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  • 动画--问题追踪:ImageView执行缩放动画ScaleAnimation之后,图像显示不全的问题。






    解决方案:一开始,我去ScrollView和LinearLayout的onDraw方法和draw方法中查看,没有发现有什么异常,(by the way,我发现LinearLayout竟然真的能像ListView一样可以设置Divider,我之前没有发现过哟!),然后我去ImageView的onDraw方法中查看,发现有一个mDrawable,这个就是背景Drawable,还有一个mDrawMatrix,如果mDrawMatrix==null,则直接绘制mDrawable,接着我去看了一下这个mDrawMatrix是怎么赋值的。

        protected boolean setFrame(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
            boolean changed = super.setFrame(l, t, r, b);
            mHaveFrame = true;
            return changed;
        private void configureBounds() {
            if (mDrawable == null || !mHaveFrame) {
            int dwidth = mDrawableWidth;
            int dheight = mDrawableHeight;
            int vwidth = getWidth() - mPaddingLeft - mPaddingRight;
            int vheight = getHeight() - mPaddingTop - mPaddingBottom;
            boolean fits = (dwidth < 0 || vwidth == dwidth) &&
                           (dheight < 0 || vheight == dheight);
            if (dwidth <= 0 || dheight <= 0 || ScaleType.FIT_XY == mScaleType) {
                /* If the drawable has no intrinsic size, or we're told to
                    scaletofit, then we just fill our entire view.
                mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, vwidth, vheight);
                mDrawMatrix = null;
            } else {
                // We need to do the scaling ourself, so have the drawable
                // use its native size.
                mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, dwidth, dheight);
                if (ScaleType.MATRIX == mScaleType) {
                    // Use the specified matrix as-is.
                    if (mMatrix.isIdentity()) {
                        mDrawMatrix = null;
                    } else {
                        mDrawMatrix = mMatrix;
                } else if (fits) {
                    // The bitmap fits exactly, no transform needed.
                    mDrawMatrix = null;
                } else if (ScaleType.CENTER == mScaleType) {
                    // Center bitmap in view, no scaling.
                    mDrawMatrix = mMatrix;
                    mDrawMatrix.setTranslate((int) ((vwidth - dwidth) * 0.5f + 0.5f),
                                             (int) ((vheight - dheight) * 0.5f + 0.5f));
                } else if (ScaleType.CENTER_CROP == mScaleType) {
                    mDrawMatrix = mMatrix;
                    float scale;
                    float dx = 0, dy = 0;
                    if (dwidth * vheight > vwidth * dheight) {
                        scale = (float) vheight / (float) dheight; 
                        dx = (vwidth - dwidth * scale) * 0.5f;
                    } else {
                        scale = (float) vwidth / (float) dwidth;
                        dy = (vheight - dheight * scale) * 0.5f;
                    mDrawMatrix.setScale(scale, scale);
                    mDrawMatrix.postTranslate((int) (dx + 0.5f), (int) (dy + 0.5f));
                } else if (ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE == mScaleType) {
                    mDrawMatrix = mMatrix;
                    float scale;
                    float dx;
                    float dy;
                    if (dwidth <= vwidth && dheight <= vheight) {
                        scale = 1.0f;
                    } else {
                        scale = Math.min((float) vwidth / (float) dwidth,
                                (float) vheight / (float) dheight);
                    dx = (int) ((vwidth - dwidth * scale) * 0.5f + 0.5f);
                    dy = (int) ((vheight - dheight * scale) * 0.5f + 0.5f);
                    mDrawMatrix.setScale(scale, scale);
                    mDrawMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy);
                } else {
                    // Generate the required transform.
                    mTempSrc.set(0, 0, dwidth, dheight);
                    mTempDst.set(0, 0, vwidth, vheight);
                    mDrawMatrix = mMatrix;
                    mDrawMatrix.setRectToRect(mTempSrc, mTempDst, scaleTypeToScaleToFit(mScaleType));


    if (dwidth <= 0 || dheight <= 0 || ScaleType.FIT_XY == mScaleType) {
      mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, vwidth, vheight);   mDrawMatrix = null;



         * Return the visible drawing bounds of your view. Fills in the output
         * rectangle with the values from getScrollX(), getScrollY(),
         * getWidth(), and getHeight(). These bounds do not account for any
         * transformation properties currently set on the view, such as
         * {@link #setScaleX(float)} or {@link #setRotation(float)}.
         * @param outRect The (scrolled) drawing bounds of the view.
        public void getDrawingRect(Rect outRect) {
            outRect.left = mScrollX;
            outRect.top = mScrollY;
            outRect.right = mScrollX + (mRight - mLeft);
            outRect.bottom = mScrollY + (mBottom - mTop);

    这个方法返回你的视图的绘制区域的边距信息,其中有一句话(These bounds do not account for any * transformation properties currently set on the view, such as * {@link #setScaleX(float)} or {@link #setRotation(float)}.) ,意思应该是这个bounds是不会被动画所影响的。好吧。。。感觉没有头绪了啊。。。

    接着我去Google了一下:android ImageView after ScaleAnimation draw not complete


    我找到了:ImageView scale animation cropping(link:https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=20333),内容如下:

    Reported by halfs...@gmail.com, Sep 26, 2011
    I have a project that requires a fairly simple animation.
    There is a ImageView created this way:
            <ImageView android:src="@drawable/letter3" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false" android:cropToPadding="false" android:id="@+id/startmessage" android:adjustViewBounds="true" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"></ImageView>
    As I understand it wrap_content should keep the size of the view big enough to contain the image within.
    Then in code I set an image and start an animation that fades out and scales up the image:
    final ImageView v = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.startmessage);
                    v.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.letter3));
    Here is the animation code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        <alpha  android:fromAlpha = "1.0"
                android:toAlpha = "0.0"
    The problem is that when the scaling animation begins the drawing rect does not seem to change so the image is cropped when it becomes larger. The problem occurs only on android 2.3.3 I believe, on device and on emulator as well. I played around with all the scaleType settings for the imageview but it didn't fix the problem.
    Sep 26, 2011
    #1 halfs...@gmail.com
    Correction - this is how the animation is defined:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        <alpha  android:fromAlpha = "1.0"
                android:toAlpha = "0.0"
        <scale android:fromXScale="1.0"
    Sep 26, 2011
    Project Member #2 romain...@android.com
    The ImageView will be cropped by its parent. You need to disable children clipping on the parent and make the parent big enough.
    Status: Declined
    Sep 27, 2011
    #3 halfs...@gmail.com
    The parent is fullscreen and it also is set to not crop the children, also this behavior is observer only on 2.3.3, on  2.2 and lower everything is working fine.
        <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false" android:id="@+id/startlayout" android:visibility="invisible">
            <ImageView android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/letter3" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:id="@+id/startmessage"></ImageView>



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/awkflf11/p/5890390.html
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