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  • join 使用详解方式

    join 方式
    (1) cross join
          select au_lname ,title
          from authors cross join  titiles

         outer  join 对参与join的两个表有主从之分,处理方式以主表的每条数据去match 从属表的列,合乎条件的数据是我们所要的答案,不合乎条件的也是我们要的答案,只不过哪些从属表选取的列将被添上null。
    (2) left join
         select a.cust_id ,b.order_date,b.tot_ant
         from customer a left join sales b
         on (a.cust_id =b.cust_id and b.order_date>''1996/10/15'')
         select a.cust_id,b.order_date,b.tot_ant
         from custom a
         left join (select * from sales where order_date>''1996/10/15'') b
        on a.cust_id =b.cust_id  
    (3) right join
    (4) self join
         self join 常用在同一表内不同数据间对同一列的比较
        select a.emp_no,a.emp_name,b.emp_no,b.emp_name,a.date_hired
        from employee a
        join employee b
        on (a.emp_no!=b.emp_no and a.date_hired=b.date_hired)
        order by a.date_hired
       这样会重复数据,只要加上一句 and a.emp_name>b.emp_name
    (5) full join
        select a.cust_id,b.tot_amt
        from customer a full join sales b
        on a.cust_id=b.cust_id
     id   ic  name  amount
          I    *        *
        ic  name  amount  ic   name  amount
        i                         c
        i                         c
      select aaa.*,bbb.*
      from ( select (select count(id) from  aa as  b where (b.id<a.id) and (ic=''i'')) as     newid, * from aa a where ic=''i'') aaa
      full join
       (select (select count(id) from aa as b where b.id<a.id and ic=''c'') as newid,* from
     aa a where ic=''c'') bbb
    on aaa.newid=bbb.newid
    order by aaa.name
    6.使用 HASH 和 MERGE 联接提示
    此示例在 authors、titleauthors 和 titles 表之间建立三表联接,以生成一个作者及其著作的列表。查询优化器使用 MERGE 联接将 authors 和 titleauthors (A x TA) 联接在一起。然后,将 authors 和 titleauthors MERGE 联接 (A x TA) 的结果与 titles 表进行 HASH 联结以生成 (A x TA) x T。

    重要  指定联接提示后,要执行 INNER JOIN 时 INNER 关键字不再为可选,而必须显式说明。

    USE pubs
    SELECT SUBSTRING((RTRIM(a.au_fname) + '' '' + LTRIM(a.au_lname)), 1, 25)
       AS Name, SUBSTRING(t.title, 1, 20) AS Title
    FROM authors a INNER MERGE JOIN titleauthor ta
       ON a.au_id = ta.au_id INNER HASH JOIN titles t
       ON t.title_id = ta.title_id
    ORDER BY au_lname ASC, au_fname ASC


    Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
    Name                      Title               
    ------------------------- --------------------
    Abraham Bennet            The Busy Executive''s
    Reginald Blotchet-Halls   Fifty Years in Bucki
    Cheryl Carson             But Is It User Frien
    Michel DeFrance           The Gourmet Microwav
    Innes del Castillo        Silicon Valley Gastr
    ...                    ...
    Johnson White             Prolonged Data Depri
    Akiko Yokomoto            Sushi, Anyone?      

    (25 row(s) affected)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/azhai/p/307054.html
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