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  • svn之svn:ignore命令行设置

    svn help 中有 propset propget propdel proplist propedit五个关于prop,也就是svn属性的设置。

    在当前的svn工作拷贝下,svn status有些文件总是提示? 很烦人,所以希望通过设置svn:ignore来避免这种无聊的提示,试了几下命令,不行,还是看看 svn help propedit吧,终于弄懂了。


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    propset (pset, ps): Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.
    usage: 1. propset PROPNAME PROPVAL PATH...
    2. propset PROPNAME --revprop -r REV PROPVAL [TARGET]

    1. Changes a versioned file or directory property in a working copy.
    2. Changes an unversioned property on a repository revision.
    (TARGET only determines which repository to access.)

    The value may be provided with the --file option instead of PROPVAL.

    Note: svn recognizes the following special versioned properties
    but will store any arbitrary properties set:
    svn:ignore - A newline separated list of file glob patterns to ignore.
    svn:keywords - Keywords to be expanded. Valid keywords are:
    URL, HeadURL - The URL for the head version of the object.
    Author, LastChangedBy - The last person to modify the file.
    Date, LastChangedDate - The date/time the object was last modified.
    Rev, Revision, - The last revision the object changed.
    Id - A compressed summary of the previous
    4 keywords.
    Header - Similar to Id but includes the full URL.
    svn:executable - If present, make the file executable. Use
    'svn propdel svn:executable PATH...' to clear.
    svn:eol-style - One of 'native', 'LF', 'CR', 'CRLF'.
    svn:mime-type - The mimetype of the file. Used to determine
    whether to merge the file, and how to serve it from Apache.
    A mimetype beginning with 'text/' (or an absent mimetype) is
    treated as text. Anything else is treated as binary.
    svn:externals - A newline separated list of module specifiers,
    each of which consists of a URL and a relative directory path,
    similar to the syntax of the 'svn checkout' command:
    http://example.com/repos/zig foo/bar
    A revision to check out can optionally be specified to pin the
    external to a known revision:
    -r25 http://example.com/repos/zig foo/bar
    To unambiguously identify an element at a path which has been
    deleted (possibly even deleted multiple times in its history),
    an optional peg revision can be appended to the URL:
    -r25 http://example.com/repos/zig@42 foo/bar
    Relative URLs are indicated by starting the URL with one
    of the following strings:
    ../ to the parent directory of the extracted external
    ^/ to the repository root
    // to the scheme
    / to the server root
    The ambiguous format 'relative_path relative_path' is taken as
    'relative_url relative_path' with peg revision support.
    Lines in externals definitions starting with the '#' character
    are considered comments and are ignored.
    Subversion 1.4 and earlier only support the following formats
    where peg revisions can only be specified using a -r modifier
    and where URLs cannot be relative:
    foo http://example.com/repos/zig
    foo/bar -r 1234 http://example.com/repos/zag
    Use of these formats is discouraged. They should only be used if
    interoperability with 1.4 clients is desired.
    svn:needs-lock - If present, indicates that the file should be locked
    before it is modified. Makes the working copy file read-only
    when it is not locked. Use 'svn propdel svn:needs-lock PATH...'
    to clear.

    The svn:keywords, svn:executable, svn:eol-style, svn:mime-type and
    svn:needs-lock properties cannot be set on a directory. A non-recursive
    attempt will fail, and a recursive attempt will set the property
    only on the file children of the directory.

    -F [--file] ARG : 从文件 ARG 读取属性值
    --encoding ARG : 将ARG的值视为字符编码
    -q [--quiet] : 不打印信息,或只打印概要信息
    -r [--revision] ARG : ARG (一些命令也接受ARG1:ARG2范围)
    NUMBER 版本号
    '{' DATE '}' 在指定时间以后的版本
    'HEAD' 版本库中的最新版本
    'BASE' 工作副本的基线版本
    'COMMITTED' 最后提交或基线之前
    --targets ARG : 传递文件 ARG 内容为附件参数
    -R [--recursive] : 向下递归,与 --depth=infinity 相同
    --depth ARG : 限制操作深度是 ARG ('empty', 'files',
    'immediates', 或 'infinity')
    --revprop : 在版本属性上操作(使用-r参数)
    --force : 强制操作运行
    --changelist [--cl] ARG : 只能对修改列表 ARG 的成员操作

    --username ARG : 指定用户名称 ARG
    --password ARG : 指定密码 ARG
    --no-auth-cache : 不要缓存用户认证令牌
    --non-interactive : 不要交互提示
    --trust-server-cert : accept SSL server certificates from unknown
    certificate authorities without prompting (but only
    with '--non-interactive')
    --config-dir ARG : 从目录 ARG 读取用户配置文件
    --config-option ARG : 以下属格式设置用户配置选项:
    ayanmw@ayanmw-desktop:/data/gps-svn/trunk/GPSServer$ svn propset  svn:ignore "*.class
    " .
    设置属性 “svn:ignore” 于 “.”

    ayanmw@ayanmw-desktop:/data/gps-svn/trunk/GPSServer$ svn plist
    “.” 上的属性:

    ayanmw@ayanmw-desktop:/data/gps-svn/trunk/GPSServer$ svn pget svn:ignore

    开始我自己尝试的时候 由于没有加上路径. 以为默认会有这个呢。。总提示错误,也不提示具体错误,直接让看help。后来加了. 路径 就OK了!


    转载请注明出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/ayanmw 多谢


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