++tot;
     12         fa[u]=ch[u][0]=ch[u][1]=0;
     13         siz[u]=1,val[u]=x,rd[u]=rnd();
     14         return u;
     15     }
     16     void pu(int u) {siz[u]=siz[ch[u][0]]+siz[ch[u][1]]+1;}
     17     void rot(int u) {
     18         int v=fa[u],f=rel(u),ff=rel(v);
     19         ch[v][f]=ch[u][f^1],fa[ch[v][f]]=v;
     20         ch[u][f^1]=v,fa[u]=fa[v],fa[v]=u;
     21         if(fa[u])ch[fa[u]][ff]=u;
     22         pu(v),pu(u);
     23     }
     24     void ins(int& rt,int u) {
     25         if(!rt) {rt=u; return;}
     26         int v;
     27         for(v=rt; ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]; v=ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]);
     28         ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]=u,fa[u]=v;
     29         for(; fa[u]&&rd[u]<rd[fa[u]]; rot(u));
     30         if(!fa[u])rt=u;
     31         for(u=fa[u]; u; u=fa[u])pu(u);
     32     }
     33     void del(int& rt,int u) {
     34         if(u==rt) {
     35             if(!ch[u][1])rt=ch[u][0];
     36             else if(!ch[u][0])rt=ch[u][1];
     37             else rt=ch[u][rd[ch[u][0]]>=rd[ch[u][1]]];
     38         }
     39         for(; ch[u][0]&&ch[u][1]; rot(ch[u][rd[ch[u][0]]>=rd[ch[u][1]]]));
     40         int f=ch[u][0]?0:1;
     41         if(fa[u])ch[fa[u]][rel(u)]=ch[u][f];
     42         if(ch[u][f])fa[ch[u][f]]=fa[u];
     43         for(u=fa[u]; u; u=fa[u])pu(u);
     44     }
     45     int kth(int u,int k) {
     46         while(k!=siz[ch[u][0]]+1) {
     47             if(k<siz[ch[u][0]]+1)u=ch[u][0];
     48             else k-=siz[ch[u][0]]+1,u=ch[u][1];
     49         }
     50         return u;
     51     }
     52     int next(int u) {
     53         if(ch[u][1]) {
     54             for(u=ch[u][1]; ch[u][0]; u=ch[u][0]);
     55             return u;
     56         } else {
     57             for(; fa[u]&&rel(u); u=fa[u]);
     58             return fa[u];
     59         }
     60     }
     61     int prev(int u) {
     62         if(ch[u][0]) {
     63             for(u=ch[u][0]; ch[u][1]; u=ch[u][1]);
     64             return u;
     65         } else {
     66             for(; fa[u]&&!rel(u); u=fa[u]);
     67             return fa[u];
     68         }
     69     }
     70     int lb(int rt,int x) {
     71         int v=0;
     72         for(int u=rt; u; u=ch[u][x>val[u]])if(val[u]>=x)v=u;
     73         return v;
     74     }
     75     int ub(int rt,int x) {
     76         int v=0;
     77         for(int u=rt; u; u=ch[u][x>=val[u]])if(val[u]>x)v=u;
     78         return v;
     79     }
     80     void go() {
     81         init();
     82         const int mod=1000000;
     83         const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
     84         int rt=0,cnt=0,m,ans=0;
     85         ins(rt,newnode(inf));
     86         ins(rt,newnode(~inf));
     87         scanf("%d",&m);
     88         while(m--) {
     89             int f,x;
     90             scanf("%d%d",&f,&x);
     91             if(f==0) {
     92                 if(cnt<0) {
     93                     int r=lb(rt,x),l=prev(r);
     94                     if(abs(val[l]-x)<=abs(val[r]-x)) {
     95                         ans=(ans+abs(val[l]-x))%mod;
     96                         del(rt,l);
     97                     } else {
     98                         ans=(ans+abs(val[r]-x))%mod;
     99                         del(rt,r);
    100                     }
    101                 } else ins(rt,newnode(x));
    102                 cnt++;
    103             } else {
    104                 if(cnt>0) {
    105                     int r=lb(rt,x),l=prev(r);
    106                     if(abs(val[l]-x)<=abs(val[r]-x)) {
    107                         ans=(ans+abs(val[l]-x))%mod;
    108                         del(rt,l);
    109                     } else {
    110                         ans=(ans+abs(val[r]-x))%mod;
    111                         del(rt,r);
    112                     }
    113                 } else ins(rt,newnode(x));
    114                 cnt--;
    115             }
    116         }
    117         printf("%d
    118     }
    119 } treap;
    121 int main() {
    122     treap.go();
    123     return 0;
    124 }
    View Code


      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 typedef long long ll;
      3 using namespace std;
      4 struct Splay {
      5     static const int N=1e5+10;
      6     int ch[N][2],siz[N],val[N],fa[N],tot;
      7     int rel(int u) {return ch[fa[u]][1]==u;}
      8     void init() {tot=fa[0]=ch[0][0]=ch[0][1]=siz[0]=val[0]=0;}
      9     int newnode(int x) {
     10         int u=++tot;
     11         fa[u]=ch[u][0]=ch[u][1]=0;
     12         siz[u]=1,val[u]=x;
     13         return u;
     14     }
     15     void pu(int u) {siz[u]=siz[ch[u][0]]+siz[ch[u][1]]+1;}
     16     void rot(int u) {
     17         int v=fa[u],f=rel(u),ff=rel(v);
     18         ch[v][f]=ch[u][f^1],fa[ch[v][f]]=v;
     19         ch[u][f^1]=v,fa[u]=fa[v],fa[v]=u;
     20         if(fa[u])ch[fa[u]][ff]=u;
     21         pu(v),pu(u);
     22     }
     23     void splay(int& rt,int u) {
     24         for(int v=fa[rt]; fa[u]!=v; rot(u))
     25             if(fa[fa[u]]!=v&&rel(fa[u])==rel(u))rot(fa[u]);
     26         rt=u;
     27     }
     28     void ins(int& rt,int u) {
     29         if(!rt) {rt=u; return;}
     30         int v;
     31         for(v=rt; ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]; v=ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]);
     32         ch[v][val[u]>=val[v]]=u,fa[u]=v;
     33         splay(rt,u);
     34     }
     35     void del(int& rt,int u) {
     36         splay(rt,u);
     37         if(!ch[u][1])rt=ch[u][0];
     38         else if(!ch[u][0])rt=ch[u][1];
     39         else {
     40             splay(ch[rt][1],kth(ch[rt][1],1));
     41             ch[ch[rt][1]][0]=ch[rt][0];
     42             rt=fa[ch[rt][0]]=ch[rt][1];
     43             pu(rt);
     44         }
     45         fa[rt]=0;
     46     }
     47     int kth(int u,int k) {
     48         while(k!=siz[ch[u][0]]+1) {
     49             if(k<siz[ch[u][0]]+1)u=ch[u][0];
     50             else k-=siz[ch[u][0]]+1,u=ch[u][1];
     51         }
     52         return u;
     53     }
     54     int next(int u) {
     55         if(ch[u][1]) {
     56             for(u=ch[u][1]; ch[u][0]; u=ch[u][0]);
     57             return u;
     58         } else {
     59             for(; fa[u]&&rel(u); u=fa[u]);
     60             return fa[u];
     61         }
     62     }
     63     int prev(int u) {
     64         if(ch[u][0]) {
     65             for(u=ch[u][0]; ch[u][1]; u=ch[u][1]);
     66             return u;
     67         } else {
     68             for(; fa[u]&&!rel(u); u=fa[u]);
     69             return fa[u];
     70         }
     71     }
     72     int lb(int rt,int x) {
     73         int v=0;
     74         for(int u=rt; u; u=ch[u][x>val[u]])if(val[u]>=x)v=u;
     75         return v;
     76     }
     77     int ub(int rt,int x) {
     78         int v=0;
     79         for(int u=rt; u; u=ch[u][x>=val[u]])if(val[u]>x)v=u;
     80         return v;
     81     }
     82     void go() {
     83         init();
     84         const int mod=1000000;
     85         const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
     86         int rt=0,cnt=0,m,ans=0;
     87         ins(rt,newnode(inf));
     88         ins(rt,newnode(~inf));
     89         scanf("%d",&m);
     90         while(m--) {
     91             int f,x;
     92             scanf("%d%d",&f,&x);
     93             if(f==0) {
     94                 if(cnt<0) {
     95                     int r=lb(rt,x),l=prev(r);
     96                     if(abs(val[l]-x)<=abs(val[r]-x)) {
     97                         ans=(ans+abs(val[l]-x))%mod;
     98                         del(rt,l);
     99                     } else {
    100                         ans=(ans+abs(val[r]-x))%mod;
    101                         del(rt,r);
    102                     }
    103                 } else ins(rt,newnode(x));
    104                 cnt++;
    105             } else {
    106                 if(cnt>0) {
    107                     int r=lb(rt,x),l=prev(r);
    108                     if(abs(val[l]-x)<=abs(val[r]-x)) {
    109                         ans=(ans+abs(val[l]-x))%mod;
    110                         del(rt,l);
    111                     } else {
    112                         ans=(ans+abs(val[r]-x))%mod;
    113                         del(rt,r);
    114                     }
    115                 } else ins(rt,newnode(x));
    116                 cnt--;
    117             }
    118         }
    119         printf("%d
    120     }
    121 } splay;
    123 int main() {
    124     splay.go();
    125     return 0;
    126 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/asdfsag/p/10279018.html
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