data:seltab type table of rsparams,
seltab_wa like line of seltab.
define add_seltab.
if &1 is not initial.
seltab_wa-selname = &2.
seltab_wa-low = &1.
seltab_wa-sign = 'I'.
seltab_wa-option = 'EQ'.
append seltab_wa to seltab.
add_seltab iv_matnr 'S_MATNR'.
add_seltab iv_werks 'S_WERKS'.
add_seltab iv_beskz 'S_BESKZ'.
add_seltab iv_sobsl 'S_SOBSL'.
add_seltab iv_lgpro 'S_LGPRO'.
add_seltab iv_plnnr 'S_PLNNR'.
add_seltab iv_arbpl 'S_ARBPL'.
add_seltab iv_slgpro 'S_SLGPRO'.
clear pt_out[].
submit zpr_routing_check_list exporting list to memory with selection-table seltab and return.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
import pt_out from memory id 'PT_OUT'.
if sy-tcode ne 'ZP08'.
data:pt_out type table of zrout_assign_fm.
pt_out = g_it_alvdis[]."The structure of them should be same.
export pt_out to memory id 'PT_OUT'.