Atitit 规范标准化的艺术 -----java jsr的实现
1. Atitit jsr规范有多少个 407个。Jsr规范大全 1
2. Atitit jsr规范化分类 attilax总结 1
3. Atitit attilax总结的对于attilax重要的jsr规范,以及需要增加的jsr规范 2
1.1. JCP维护职能是发展和更新。 1
1.2. Java技术规范、参考实现(RI)、技术兼容包(TCK) 1
1.3. JCP维护的规范包括J2ME、J2SE、J2EE,XML,OSS,JAIN等 1
1.4. 所有的jsr规范大全407个。。 2
1. 按照技术类别可以分成以下几类: 2
1.1. 2.1、Java EE (39 JSRs) --- J2EE平台规范 2
1.2. 2、Java SE (42 JSRs) --- J2SE平台规范 2
1.3. 3、Java ME (82 JSRs) --- J2ME平台规范 2
1.4. 4、OSS (13 JSRs) --- 运营支持系统规范 2
1.5. 5、JAIN (22 JSRs) --- 综合网络的Java 应用 2
1.6. 6、XML (18 JSRs) --- XML 操作规范 2
2. Atitit J2EE平台相关规范--39个 2
2.1. 3.J2SE平台相关规范--42个 2
2.2. J2ME平台相关规范--82个 2
需要增加的jsr规范 1
开发常用的10个规范(jsp etc) 1
other开发常用的50个规范 1
10 Preferences API Specification atu
15 Image I/O Framework Specification atu
18 JAINTM OAM API Specification atu
26 UML/EJB Mapping Specification atu
27 JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.3 atu
29 JAINTM MAP Specification atu
32 JAINTM SIP API Specification atu
38 Application Installation API Specification atu
40 The JavaTM Metadata Interface (JMI) Specification atu
47 Logging API Specification atu
49 Web Based Industrial Monitoring Framework atu
56 Java Network Launching Protocol and API atu
62 Personal Profile Specification atu
69 Java OLAP Interface (JOLAP) atu
73 Data Mining API atu
74 Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) 1.0 atu
86 Enterprise Media Beans atu
87 JavaTM Agent Services atu
94 JavaTM Rule Engine API atu
96 JavaTM Daemons atu
98 JAINTM User Location and Status API
103 JAINTM User Interaction API atu
105 XML Digital Signature APIs
106 XML Digital Encryption APIs atu
107 JCACHE - Java Temporary Caching API atu
108 Units Specification atu
113 JavaTM Speech API 2.0 atu
116 SIP Servlet API atu
132 JAINTM OAM API Specification v2.0 atu
134 JavaTM Game Profile atu
137 JAINTM 3G MAP Specification atu
140 Service Location Protocol (SLP) API for Java atu
178 Mobile Game API atu
198 A Standard Extension API for Integrated Development Environments atu
199 JavaTM Compiler API atu
209 Advanced Graphics and User Interface Optional Package for the J2METM Platform atu
216 Personal Profile 1.1 atu
217 Personal Basis Profile 1.1 atu
229 Payment API atu
230 Data Sync API atu
247 Data Mining 2.0 atu
278 Resource Management API for JavaTM ME atu
310 Date and Time API atu
330 Dependency Injection for Java atu
339 JAX-RS 2.0: The Java API for RESTful Web Services atu
375 JavaTM EE Security API atu
908 JavaTM Media Framework, version 2.0 - Minor changes atu
1.1. Web Service技术 1
1.2. 企业应用技术 1
1.3. Java SE中与Java EE有关的规范 2
1.4. JAVA规则引擎JSR-94笔札 2
作者:: 绰号:老哇的爪子 ( 全名::Attilax Akbar Al Rapanui 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴 阿尔 拉帕努伊 )