1. c_str是把string类型强制转换为const string
2. atpi(): Convert string to integer --Parses the C-string str interpreting its content as an integral number, which is returned as a value of type int
int atoi (const char * str);
atol:Convert string to long integer (function )
- atof:Convert string to double (function )
- strtol:Convert string to long integer (function )
- 3. struct: 结构体 (就是结构体可以相互嵌套使用,但也是有条件的,结构体可以包含结构体指针,但绝对不能在结构体中包含结构体变量)
struct test { char name[10]; float socre; test *next; };//这样是正确的!
struct test { char name[10]; float socre; test next; };//这样是错误的!