安装 docker shipyard
curl -s https://shipyard-project.com/deploy | bash -s
docker machine 创建的虚拟机无法直接运行
打开 https://shipyard-project.com/deploy 复制 拷贝到控制台 直接按回车运行
直接在#!/bin/bash 下一行 写入即可
Shipyard Deploy uses the following environment variables:
ACTION: this is the action to use (deploy, upgrade, node, remove)
DISCOVERY: discovery system used by Swarm (only if using 'node' action)
IMAGE: this overrides the default Shipyard image
PREFIX: prefix for container names
SHIPYARD_ARGS: these are passed to the Shipyard controller container as controller args
TLS_CERT_PATH: path to certs to enable TLS for Shipyard
PORT: specify the listen port for the controller (default: 8080)
IP: specify the address at which the controller or node will be available (default: eth0 ip)
PROXY_PORT: port to run docker proxy (default: 2375)
IP 问题
IP: specify the address at which the controller or node will be available (default: eth0 ip)
默认获取的是 default: eth0 而 eth0 通常是 容器内部地址 无语 需要指定 服务器IP