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  • js实现可配置参数的轮播图



           对setTimeout 或setInterval 函数队列里事件的清除

      1 var show = document.getElementById("show");
      2 var pic = show.getElementsByTagName('img');
      3 var timer;
      4 var start_index;
      5 var listli = [], lista = [], i;
      6 addEvent(window, "load", function(){
      7     //主调用
      8     roundShow(1, 1, 2000);
      9     //设置轮播参数,direction == 1 为正向,isloop == 1 为循环;
     10     function roundShow(direction, isloop, interval){
     11         //添加id与style.left并初始化;
     12         (function(){
     13             for(var k=0; k<pic.length; k++){
     14                 pic[k].setAttribute("id", "pic"+k);
     15                 pic[k].setAttribute("style", "left:"+800+"px; background-color:");                    
     16             }
     17         })();
     19         //生成对应图片的小点
     20         (function createPointer(){
     21             var list = document.createElement("ul");
     22             list.setAttribute("id", "round_list");
     23             document.getElementById("show").appendChild(list);
     24             for(var i=0; i<pic.length; i++){
     25                 listli[i] = document.createElement("li");
     26                 list.appendChild(listli[i]); 
     27                 lista[i] = document.createElement("a");
     28                 lista[i].setAttribute("id", "point"+i);
     29                 listli[i].appendChild(lista[i]);
     30             }
     31             //添加样式
     32             var style = document.createElement("style");
     33             style.type = "text/css";
     34             var text = "#round_list{position: absolute;bottom: 5px;right: 10px;}#round_list li{display: inline-block;} #round_list a{ 10px;height: 10px;display: inline-block;border: 1px solid white;border-radius: 100%;margin-left:5px;}";
     35             try{
     36                 style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
     37             }
     38             catch(ex){
     39                 style.styleSheet.cssText = text;
     40             }
     41             var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
     42             head[0].appendChild(style);
     44             //添加鼠标滑过小点时的动作
     45             for(i=0; i<pic.length; i++){
     46                 lista[i].onmouseover = function(){
     47                     clearInterval(timer);
     48                     //把清除movement时截停的图片挪一边去
     49                     for(var j=0; j<pic.length; j++){
     50                         pic[j].style.left = 800+"px";
     51                     }
     52                     //再把当前的挪过来                    
     53                     pic[start_index].style.left = 0;    
     54                     //确定图片滑动方向
     55                     var toindex = lista.indexOf(this);
     56                     if(toindex > start_index){
     57                         pic[toindex].style.left = 800+"px";
     58                         movePic("pic"+start_index, "pic"+toindex, 1);
     59                     }
     60                     if(toindex < start_index){
     61                         pic[toindex].style.left = -800+"px";
     62                         movePic("pic"+start_index, "pic"+lista.indexOf(this), 0);
     63                     }                                    
     64                     start_index = lista.indexOf(this);
     65                 }
     66                 lista[i].onmouseout = function(){
     67                     clearInterval(timer);
     68                     timer = setInterval("roundPic("+direction+", "+isloop+")", interval);
     69                 }
     70             }        
     71         })();
     72         //按配置参数进行初始化
     73         if(direction){
     74             start_index = 0;
     75         }
     76         else{
     77             start_index = pic.length-1;
     78         }
     79         pic[start_index].style.left = 0;
     80         lista[start_index].setAttribute("style", "background-color:white;");//首图片小点点亮
     81         timer = setInterval("roundPic("+direction+", "+isloop+")", interval);
     82     }
     83 });
     85 //图片滑动动画
     86 function movePic(nowid, nextid, direction){
     87     //开始移动,将当前的小圆点灭掉
     88     //lista[parseInt(nowid.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""))].setAttribute("style","");
     89     lista[parseInt(nowid.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""))].style.backgroundColor = "";
     90 console.log(lista[parseInt(nowid.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""))].style);
     91     now = document.getElementById(nowid+"");            
     92     next = document.getElementById(nextid+"");
     93     //为防止频繁快速调用(如鼠标很快的移动)造成的拉扯,所以每次都将积累在setTimeout队列中的事件清除;
     94     if(pic.movement){
     95         clearTimeout(pic.movement);
     96     }                
     97     var nowleft = parseInt(now.style.left);
     98     var nextleft = parseInt(next.style.left);
     99     var dist = 0;
    100     if(direction){
    101         var nowtoleft = -800;
    102     }
    103     else{
    104         var nowtoleft = 800;
    105     }
    106     if(nowleft == nowtoleft){
    107         //移动完成,将新的小圆点点亮
    108         //lista[parseInt(nextid.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""))].setAttribute("style", "background-color:white");
    109         lista[parseInt(nextid.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ""))].style.backgroundColor = "white";    
    110         return true;
    111     }
    112     else if(nowleft > nowtoleft){
    113         dist = Math.ceil((nowleft - nowtoleft)/20);//变速运动
    114         nowleft -= dist;
    115         nextleft -= dist;
    116     }
    117     else{
    118         dist = Math.ceil((nowtoleft - nowleft)/20);//变速运动
    119         nowleft += dist;
    120         nextleft += dist;
    121     }
    122     now.style.left = nowleft+'px';
    123     next.style.left = nextleft+'px';
    124     var repeat = "movePic('"+nowid+"','"+nextid+"',"+direction+")";    
    125     //movement设置成全局变量会造成上面开始那里“没有设置就清除”的错误;若设置成局部变量,
    126     //则局部变量在clearTimeout函数的上下文里不存在,使其不能正常工作;
    127     //所以设置成一个变量的属性;        
    128     pic.movement = this.setTimeout(repeat, 1);
    129 }
    131 //按设置顺序轮播图片
    132 function roundPic(direction, isloop){
    133     //debug:如果在不循环且当前为最末index的情况下调用roundPic();
    134     if(!isloop && (direction && start_index == pic.length-1) || (!direction && start_index == 0)){
    135         pic[start_index].style.left = 0;
    136         clearInterval(timer);
    137         return;
    138     }
    139     if(direction){
    140         if(isloop){
    141             if(start_index == pic.length){
    142                 start_index = 0;    
    143             }
    144             nextid = "pic"+(start_index+1);
    145             if(start_index == pic.length-1){
    146                 nextid = "pic"+0;
    147             }
    148         }
    149         if(!isloop){
    150             if(start_index < pic.length-1){
    151                 nextid = "pic"+(start_index+1);
    152             }
    153             if(start_index == pic.length-2){
    154                 clearInterval(timer);
    155             }
    156         }
    157         startid = "pic"+start_index;
    158         document.getElementById(startid).style.left = 0;
    159         document.getElementById(nextid).style.left = 800+"px";        
    160         movePic(startid, nextid, direction);
    161         start_index++;
    162     }
    163     else{
    165         if(isloop){
    166             if(start_index == -1){
    167                 start_index = pic.length-1;    
    168             }
    169             nextid = "pic"+(start_index-1);
    170             if(start_index == 0){
    171                 nextid = "pic"+(pic.length-1);
    172             }
    173         }
    174         if(!isloop){
    175             if(start_index > 0){
    176                 nextid = "pic"+(start_index-1);
    177             }
    178             if(start_index == 1){
    179                 clearInterval(timer);
    180             }
    181         }
    182         startid = "pic"+start_index;
    183         document.getElementById(startid).style.left = 0;
    184         document.getElementById(nextid).style.left = -800+"px";        
    185         movePic(startid, nextid, direction);
    186         start_index--;
    187     }
    188 }


     1 // 给一个element绑定一个针对event事件的响应,响应函数为listener
     2 function addEvent(element, event, listener) {
     3     if(element.addEventListener){
     4         element.addEventListener(event, listener, false)
     5     }
     6     else if(element.attachEvent){
     7         element.attachEvent('on'+event, listener)
     8     }
     9     else{
    10         element['on'+event] = listener;
    11     }
    12 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/babywhale/p/4603427.html
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