function MySocket(path){ this.path=path var that=this this.timer=null this.tout=null this.init=function() { if (typeof(WebSocket) === "undefined") { alert("您的浏览器不支持socket") } else { // 实例化socket this.socket = new WebSocket(this.path) // 监听socket连接 this.socket.onopen = // 监听socket错误信息 this.socket.onerror = this.error // 监听socket消息 this.socket.onmessage = this.getMessage this.socket.onclose = this.close let this_socket=this.socket try{ clearInterval(that.timer) }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } that.timer=setInterval(function(){ this_socket.send(1) },10000) } // console.log(this.socket) } { console.log("socket连接成功") } this.error=function() { try{ clearInterval(that.timer) clearTimeout(that.tout) }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } console.log("连接错误,正在重连") that.tout=setTimeout(function(){ that.init() },3000) // this.init() // this.socket = new WebSocket(this.path) } this.getMessage=function(msg) { console.log(msg) } this.send=function(params) { } this.close=function(evt) { // 重连 try{ clearInterval(that.timer) clearTimeout(that.tout) }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } console.log("连接错误,正在重连") that.tout=setTimeout(function(){ that.init() },3000) // console.log(evt.code) // console.log(this.socket) } }
var socket1=new MySocket('path') socket1.init()