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  • PowerTip of the DayAdd Help to Your Functions



    You should simply copy and paste the following block comment right above your functions and magically Get-Help works with your functions, too!

              A brief description of the function.
              A detailed description of the function.
         .PARAMETER  something
              The description of the first parameter.
              PS C:\> My-Test -something 'string value'
              Additional information about the function goes here.

    Function My-Test($something) { 'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!' }

    So to get Help, after running the code, you should try this:

    Get-Help My-Test

    Get-Help My-Test -examples

    You won't get help with PowerShell v1, and you won't get Help if the Help block is wrongly located. It can be right above a function (no more than one blank line), or first/last thing inside the function.





              A brief description of the function.
              A detailed description of the function.
         .PARAMETER  something
              The description of the first parameter.
              PS C:\> My-Test -something 'string value'
              Additional information about the function goes here.

    Function My-Test($something) { 'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!' }


    Get-Help My-Test

    Get-Help My-Test -examples






    Function My-Test($something) {

    'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!'



              A brief description of the function.


              A detailed description of the function.

         .PARAMETER something

              The description of the first parameter.


              PS C:\> My-Test -something 'string value'


              Additional information about the function goes here.






    Function My-Test($something) {



              A brief description of the function.


              A detailed description of the function.

         .PARAMETER something

              The description of the first parameter.


              PS C:\> My-Test -something 'string value'


              Additional information about the function goes here.




    'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!'



    Function My-Test($something) {

    'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!'



              A brief description of the function.


              A detailed description of the function.

         .PARAMETER something

              The description of the first parameter.


              PS C:\> My-Test -something 'string value'


              Additional information about the function goes here.




    'Call Get-Help My-Test to see my help!'


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