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  • 设计模式 之 Organizing the Catalog 组织目录

    Design patterns vary in their granularity and level of abstraction. Because thereare many design patterns, weneed a way to organize them. This section classifies design patterns so that we can refer tofamilies of related patterns. The

    classification helps you learn the patternsin the catalog faster, and it can direct efforts to find new patterns aswell.


    We classify design patterns by two criteria(Table 1.1). The first criterion, called purpose, reflects what a patterndoes. Patterns can have either creational,structural, or behavioral purpose.Creational patterns concern the process of

    object creation. Structural patterns dealwith the composition of classes or objects. Behavioral patterns characterizethe ways in which classes or objects interact and distribute responsibility.

    通过表1.1这两个标准, 我们将设计模式进行分类。第一个标准是目的,反映的是设计模式。模式可以有创造(造物)或结构或行为目的。创造模式关心的是对象创建的进程。结构处理的是类和对象的组成。行为模式的特征是类和对象的相互影响和分类。

    The second criterion, called scope,specifies详述,特性 whetherthe pattern applies primarily to classes or to objects. Classpatterns deal with relationships between classes and their subclasses. Theserelationships are established through

    inheritance, so they are static—fixed atcompile-time. Object patterns deal with object relationships, which can be changedat run-time and are more dynamic. Almost all patterns use inheritance to someextent. So the only patterns labeled "class

    patterns" are those that focus onclass relationships. Note that most patterns are in the Object scope.


    Creational class patterns defer some partof object creation to subclasses, while Creational object patterns defer it toanother object. The Structural class patterns use inheritance to composeclasses, while the Structural object patterns describe ways to assemble objects. TheBehavioral class patterns use inheritance to describe algorithms and flow of control,whereas the Behavioral object patterns

    describe how a group of objects cooperateto perform a task that no single object can carry out alone.


    There are other ways to organize thepatterns. Some patterns are often used together.For example, Composite is often used withIterator or Visitor. Some patterns are alternatives: Prototype is often analternative to Abstract Factory. Some patterns result in similar designs even though thepatterns have different intents. For example, the structure diagrams ofComposite and Decorator are similar.


    Yet another way to organize design patternsis according to how they reference each other in their "RelatedPatterns" sections. Figure 1.1 depicts these relationships graphically.


    Clearly there are many ways to organizedesign patterns. Having multiple ways of thinking about patterns will deepen yourinsight into what they do, how theycompare, and when to apply them.


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